re This from me:

Dear Elizabeth,

What's with these "men" and their chauvinistic views?

It is the women who cannot do this or that.

It is the women who MUST bring dowry .....and more dowry (or get burnt) etc 

Fred Noronha retorted:

< It is also very easy to mock the GENDER PRACTICES of other communities 
(and assume that WE are doing great ourselves on this front!). >


jc's response:

Direct or Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia apart, May I ask Fred Noronha 
(respectfully of course) which community it is that WE belong to:

1. which does NOT have these "men" and their chauvinistic views

2. wherein it is that women who cannot do this or that

3. wherein women MUST NOT bring dowry.

So ....WHO exactly has been Mocked, Fred Noronha?

Fred's highly defensive assumption about my alleged assumption having been 
noted and discarded, I am absolutely certain that it is VERY Appropriate to 
MOCK ...even severely, ANY Community which supports

1. Dowry Burning

2. Sati

3. Devadasism

This I'd say whether Fred Noronha agrees with me or not.

Have a pleasant weekend ....all


BTW: Is GENDER PRACTICES the politically correct way of saying 'GENDER based 

We are NOT supporting 'GENDER based DISCRIMINATION' ..... I trust!

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