Alon Altman wrote:

You may not, however, claim you
wrote these texts, due to the simple fact that you didn't.

Even that is not 100% correct.

I guess false advertising and libel laws may apply, but consider the following case:
I take the classic BSD TCP/IP stack (public domain).
I put in lots and lots of modifications. I add PMTU discovery, SYN cookies, and lots and lots of other stuff. While I added a lot, there is no doubt that this is still deriviative work. However, as the original was not copyrighted, that's not an issue.

However, I now call it the "Shachar's Enterprise TCP/IP stack". I'm not breaking any laws, despite the fact that you may understand from that that I wrote all of it.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Systems Consulting

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