Rajan is right. There is a strong rumour doing the rounds about a Digu aide purchasing 34% stake in Herald. Not at all surprising if it turns out to be true. The planting of domesticated editors of the mining lobby in Herald is itself a pointer of the objectives. Intellectual poisoning of the Salcette Goan. This must be read with the press report about the Election Commission checking the nationalities of voters in Salcette Taluka. Their eyes have been carefully set in destroying or confusing the last bastion of the Goan people. The assault is three pronged; TV, newspaper, cultural centres and EC. Goans, of Salcette particularly, need to understand the larger game plan and turn to alternative sources of information other than Herald and mining controlled TV channels. Consumer power needs to be demonstrated because after all it is the circulation and viewership that brings in the commercial and political domination of the publishing houses. Goans need to patronise only those newspapers that employ Goan editors. Goans need to reverse this trend of being taken for granted by the economic and political forces in the State. Goans should not fall for those crocodile tears shed by Editors over the plight of Goa and Goans.


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