Dear Gregorio Windows Users,

Just now I have updated my Greg program. Greg is a GUI for Gregorio and LuaLaTex.

There are LOTS of new features since version 2.2 (released January 2014). Be sure to check out the changelogs. But there are so many new things I skipped to version 3.0.

You can read all about it and download it here.

Right now it only works with one gabc file and one template at a time. It only works if you compile a gabc file; someday I'll make it so it will do just a tex file, too. Also, someday I'll add a code editor, but I haven't gotten brave enough yet.

If you aren't a Windows user, I'm sorry - I write my code in AutoHotkey which doesn't work on Linux or Mac (I don't know about Wine, though). But you can look at my page to see what you are missing! :-P

God bless!
- Brother Gabriel-Marie

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