Thomas, please see my reply to Eric. All I'll add is that most repositories are 
 up and paid for, but empty. It's not money they need, it's mandates.


On 2012-06-20, at 11:06 AM, Thomas Krichel wrote:

>  Stevan Harnad writes
>> And if the institution's users need access to a journal article from
>> another institution, today, they should eat cake?
>  No. They should send an email to the authors and ask for a copy. If
>  the authors don't respond, then just don't read that papers and
>  don't cite that paper.  There are other papers to read.
>> And maybe instead of spending money "building" the institutional
>> repository, institutions should mandate filling it?
>  Mandates are useful but incentives can help too. Just spend some of
>  the money saved on subscription and faculty travel to conference,
>  but make that support conditional on papers appearing in the IR.
>> Perhaps the subscription cancelling can be saved for when 100% of
>> all institutions' articles have been deposited and are accessible to
>> all users as Green OA?
>  No. You have to realise building institutional repository is
>  expensive. It has to be funded centrally. So where is the money
>  coming from? To understand this you have to take a broader look at
>  the rationale for research.
>  Research in universities is conducted to raise awareness of the
>  university's work. It is not individually rational for an individual
>  to purchase access to papers produced by other universities. Such
>  purchases subsidise attention to research conducted at other
>  universities. If these other universities want to advertise
>  themselves, let them do it through their repositories.
>  Of course it also collectively irrational for the whole university
>  sector to buy back its output that it has given away for free. That
>  irrationality is well understood.  The individual irrationality of
>  subscription is less well understood, as Stevan's accusation of
>  humbug demonstrates.
>  Cheers,
>  Thomas Krichel          
>                                               skype: thomaskrichel
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