Sylvain Wallez wrote:
I don't know Hadoop's internals well, but it seems to me that an
additional configuration could do the trick, e.g.

    String itfAddr = conf.getString("ipc.server.listen.address")
    address = (itfAddr == null) ? new InetSocketAddress(port) : new
InetSocketAddress(itfAddr, port);

How does that sound?

I'm not sure why you'd want this. The previously mentioned patch addresses the datanode and tasktracker, which must provide an address for peers to contact. The namenode and jobtracker's public address is already determined by a config setting. So, while it is true that these daemons listen on all interfaces, they're only contacted on the single interface specified in the configuration.

The only reason I can see for the change you suggest (restricting daemons to only listen on a single interface) is security: you'd like these daemons to not be visible over the private address. Is that indeed your concern? If so, can this instead be managed with a firewall?


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