All this snafu over "toilets" is pissing me off 😠👿.
Somebody on FB said, Rane should know that in England the word used is
"Washroom" or "Restroom." I think, washroom is because the room has a
wash-basin for washing hands after the use of toilet-paper. in most men's
washrooms have urinals. Restrooms are largely spacious rooms for
relaxation, and may or may not have toilets.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 4:01 PM Eugene Correia <>

> Not necessary. I find the commentary sound but bit off-the-point in some
> places. One must know the history of the Ranes of Sattari to fully
> understand the context of the writer of the piece on Rane Sr.  He's isn't
> just the one who has dirty hands but  almost all of them. Corruption is
> rampant in Indian politics, and why should Goa be an exception? A wide
> broom is needed to clean the mess, yeah, a BIG toilet-brush to clean the
> filth, the shit that's left on the Indian political landscape.
> Therefore, there's an urgent need to find a cleaner who can clean India's
> political toilets. Is there such a man in Indian politics?
> Eugene
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:11 PM Roland Francis <>
> wrote:
>> I can’t vouch for this litany, but it needs to be in the wind.
>> Quote
>> The family lineage of Pratap is linked to marauders, looters and thieves
>> who used to plunder the population of Goa, take women captive and even loot
>> temples. They became vassals of the Portuguese, swore allegiance to
>> colonial masters and paid taxes to them collected from Goan serfs.
>> By chance was made a MLA and Minister by Bandodkar, but betrayed the MGP
>> and was among the first defectors to join Congress. Was lucky to be picked
>> by AN Naik and made a compromise CM due to crab fights between Naik and
>> Willy.
>> As long reigning CM did nothing for Goa, but built a dam near his
>> property, cultivated farms, became a rich farmer and exported vegetables
>> and milk to Maharastra, earning in lakhs in 50 years ago rupees. Only
>> contribution to Goa was Kadamba Transport.
>> Had lived on Government largesse right from 1972. Does not carry money
>> since doors open to him in hotels, restaurants, bookshops and elsewhere.
>> One case of corruption was filed against him by Dubhashi, not seen to be
>> corrupt but allowed his ministers to loot and allowed the culture of
>> corruption to destroy Goa. His only interest was his chair.
>> Though he speaks in Konkani, he cannot take off the tag of being
>> ANTI-GOAN. He never took oath in Konkani but only English or Hindi. He
>> allowed Goa to burn during the Language agitation and refused to grant
>> Official Status to Konkani and parked himself in Delhi, such that Rajiv
>> Gandhi had to chase him and tell him to go to Goa and solve the Language
>> Tangle. The Language Bill was pushed by Rajiv Gandhi.
>> Who elected Pratap as leader? he himself? or the people? How did he
>> become CM on his own or due to support from people of different
>> communities.
>> The current “toilet-cleaner” remarks are not only anti-Goan but also
>> communal. While some Goans possibly do menial jobs, his feudal mentality
>> has blinded him to the present PM of Portugal being Goan by origin; the
>> long serving MP of UK being Goan by ancestry adding to a list of many MPs
>> and people of authority in UK, Portugal and other countries in Europe,
>> America, Australia and Africa.
>> Why has Pratap not left Goa and why is he a slave of the BJP?
>> Pratap still holds the colonial Portuguese ‘Mokasdari’ fiefdoms in
>> Sattari, where the people living on the land are his slaves. They do not
>> have tenancy rights and hence Pratap has camped here so that no CM extends
>> tenancy rights to Sattari. (Sanvordem, Keri, Poriem, Saleli, Advoi are the
>> villages in Sattari where the Mokasdari system of land tenure exists since
>> the Portuguese regime. Rane and Desai families in Sattari are the title
>> holders to fiefdoms granted to them by the old rulers as a reward for
>> military services rendered by their ancestors.This is also the case in
>> Pernem). He is aware that the BJP ringmaster knows this, hence he is
>> mortally scared of the BJP. Besides  now of course his son has joined BJP
>> to evade the Sex Scandal near Dhempe college, the whip of this case is
>> still with ringmaster; and to evade his many scams of the past as minister.
>> Lastly, after 46 years as MLA, what is Pratap's contribution to Goa.
>> Nothing! He has been a selfish politician, not known to help the poor and
>> needy like Bandodkar did. Looked after family and his property. He is the
>> oldest serving politician and still craves to be CM. Is there no retirement
>> age for this anti-Goan, feudal, communal, lucky, opportunist?
>> Roland.

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