Rajan Parrikar wrote: There is background chatter that Timblo is buying the
Herald newspaper. Lending weight to the rumour is the fact that Timblo's PR
flack has assumed editorship of the weekend editions of the paper, while
Tombat stains the pages during the weekdays.
If it comes to pass, it will be a nice move just in time for the Assembly
elections.  Digu's image within the Catholic community is in desperate
need of a major repair job.  We can expect puff pieces on Digu & Kangress,
and photos of Digu attending mass at dawn, attending midnight mass,
and Digu personally fixing a blown-out bulb on a cross atop a village
Timblo may also be honoring another tradition - that of appointing
fifth-rate migrants, scraped from the bottom of the barrel, to the top post.

Carmen Miranda wrote: If Herald newspaper is bought by Timblo, it is time
to exercise our "power of the consumer" , and simply stop buying this
Given that most of the Goan press is controlled by the mining barons, real
freedom of expression in newspapers in Goa is dwindling rapidly,  in fact it
practically does not exist anymore.
It might be time  to launch an alternative newspaper as soon as possible,
especially now as elections approach.
The mining barons have all the power, but no sense of responsibility that
goes with that power.

COMMENTS: Whether acquired or not, the Suj boy is not acceptable.
I have already stopped buying since the day Suj boy took over weekends.
Remember how Wendel Rodrigues threw him out of ToI party?
Recollect how Florian wanted him to be blown off from Moira?
Remember how he played a dog (sorry if ofensive to dog) in suing Seby?
Recollect how Venita exposed the wolf in sheep's clothing?
Remember what he said: Goa's green movement has shades of black?
Recollect how Claude shredded his views to pieces?

Can such a mentality be allowed to poison Goan minds?
For now, Join in boycotting weekends.

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