On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 07:26:42PM +0200, Paramahansa Polo Vieyra wrote:
> Hi,
>       If you only need an SMTP server  and you use a linux laptop; you can use 
> sendmail.  You will not need to be worry about IPs,  you only will need to 
> install sendmail, altought most of times it is already installed, and use 
> your local smtp server (sendmail).

I agree that using a local sendmail-like MTA[0] is a good solution;
however, the MTA should be set to relay to either of the "real" SMTP
servers, depending on the local IP address, or some other
parameter. This is because in our spam-ridden world, many ISPs will
block email that comes from a dial up range, from an ip without proper
back-resolving, etc. Sending through one's ISP or work place mail
server gets around this, hopefully. 

[0] My favorite poison is postfix; ymmv. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

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