You may have noticed that archiving was suspended at
The Mail Archive recently. Things are fine now, read on
if you want gory details.

We are hosted at a professional datacenter, complete
with building wide uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and
backup generators. About 5 years ago, the datacenter
botched some maintenance work and accidentally cut
power. In response, we deployed an individual UPS on
our primary server to make things even safer.

That turned out to be a mistake. On Thursday that UPS
failed in the worst possible way, abruptly dropping power
while a lot of data was in flight. This is normally just an
annoyance, but in this case it caused enough damage to
the filesystem that we had suspend archiving and switch
to read-only mode.

To fix things right, we express ordered and installed some
additional storage. Because everything is now on large solid
state drives (SSD) we can afford switching to a filesystem
that is tuned more towards robustness, at the cost of some
performance. For the filesystem junkies that means migrating
from the fairly exotic XFS setup below to a fairly stock EXT4
setup. The new filesystem is about 20% less space efficient,
but that's okay. We now have enough room for years to come.

It took almost a day to fully diagnose, an overnight parts
delivery,  a few hours to get everything set up correctly, then
10 more hours to move all the data. We did not have to
resort to restoring from backups, but they are certainly there if
we need it.

I'd like to emphasize that the data is safe. We were able to
reconstruct everything that was in flight at the time of the outage.
And while we had archiving paused, inbound mail was queuing
up patiently. The system is crazy fast and we burned off the
archiving backlog in just a few hours.

Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoyed this peek
into what goes on behind the scenes. I think the biggest benefit
of using a service like The Mail Archive is we get the fun of
dealing with problems like this so you don't have to.



mkfs.xfs -n size=16k -i attr=2 -l lazy-count=1,version=2,size=32m \
-b size=512 noatime,logbufs=8,logbsize=256k

mount -onoatime,logbufs=8,logbsize=256k
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