We have tried an experiment in bimodal publishing, sending a narrative to a 
conventional publisher and the associated data to a data publisher.  The latter 
can then be transcluded into the former, but both have  individual doi 
assignments and can be treated quite separately.

Finding the debate about whether the combined  narrative+data entity is open or 
closed, Green or Gold, actually quite sterile, I tried this different approach 
to see how it is received, and to try to break away from the previous 

You can see it in action  (GOLD!)  at 
  (or, if you prefer, the narrative only, NOT GOLD,  at 
http://doi.org/10.1038/nchem.1751 ). 

I might mention that we are encouraging the  "golden moment",  at which data 
has been created/captured  and understood by a  PhD student, to correspond to 
the data deposition (+time stamp). This can be embargoed as needed, or not.  
This means getting the students hearts and minds engaged early on.

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