Dear Clinton,
I definitely do not need expert comments from Clinton Vaz about my household 
waste disposal. My grandmother was an expert at sustainable waste disposal 
probably even before Clinton was born. I do not belong to the tribe of the 
elite activists that are now in circulation in the green market. Please do not 
give us crap about migrant contribution. Proto is defintely doing a very good 
job and manages it in his property not by hijacking public footpaths on which 
every citizen has a right to walk. We are not opposed to ragpickers or scrap 
dealers but we are definitely opposed to unregulated  and uncontrolled public 
menace by these elements. If the gaddas near national theatre were illegal 
squatters then what are these scrap dealers who control these pavements from 
morning to night. The gadda wallas conduct matka and deserved to be removed 
then who are those scrap dealers and ragpickers who I have personally caught on 
two occassions breaking into peoples houses in my neighbourhood, productive 


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