On Sun, 07 Oct 2012 19:37:11 +0200
Gerd Stolpmann <i...@gerd-stolpmann.de>
> Of course, this means Andreas runs his own package source, which is  
> derived from the official one (this is now very easy with GODI).
> IMHO, there is nothing bad with this - his packages are better
> adapted to a specific OS. 


most of my changes are only intended for windows: base packages,
patches for build scripts that are broken on windows (oasis,...), 
workaround for hardcoded paths, etc.

But because I've always patched the latest upstream tarballs, my
repository sometimes contains newer versions than the mainline
repository; or I've added patches for ocaml-4.00.

I've lost the overview, why I've patched or updated a package (4.0 or
windows incompatibility), but some changes are clearly related to the
update to ocaml 4.00: godi-tophide, godi-type_conv, godi-batteries,
godi-extlib, godi-lwt. These changes could indeed be merged back.

And there are new packages: godi-zarith and apps-ocamltop-gtk
(including dependencies)

> Btw, Andreas' GUI can also be built on other OS, and I hope he'll do
> an independent release.

Yes, I will soon release a version for *nix. 

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