Dear Brother,

> So I made a new one with all the sizes which makes Gregorio viewable
> even in smallicons and tile mode without any blurring.

Thank you very much!

> I've attached the icon, but if you tell me *exactly* what to do with the
> github, I'm willing to try to commit a change.

Under Windows, development tools always require a little bit (if not a
lot) more effort than under other systems, so I'm not sure everything
I'm going to say will be clear...

The way github usually works is described in a very generic manner here:

So basically, what you need to do is
 * create a github account
 * install the github client software for windows (quite easy to use)
 * fork the gregorio repository (there is a button for it in the web
 * checkout your forked repository locally (on your computer), with the
github software
 * checkout branch release-3.0 (with the github client)
 * change the icon file (normally, as regular files)
 * in the github client, add the change and make a commit
 * in the github client, push the commit you just did
 * in the github web interface (or maybe it's possible with the github
client too), make a pull request to the release-3.0 branch of the main

Once you've done that, it will create a pull request in

and we'll be able to merge it.

Tell us if you are blocked somewhere.

It might seem a bit complex at the beginning (and let's admit it is),
but this kind of workflow solves so many issues in development process
that once you've tried it, you cannot do without it.

Thank you,

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