At 18:58 25/02/2006, you wrote:
Back in the dark ages, when I went to college in 1970, my counselor
recommended an all girls school (Seton Hill College) -- known as a place
"Where women lead". It was the only place I applied to and got accepted as
an early decision candidate. It was one of the best things I ever did.I
majored in Theatre/costume and got a BA. I later went to SUNY Binghamton for
graduate school , again in Theatre/costume and got an MA. I worked 24 years
in the garment industry and a designer/patternmaker/ head of the department
and have done lots of free lance stuff during those years! .For the past 2+
years I have taught in the fashion program at the Art Institute of New York
city-- a 2 year Associate's degree program.

If someone had told me when I went to college, that I would wind up as a
college professor, I would have sent you to the psych ward... I had wanted
to be a theatre costumer (Which I did  for 6 years and then moved on to
clothing design because I needed a steady paycheck!)

I love teaching-- especially my 2 day a week schedule that allows me to
write and sew-- and if you figure out the per diam sallary, I am making
twice what I would make for my old design job--which went offshore to the
Orient, but don't get me started on THAT!

All this is to tell you that you can change careers or do something new. It
is never too late...

I have just applied to my alma matter to participate in an on line writing
MA program...  If you are interested in going to school, look for on line
courses, or intensive residency programs...

Although I had worked in theatre for 10 years, I went back to college as a mature student of 40, to learn to cut costumes. I got a diploma - we don't run to the kind of qualifications that the Americans do, I think - which no-one has ever asked to see. I teach, write, do research, and have not stopped working since I left college. ( I am now past the age of retirement, officially, but have too much work to retire yet, more's the pity!)


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