--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must disagree with Mario's observation of my
> ability. I have no claim to any fame (intellectual)
> except I once was falsely accused of being
> good-looking at the Anjuna night flea market. Later
> I found out the person was visually-challenged and 
> the darkness may have had something to do with
> it.  Also some adulterated feni.
Mario apologises:
George, based on your personal testimony, please
accept my sincere apologies for mistaking you for an
intellectual :-))  I should have figured that out on
my own from your commentary, and vow to be more astute
in future :-))  Regarding your homely looks, I will
leave that up to the homosexuals from Portugal and
Angola whose activities you recently outlined for us,
or any others that may be lurking on Goanet :-))
George writes:
> As to left-wing/right-wing that is for birds and
> airplanes.  
Mario replies:
I was really referring to the political wings, but it
is quite customary these days for political
left-wingers to try and cover-up that fact.

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