Not necessary. I find the commentary sound but bit off-the-point in some
places. One must know the history of the Ranes of Sattari to fully
understand the context of the writer of the piece on Rane Sr.  He's isn't
just the one who has dirty hands but  almost all of them. Corruption is
rampant in Indian politics, and why should Goa be an exception? A wide
broom is needed to clean the mess, yeah, a BIG toilet-brush to clean the
filth, the shit that's left on the Indian political landscape.
Therefore, there's an urgent need to find a cleaner who can clean India's
political toilets. Is there such a man in Indian politics?


On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:11 PM Roland Francis <>

> I can’t vouch for this litany, but it needs to be in the wind.
> Quote
> The family lineage of Pratap is linked to marauders, looters and thieves
> who used to plunder the population of Goa, take women captive and even loot
> temples. They became vassals of the Portuguese, swore allegiance to
> colonial masters and paid taxes to them collected from Goan serfs.
> By chance was made a MLA and Minister by Bandodkar, but betrayed the MGP
> and was among the first defectors to join Congress. Was lucky to be picked
> by AN Naik and made a compromise CM due to crab fights between Naik and
> Willy.
> As long reigning CM did nothing for Goa, but built a dam near his
> property, cultivated farms, became a rich farmer and exported vegetables
> and milk to Maharastra, earning in lakhs in 50 years ago rupees. Only
> contribution to Goa was Kadamba Transport.
> Had lived on Government largesse right from 1972. Does not carry money
> since doors open to him in hotels, restaurants, bookshops and elsewhere.
> One case of corruption was filed against him by Dubhashi, not seen to be
> corrupt but allowed his ministers to loot and allowed the culture of
> corruption to destroy Goa. His only interest was his chair.
> Though he speaks in Konkani, he cannot take off the tag of being
> ANTI-GOAN. He never took oath in Konkani but only English or Hindi. He
> allowed Goa to burn during the Language agitation and refused to grant
> Official Status to Konkani and parked himself in Delhi, such that Rajiv
> Gandhi had to chase him and tell him to go to Goa and solve the Language
> Tangle. The Language Bill was pushed by Rajiv Gandhi.
> Who elected Pratap as leader? he himself? or the people? How did he become
> CM on his own or due to support from people of different communities.
> The current “toilet-cleaner” remarks are not only anti-Goan but also
> communal. While some Goans possibly do menial jobs, his feudal mentality
> has blinded him to the present PM of Portugal being Goan by origin; the
> long serving MP of UK being Goan by ancestry adding to a list of many MPs
> and people of authority in UK, Portugal and other countries in Europe,
> America, Australia and Africa.
> Why has Pratap not left Goa and why is he a slave of the BJP?
> Pratap still holds the colonial Portuguese ‘Mokasdari’ fiefdoms in
> Sattari, where the people living on the land are his slaves. They do not
> have tenancy rights and hence Pratap has camped here so that no CM extends
> tenancy rights to Sattari. (Sanvordem, Keri, Poriem, Saleli, Advoi are the
> villages in Sattari where the Mokasdari system of land tenure exists since
> the Portuguese regime. Rane and Desai families in Sattari are the title
> holders to fiefdoms granted to them by the old rulers as a reward for
> military services rendered by their ancestors.This is also the case in
> Pernem). He is aware that the BJP ringmaster knows this, hence he is
> mortally scared of the BJP. Besides  now of course his son has joined BJP
> to evade the Sex Scandal near Dhempe college, the whip of this case is
> still with ringmaster; and to evade his many scams of the past as minister.
> Lastly, after 46 years as MLA, what is Pratap's contribution to Goa.
> Nothing! He has been a selfish politician, not known to help the poor and
> needy like Bandodkar did. Looked after family and his property. He is the
> oldest serving politician and still craves to be CM. Is there no retirement
> age for this anti-Goan, feudal, communal, lucky, opportunist?
> Roland.

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