Stevan explains the influence of the Wellcome upon OA policy very well. The 
Wellcome did an excellent job in making publications from its own researchers 
OA, but the mistake came when they supported the application of their own 
policies to taxpayer-funded research. They were over-influenced by publishers, 
who of course stood to benefit considerably from the extension of Wellcome's 
largesse by the taxpayer.

Fred Friend
From: Stevan Harnad <>
Sent: 10 September 2013 16:29:35
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
Subject: [sparc-oaforum] Some Reflection from Wellcome Would Be Welcome

It's time for the Wellcome Trust to think more deeply about its endlessly 
repeated mantra that the "cost of publication is part of the cost of funding 

The statement is true enough, but profoundly incomplete: As a private 
foundation, Wellcome only funds researchers' research. It does not have to fund 
their institutional journal subscriptions, which are currently paying the costs 
of publication for all non-OA research. And without access to those 
subscription journals, researchers would lose access to everything that is not 
yet Open Access (OA) -- which means access to most of currently published 
research. Moreover, if those subscriptions stopped being paid, no one would be 
paying the costs of publication.

In the UK, it is the tax-payer who pays the costs of publication (which is 
"part of the cost of funding research"), by paying the cost of journal access 
via institutional subscriptions. It is fine to wish that to be otherwise, but 
it cannot just be wished away, and Wellcome has never had to worry about paying 
for it.

The Wellcome slogan and solution -- the "cost of publication is part of the 
cost of funding research," so pay pre-emptively for Gold OA -- works for 
Wellcome, and as a wish list. But it is not a formula for getting us all from 
here (c. 30% OA, mostly Green) to there (100% OA). It does not scale up from 
Wellcome to the UK, let alone to the rest of the world. What scales up is 
mandating Green OA. Once Green OA reaches 100%, journals can be cancelled, 
forcing them to downsize and convert to Fair Gold, single-paid at an 
affordable, sustianable price, instead of double-paid pre-emptively at today's 
arbitrarily inflated Fools-Gold price.

Hence it is exceedingly bad advice on Wellcome's part, to urge the UK, that 
because the "cost of publication is part of the cost of funding research," the 
UK should double-pay (subscriptions + Gold OA) for what Wellcome itself only 
needs to single-pay. (And this is without even getting into the sticky question 
of overpricing and double-dipping.)

Wellcome took a bold and pioneering step in 
2004<> in 
mandating OA.

But in since cleaving unreflectively to pre-emptive payment for Gold OA as the 
preferred means of providing OA -- because Wellcome does not have to pay for 
subscriptions -- the net effect of the Wellcome pioneering intiative is now 
beginning to turn negative rather than positive.

I hope the BIS 
 will encourage Wellcome to re-think the rigid route that it has been promoting 
for a decade, culminating in the Finch Fiasco.

Stevan Harnad

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