----- Original Message ----- 
From: soter 
To: Herald Editor 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: Letter To Editor

This is in response to the views expressed under the caption "Is the BJP doing 
well?" (Herald 24 / 9 / 08) by Dr. Francisco Colaco from Margao refering to my 
letter published in the Herald. 
Firstly, a respected figure like Dr. Francisco Colaco would do well in not 
being a spokesperson for those liberal Hindu's, whom he has alleged I was 
refering to in my letter out of my dislike for them, and permit them to speak 
for themselves. 
Secondly, if there were anti-communalism stalwarts who years ago have 
single-handedly fought the virus and have pages written in gold about their 
struggle, then how is it that the glitter of their gold is not seen when it is 
needed the most? Do they need ready made platforms and select audiences to 
manifest their heroics?
Thirdly, the respected Dr. Colaco is well within his rights to conveniently 
choose to infer that I have supposedly been filled with admiration and a sense 
of lull and false security over BJP's statement which according to him is meant 
to throw dust in people's eyes. Similarly, I also have my reasons to be 
apprehensive about the golden dust flying around under the guise of 
anti-communalism rhetoric. Communalism is not only about religious hatred but 
manifests itself in various other forms in Goa. The Bible also sounds us about 
wolves in sheep's clothing, which in otherwords cautions us not about the known 
enemy, but an unknown enemy. 

-Soter D'Souza
(letter is publiahed in Herald on 25/9/08)

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