This is to avoid long block buffering of log messages, which would
causes the log messages to be delayed, which is likely to confuse
users attempting to follow the logs in real time (see:

* src/logging/logger.scm (accept-log): Call flush-log after a log is
emitted.  Update doc.


(no changes since v1)

 src/logging/logger.scm | 16 +++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/logging/logger.scm b/src/logging/logger.scm
index 7085d26..2384208 100644
--- a/src/logging/logger.scm
+++ b/src/logging/logger.scm
@@ -342,12 +342,13 @@ registered handlers.")
 (define-generic-with-docs accept-log
 "@code{accept-log handler lvl time str}.  If @var{lvl} is
 enabled for @var{handler}, then @var{str} will be formatted and sent
-to the log via the @code{emit-log} method.  @var{source-properties}
-can be either @code{#f} or an association list containing the file
-name, line, and column source information provided to the
-@code{log-msg} call.  Formatting is done via the formatting function
-given at @var{handler}'s creation time, or by the default if none was
+to the log via the @code{emit-log} method.  @code{flush-port} is
+called after emitting a log to ensure users tailing the source file
+can see new messages in real time.  @var{source-properties} can be
+either @code{#f} or an association list containing the file name,
+line, and column source information provided to the @code{log-msg}
+call.  Formatting is done via the formatting function given at
+@var{handler}'s creation time, or by the default if none was given.
 This method should not normally need to be overridden by subclasses.
 This method should not normally be called by users of the logging 
@@ -361,7 +362,8 @@ override this behavior.")
   (when (level-enabled? self level)
     (emit-log self ((log-formatter self) level time str
                     #:source-properties source-properties
-                    #:proc-name proc-name))))
+                    #:proc-name proc-name))
+    (flush-log self)))
 ;; This should be overridden by all log handlers to actually
 ;; write out a string.

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