                    **** http://www.GOANET.org ****
                      5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
               Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

                            16-18, May 2008


--- Mario Goveia <mgoveia at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I must commend Wendell Rodricks for this heartfelt
> and constructive appeal for action at the village 
> and Panchayat level.  This is in stark contrast with
> some armchair critics on Goanet who have demonized 
> the Panchayats and their leaders as corrupt 
Carvalho elisabeth_car at yahoo.com
Sat May 17 04:01:21 PDT 2008
This post of yours is comical, considering that Gadgil
in his post today tells us of corrupt panchayats. Here
is his exact quote:
"by what right is the Panchayat giving NOCs
unilaterally? Why are Panchayats in such a
tearing hurry to give NOCs without proper procedures?"
Mario responds:
You have obviously not read or understood Wendell
Rodrick's article, where he puts Panchayats squarely
in the middle of controlling the village environment,
and describes his personal experience in their
accessibility and responsiveness.
When a villager can stroll over and have a cup of chai
with his fellow-villager, the Sarpanch, or kick his
backside if necessary, that is a lot more effective
than trying to influence Digambar Kamath or his
cronies who are far less accessible.
What I find really comical is that a) Gadgil has your
number when he says, "Selma, you have introduced red
herrings like whether Gram Sabha permission is
required before a pipeline is laid. Nobody has raised
issues about such things.", and b) your support for
the status quo that has created the mess in Goa in the
first place.
Selma writes:
This is a bit embarrassing for you eh? Guess it was
bound to happen when you rely entirely on second-hand
hearsay. As we say in shasti konkani, "noz besti".
Mario responds:
Not at all.  Wendell Rodrick's account was a personal,
first-hand account, not second hand hearsay.  Hearsay
is what you have engaged in with your unrecognizable
red herrings, as Gadgil rightly pointed out.

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