Am 07.10.2012 19:04:53 schrieb(en) William:
I hope Andreas that you will be able to integrate it better with godi.

What he's especially done is that he has added a number of C libraries (like gtk), so that they are installable as GODI packages. So people aren't bothered with getting and building these libraries from somewhere.

Of course, this means Andreas runs his own package source, which is derived from the official one (this is now very easy with GODI). IMHO, there is nothing bad with this - his packages are better adapted to a specific OS. Actually, I'd like to encourage people to do the same for other potentially difficult OS, or for other purposes like experimental packagings.

In GODI itself, we simply have the problem that the various OS are very different regarding their support for C libraries, so we simply assume that these libraries exist, and we only need to locate them. It would be difficult to include this "OS variance" directly in GODI (e.g. apt-get a library on Debian, but build it on Windows). Doing the OS adaption in a GODI derivate instead of core GODI looks more reasonable for now.

Btw, Andreas' GUI can also be built on other OS, and I hope he'll do an independent release.

Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany
Creator of GODI and
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