I did updated by git clone (as at http://home.gna.org/gregorio/installation-mac 
is said).

And my problems appeared:
After update gregorio is 2.4.3 - not 2.4.2 as you suggested.
And my files go mad and wild:

Package GregorioTeX Error: GregorioTeX is in version 20130616 while a score you 
included requires version 20150311. Please recompile your scores.

Nice, but recompiling gives nothing, texhashing gives nothing. Shall I update 
somehow gregoriotex.sty?

Sounds like you missed the checkout step. Open a terminal window, cd to the directory of the clone and use the command "git checkout v2.4.2". You'll get a warning about creating a detached head, but so long as you're not planning on modifying the code, it's safe to ignore this.

Once you've done this, follow the instructions you linked to build and install.

There is no need to manually remove the bad version. The good one will be installed over top.

Our current problem is that the master head is in a bit of a disarray due to the yanked release. We're working on preparing v3.0.0 as quickly as possible to correct this, but there is no simple way to fix the master head in the meantime. Our website instructions are right, but they assume that master head is stable. Rather than spend time changing the website, only to have to change it back later, we're focusing on correcting the problem at it's source.

Br. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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