Dear Goans,

The increased incidents of vandalism and desecration at places of worship in 
Goa is to be condemned by one and all.  The reverse strategy of systematically 
targetting temples and other such places of religious worship appears to be the 
work of certain forces trying to disrupt communal harmony, diminish people's 
faith in the government and create political instability in Goa.  Attacking 
churches and crosses in Goa over the last few years has perhaps not aroused the 
desired political polarisation among Goans. It now appears that systematically 
targetting of Hindu places of worship and pointing it to the failure of the 
State machinery  and promoting doubts about the involvement of terrorist or 
other extremist organisations will arouse the passions of the community. 
For centuries after the infamous inquisition there have not been any incidents 
of vandalism of religious places. Persons of unsound mind and drunkards have 
always existed but it was unheard of that they targetted religious places. The 
need of the hour is for Goans to be rational and understand that terrorists, 
extremists and even fundamentalists have no religion, though they potray 
themselves as defenders of a religion. Their ultimate aim is to disrupt the 
peace and harmony in society for political exploits. Even the most stringent of 
laws and surveillance, unlike USA or UK, will not deter strikes by terrorist 
and fundamentalist outfits because of our huge population and lack of alertness 
amongst the public, and more than all, the collusion of certain political 
forces.  After Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala 
and other states the disruptive political forces seem to be hell bent on 
polarising Goa but through a reverse modus operandi so as not to attract the 
needle of suspicion. 
It is now important that the government of Goa identify all civil servants 
involved with the law enforcement machinery who are sympathetic to any 
extremist and fundamentalist outfits of the country.  The government of Goa, if 
it is sincere, must go all out to unearth the truth behind these incidents. 
Citizens must also maintain surveillance over their religious places as far as 
possible and look out for possible clues. These destructive agendas must be 
nipped in the bud before they attain gigantic proportions. In-migration must 
also be prevented drastically. Only then will justice and peace for all 
citizens be guaranteed. 

- Soter D'Souza

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