On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, Ron Artstein wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, Maor Meir wrote:
> > an ideal license as far as I am concerned would allow others to
> > use my work convinient while making sure I get appropreate
> > credit for my work but not allow anyone to attach my name to
> > any junk some how related to something I wrote.
> Wouldn't putting your work in the public domain achieve just that?
> I'm no legal expert, but my understanding is that for works in the
> public domain, people are still under the obligation to give credit
> where appropriate, or at least not claim credit for themselves when
> inappropriate.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  You're wrong. Public domain texts need not be attibuted when quoted or
even used in entrity. Consider the Bible, the US Constitution, or works of
Shakesphere. You may quote a significat portion (or all) of these texts
without attributing the original author. You may not, however, claim you
wrote these texts, due to the simple fact that you didn't.


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