Computer is back up and running again. Just tell me
where you would like me to send it.

> E says: Doh!  I certainly would have been
> interested. 

It sounds vaguely familiar, probably from commercials.
Im in Canada, so Im not sure we have it. I'll keep my
eyes open for it. This cold has hit me fast with an
intensity that suggests the gods are punishing me for
something as of yet undefined. ;-) Still haven't
figured out the connection between the eye infection
and the cold though. Seems to be a recent development;
every time I get a cold, I get a minor general
infection in my eye.

> E says: Oh dear.  Hope you get over it quickly!
> (Have you tried Zicam? 

These definitely fall under the general heading of
goldwork because they contain either passing or jap
threads. Basically jap thread is a much heavier
version of passing. It's a bigger pain to work with
too for anything other than couching. Just plunging
the ends through for couching is a pain, I wouldn't
want to try and actually pass that stuff through
fabric repeatedly. A good indication if something was
likely to have been done with jap thread (which has
existed forever) or purl is the date. I remember
reading somewhere that purl wasn't invented until they
would make a strong enough draw plate to make wires
that thin. Jap thread is made with beaten gold cut
into fine strips, thus doesn't need a draw plate.
Memory, as foggy as it is, is ringing a date to
something like post 1500. Draw plates have been around
since the Roman times, so I'd have to retrack my path
to confirm this memory on why there is a difference.

> E says: I was afraid this would be the case.  Drea
> Leed has some pictures of 
> late 16thC/early 17thC coifs, several of which have
> a type of goldwork, on 
> her site:

I'm binding a book for this very reason. :-) I could
have just scribbled notes on a piece of paper but
noooooo.. I have to go binding those papers just so I
can cover it in goldwork!

> stuff that screams "MAKE ME" at me whenever I see
> it.

If you are being particular, you're not likely to find
any. But if say you are willing to accept non-european
or ecclesiastic head wear, you are more likely to find
something. I think there is a miter out there loaded
with the stuff. I can't think offhand where at the
moment. Thing is, back then, this was pure gold. When
the church or whomever owned an item covered in this
stuff was in a pinch, they would burn the object to
render the gold from it. 

If you find one of these, share it with the rest of
us, would you? ;-) 

Or a nice manual from 1518 on how to
> do it.  Hey, why not 
> dream big?

If you take a wander into the roccoco period, you'll
find sparkly bits that'll rock your world. :-) They
are so shiny they are to the point of garish
sometimes. Well, they were back then. They are often
badly tarnished today. The underwear I saw at the Met
covered in the stuff looks like black and brown
embroidery because of the heavy tarnish all over the
purls. It'll be exciting to reproduce those and see
what they would have looked like when they were first

> E says: Very interesting!  That's certainly a lot
> more than I would have 
> expected.   

Knots are period!!

And I will feel better about
> what the back of my work 
> looks like!  

You're quite welcome. :-) And yes I will. I'm sweating
most of it out - I'm certainly sympathising with the
ladies going through the Change at the moment! I swing
between freezing and roasting. Blech.

> E says: Very much!  Thanks for the info and the
> great ideas, and go drink 
> lots of liquids and get plenty of rest. =}

Good Luck. Don't get *too* addicted. ;-)


Ermine, a lion rampant tail nowed gules charged on the shoulder with a rose Or 
barbed, seeded, slipped and leaved vert

ItÂ’s never too late to be who you might have been.
-George Eliot
For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is 
an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to 
receive it.
-Ivan Panin

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