Saragrace, i don't know how long she would be wearing the gown. i'm
overweight and I know that without a corset, women with any flab just look
worse than bad. Perhaps having very heavy interfacing and boning in the gown
or, as you said, a firm underbodice (with some boning if at all possible)
will help keep the beautiful, smooth line that is one of the most attractive
things about the style your friend has chosen.

If she'll be standing most of the time, the front could be strengthened with
plastic canvas. That would bend, not push too hard yet smooth the front of
the bodice nicely. Of course, if she'll be in it for long or if it's very
warm in your area, the plastic canvas won't work at all. (I use it for
making pill-box hats. Padded and covered with nice fabric, you'd never know
what's inside - and they're practically indestructible!)

Best wishes,

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Carmen Beaudry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>    While I haven't encountered it in making something, I have heard of
>> problems with fibromyalgia (if I spelled that right!) and similar
>> pain problems. Torso surgery or injury that, even after healing, can
>> leave a person with sensitive areas. And, of course, people who wish
>> to participate in events while in the healing process.
> <snip>
> I have fibromyalgia and arthritis, and I find that my properly fitted
> corsets are MUCH more comfortable that any bra.  I do have days that there's
> too much pain to wear anything fitted, but on those days I'm usually in bed
> with a lot of pain medication, not trying to do anything.
> The trick for me is that the corset has to be short enough, and snug
> without being overly tight.  If it's too loose, then it rubs against me and
> causes pain, and also allows my ribs to pop out of joint.
> Melusine
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