--- Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This interesting and scholarly article appeared in
> The Hindu today under the title 'Imperial 
> apologists peddle poisonous fairytale' by
> Priyamvada Gopal.
> Excerpts:
> A wilful ignorance of other people's cultures and
> histories encourages the notion that freedom, 
> democracy and tolerance are intrinsically
> Western. As Professor Amartya Sen has argued, the
> subcontinent has long been home to traditions of 
> free-thinking and debate. Participatory governance 
> was not Britain's gift (recall Gandhi's
> indigenous village republics), even if parliamentary
> democracy as an institutional form was adopted in 
> some ex-colonies.  Free trade is another mythical 
> Western contribution to world history. Amitav Ghosh
> has reconstructed the forgotten history of a vibrant
> trade culture between medieval India and Africa. 
Mario observes:
Radha's "scholarly" sources are absolutely correct and
I have to commend tham for their fair and balanced use
of evidence.
As the histories of feudal Japan, China and
pre-colonial India prove, freedom, democracy and
tolerance are intrinsically Eastern, as is free
thinking, open debate and participatory government -
except for the peasants, women and untouchables.  And
it was the Eastern democracies that developed written
constitutions and Bills of Rights to protect  even the
smallest minority among them - other than the
aforementioned peasants, women and untouchables.
No doubt that free trade occurred way before Adam
Smith and the Western economists, who actually copied
their principles of free trade from the East.
Let's not forget to thank the West, particularly the
Great Satan, later re-incarnated as George W. Bush in
1946, for inventing  totaliarianism and socialism that
was then imposed on the old Czarist Russia, and feudal
India and China for low those many wasted decades.  
The Czars in Russia, Rajahs in India and feudal chiefs
in China were the epitome of freedom and democracy.
Radha's sources continue:
> Indeed, one legacy of European colonialism that we
> all reckon with is the self-fulfilling prophecy of 
> the "clash of civilisations." The claim that east 
> and west are bound to come into conflict is merely 
> an extension of imperial practice which found it 
> useful to seal off porous cultures into fixed 
> categories. This tragic "lie of the
> colonial situation," as Frantz Fanon called it,
> rebounds on us tragically in the terror unleashed 
> in the name of Islam and George W. Bush's "war on 
> terror." If we are to undo the destructive legacies 
> of empire, it won't do to invest celebratory
> falsifications with credibility. To make sense of a 
> shared present and look towards a more humane 
> future, we need to start with a little informed 
> honesty about the past.
Mario observes:
More brilliant insights from Radha's schorlarly
sources.  One can almost hear the music in the
The Mahabharat describes a period of milk and honey,
peace and prosperity.  Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan,
Kublai Khan, Persian Empire and Mughal Empire all
reigned over periods of global peace and prosperity
for all, where everyone treated the lowest of the low
with the utmost dignity and respect - except for the
peasants, women and untouchables.  Temples and mosques
were built side by side, sometimes one on top of each
other:-)) No one needed Golden Rules to guide them. 
Those were the days.
Then came the European colonists and the clash of
civilizations that the East has  never recovered
The colonists are gone some generations ago, but their
"destructive legacies of empire" remain because they
destroyed forever the ability of the former colonies
to think straight.  Destroyed forever was all the
intrinsic Eastern freedom and democracy, the free
speech and open debate - except for the peasants,
women and untouchables - all that vibrant free trade
that was the hallmark of the advanced Eastern
The brains of the East had been fried beyond repair by
the colonists - except for wise sages that survived
the intellectual onslaught, like Priyamvada Gopal,
Amartya Sen, Amitabh Ghosh and Frantz Fanon [Frantz
Fanon?  What's HE doing in this crowd?  A guilt
complex perhaps?] who remember how it used to be, but
cannot ever be again, thanks to the Western colonists.
Of course, no ode to the wise and benevolent, and now
downtrodden, East can be complete without mentioning
the Great Satan, George W. Bush, re-incarnated in
human form in 1946.  Like those other evil white men,
Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry
Truman before him, this evil imperialist has once
again unleashed the dogs of war and of terror, which,
under the benign leadership of Osama and Saddam, were
sleeping peacefully with real live virgins by their
side, until this human devil showed up to disturb the
peace and quiet of the world.

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