Trying to get you on your gmail address, but not working. Hope you might
rc'v this:

That was a fine Book Launch Event at Clube V de G last week. I went
especially on lookout for Peter Nazareth's book, and found it.

In it there is the Violet Dias Lannoy *Story Roses on the Grass*, which I am
now reading out to wife Germana. Violet was first Cousin to Germana, and to
Bemvinda (Dias) Da Cruz. We are stunned by the brilliance of the African
story---how she could so subtly portray that African scenario.

I think I have you to thank for the fact that I was able to click up
biographical pieces about Violet (by Bemvinda; Lannoy, and Peter Nazareth).

As you may recall, I did a couple of public readings over past months---from
Lambert's book, and Margaret Atwoods 'Scrooge' at XCHR. I have no talent for
writing, but read rather well having taught Eng. Lit. in Canada for a decade
or so. I'm thinking of doing this Violet story at Black Box, sometime within
the next couple of months. If you have any suggestons about it, let me know.
I'd get Bomfilio Da Cruz to say a few words, but if you could be around I'd
have you say something about your own work. My only small anxiety about you
these days is that you could be working too hard. Take care of yourself.

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