(else (bad-request "Invalid method: ~a" (substring str start end)))))

Another problem with the old implementation – AFAICT, this does a  “400 Bad 
Request”. However, at least when the syntax/grammar/... is correct, it should 
be a 501 instead. 

>An origin server that receives a request method that is unrecognized or not 
>implemented SHOULD respond with the 501 (Not Implemented) status code. An 
>origin server that receives a request method that is recognized and 
>implemented, but not allowed for the target resource, SHOULD respond with the 
>405 (Method Not Allowed) status code.

Given the proposal to (in this procedure) allow all methods (at least all 
grammatical methods) in a new implementation, it seems this won’t be this 
method’s responsibility anymore, though.

Best regards,
Maxime Devos

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