The file was regenerated by running 'make -C unit-tests

* unit-tests/guile-library.api: Regenerate.

(no changes since v1)

 unit-tests/guile-library.api | 239 +----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)

diff --git a/unit-tests/guile-library.api b/unit-tests/guile-library.api
index d0bdfe3..b52dd41 100644
--- a/unit-tests/guile-library.api
+++ b/unit-tests/guile-library.api
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
+     (%default-parent-constraints <pair>)
+     (%parent-constraints procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
+     (%strict-tokenizer? procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
      (html->shtml procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
      (html->sxml procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
      (html->sxml-0nf procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
@@ -192,66 +195,6 @@
        (arity 2 2 #f))
      (breadth-first-search procedure (arity 3 0 #f))
      (depth-first-search procedure (arity 3 0 #f))))
-  ((statprof)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (statprof-accumulated-time
-       procedure
-       (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-active? procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-call-data->stats
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-call-data-calls
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-call-data-cum-samples
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-call-data-name
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-call-data-self-samples
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-display procedure (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (statprof-display-anomolies
-       procedure
-       (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-fetch-call-tree
-       procedure
-       (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-fetch-stacks procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-fold-call-data
-       procedure
-       (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (statprof-proc-call-data
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-reset procedure (arity 3 0 #t))
-     (statprof-sample-count procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-start procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-%-time-in-proc
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-calls procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-cum-secs-in-proc
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-cum-secs-per-call
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-proc-name
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-self-secs-in-proc
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stats-self-secs-per-call
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (statprof-stop procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (with-statprof macro)))
   ((string completion)
@@ -290,185 +233,11 @@
        (<text-wrapper> <top>)
        (<top> . <top>))))
-  ((sxml apply-templates)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (apply-templates procedure (arity 2 0 #f))))
-  ((sxml fold)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (fold procedure (arity 3 0 #f))
-     (fold-layout procedure (arity 5 0 #f))
-     (fold-values procedure (arity 2 0 #t))
-     (foldt procedure (arity 3 0 #f))
-     (foldts procedure (arity 5 0 #f))
-     (foldts* procedure (arity 5 0 #f))
-     (foldts*-values procedure (arity 4 0 #t))))
-  ((sxml simple)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (sxml->string procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (sxml->xml procedure (arity 1 1 #f))
-     (universal-sxslt-rules <pair>)
-     (xml->sxml procedure (arity 0 1 #f))))
-  ((sxml ssax)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (attlist->alist procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (attlist-add procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (attlist-fold procedure (arity 3 0 #f))
-     (attlist-null? procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (attlist-remove-top procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (make-empty-attlist procedure (arity 0 0 #f))
-     (ssax:complete-start-tag
-       procedure
-       (arity 5 0 #f))
-     (ssax:make-elem-parser macro)
-     (ssax:make-parser macro)
-     (ssax:make-pi-parser macro)
-     (ssax:read-attributes procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (ssax:read-cdata-body procedure (arity 3 0 #f))
-     (ssax:read-char-data procedure (arity 4 0 #f))
-     (ssax:read-char-ref procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:read-external-id procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:read-markup-token procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:skip-internal-dtd procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:uri-string->symbol
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (ssax:xml->sxml procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (xml-token-head macro)
-     (xml-token-kind macro)
-     (xml-token? procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((sxml ssax input-parse)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (assert-curr-char procedure (arity 2 1 #f))
-     (next-token procedure (arity 2 2 #f))
-     (next-token-of procedure (arity 1 1 #f))
-     (peek-next-char procedure (arity 0 1 #f))
-     (read-string procedure (arity 1 1 #f))
-     (read-text-line procedure (arity 0 1 #f))
-     (skip-until procedure (arity 1 1 #f))
-     (skip-while procedure (arity 1 1 #f))))
-  ((sxml transform)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (SRV:send-reply procedure (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (foldts procedure (arity 5 0 #f))
-     (post-order procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (pre-post-order procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (replace-range procedure (arity 3 0 #f))))
-  ((sxml xpath)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (filter procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (map-union procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (node-closure procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-eq? procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-equal? procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-join procedure (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (node-or procedure (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (node-parent procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-pos procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-reduce procedure (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (node-reverse procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-self procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-trace procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (node-typeof? procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (nodeset? procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (select-kids procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (sxpath procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (take-after procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (take-until procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
   ((term ansi-color)
      (color procedure (arity 0 0 #t))
      (colorize-string procedure (arity 1 0 #t))))
-  ((texinfo)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (call-with-file-and-dir procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (stexi->sxml procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (texi->stexi procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (texi-command-depth procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (texi-command-specs <pair>)
-     (texi-fragment->stexi procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((texinfo docbook)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (*sdocbook->stexi-rules* <pair>)
-     (*sdocbook-block-commands* <pair>)
-     (filter-empty-elements procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (replace-titles procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (sdocbook-flatten procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((texinfo html)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (add-ref-resolver! procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (stexi->shtml procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
-     (urlify procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((texinfo indexing)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (stexi-extract-index procedure (arity 3 0 #f))))
-  ((texinfo nodal-tree)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (stexi->nodal-tree procedure (arity 0 0 #t))))
-  ((texinfo plain-text)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (stexi->plain-text procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((texinfo reflection)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (module-stexi-documentation
-       procedure
-       (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (object-stexi-documentation
-       procedure
-       (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (package-stexi-documentation
-       procedure
-       (arity 0 0 #t))
-     (package-stexi-extended-menu
-       procedure
-       (arity 4 0 #f))
-     (package-stexi-generic-menu
-       procedure
-       (arity 2 0 #f))
-     (package-stexi-standard-copying
-       procedure
-       (arity 6 0 #f))
-     (package-stexi-standard-menu
-       procedure
-       (arity 4 0 #f))
-     (package-stexi-standard-prologue
-       procedure
-       (arity 7 0 #f))
-     (package-stexi-standard-titlepage
-       procedure
-       (arity 4 0 #f))
-     (script-stexi-documentation
-       procedure
-       (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((texinfo serialize)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (stexi->texi procedure (arity 1 0 #f))))
-  ((text parse-lalr)
-   (uses-interfaces)
-   (typed-exports
-     (lalr-parser macro)
-     (print-states procedure (arity 0 0 #f))))
@@ -478,8 +247,10 @@
      (add generic
           (<test-suite> <test-case>)
           (<test-suite> <test-suite>))
+     (assert macro)
      (assert-equal procedure (arity 2 0 #f))
      (assert-exception macro)
+     (assert-false procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
      (assert-numeric-= procedure (arity 3 0 #f))
      (assert-true procedure (arity 1 0 #f))
      (exit-with-summary procedure (arity 1 0 #f))

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