Thanks you plenty, Andrew for giving so much consideration to my
question.  I'm really grateful for the generous comments and white
spaces for clarity.  I should have run this line on Kjell's code before
making a reference to 400 lines:

// cli command begin
cat * | egrep -v "^\s+\*|^$|^/|^\s+/" | wc
// cli command end

Without the comments and white space, I'd be substantially more lost.

At present your presentation is extremely clear and takes me far into
resolution of my immediate hurtle.

It compiles and works perfectly.

I have a few more questions of which I'll try to organize and be clear
when I post them.  Some of them might be resolved by my dissecting what
you've already posted with your clear documentation.

By the way, one of the questions is, the significants of the
"com.example" parameter of the "Gtk::Application" entry.  Does the
application use that information somewhere?  When programing the
Android, similar information is used for creating a default "storage"

My other questions will relate to my effort to create a reusable
"gprint" function that I can run as a gui counter part of the console

The overhead doesn't matter. Just as long as I can have a one or two
liner in my function that will resemble: 

gprint("This is a new line of text");

That will either append or replace the text in the current gui window.
It might already be covered in the well documented code you've already
shared.  Hopefully I'll be able to at least understand what you've
already shared well enough to get the ball substantially rolling.

And oh yea, your example #1 was overwhelmingly clear, for a beginner.
Maybe the gtkmm maintainers will consider using something like that for
one of the beginner's hello world examples.  I believe placing the
"hello world" text on a button rather than some type of text screen
leaves some gaps that takes a while to fill.  It did in my case.

By the way, I hope the gtkmm maintainers appreciate my input.  I looked
at a lot of gui projects for C++ before choosing gtkmm.  I felt that I
had chose the best documented and supported solution.

The documentation is incredible!  It's just that some of it is
immediately over my head.  Looking at how all the additional widgets
falls into play is another lesson.  I'm sure once I'm able to fully
grasp the use of a single widget (in this case, the textview), the other
examples will soon be a cinch to understand.


-- L. James

L. D. James
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