marlon menezes wrote:
> If high quality medical services can be provided in India, then why not? The 
> cost structure in the US, specially for > medical care is way out of whack. 
> As a fraction of GDP, the US pays 50% more than the UK (or around 60-70% > 
> more on a per capita basis), but yet, an average citizen in the UK has a 
> longer life expectancy than in the US. 
> The US must look into medical outsourcing to reduce costs. 

> Older individuals and people who have unhealthy lifestyles (eg. over weight, 
> smokers etc) should be made to pay > higher costs to reflect their true 
> costs. Hospitals in the US should have the right to reject treating emergency 
> patients if they don't have insurance, even it is fatal to the subjects in 
> question. The current approach in the US is > that basic health care is 
> ignored, but the govt. then steps in and forces hospitals to provide high 
> cost emergency > care. 

Looks like the US focus is on the costs of providing medical services. 
This is a significant difference from the Canadian focus which is on providing 
a quality life style for its residents.

The weakest section of society i.e. those over 65 is the section that benefits 
the most from Canada's system of health care. Obama (blessed be, his name) is 
studying the Canadian model at this very moment and may introduce the US to a 
clone of the Canadian model.

However, I don't think he will succeed as the US is, essentially, broke. 
Perhaps the way out is to provide 'Ayurveda medicine' to the sick. There in one 
blow, you cut cost drastically and provide employment to thousands on Indians.


--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Mario Goveia <> wrote:

> From: Mario Goveia <>
> Subject: [Goanet]  The state of US capitalism
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 6:45 PM
> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 19:08:25 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mervyn Lobo <>
> The US Govt today became the owner of General Motors. As
> one Toronto paper explained, the US govt will also
> "simultaneously serve as the company's regulator, tax
> collector, customer. pension backstop and lender." I love
> it. 
> Mario responds:
> Of course you do, since you were one of those who supported
> the election of the radical socialist government of Messiah
> Hussein [Peace be upon him!]
> Now he is trying to make the US just like Canada. 
> If he succeeds in making the US health care system as
> efficient as Canada's the Canadians will have no option but
> to go to India for serious treatments.

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