On Sun, 15 Aug 2004, Adir Abraham wrote:

> Hi guys (and girls),
> Let's make some order. Tommorow (Monday) - we are going to celebrate the 5th
> birthday of Haifux. I suppose that afterwards we will want to go somewhere
> to eat. I quite doubt that it that we will be able to make it on time,
> meeting virtually at 22:00 in IRC.
> What I suggest is one of the following:
> 1) To make the virtual meeting in reality, that is during, or after the
> restaurant (not recommended in my opinion. We have people who might wait
> for us in IRC as we settled, and doing it in the restaurant... hmm).
> 2) To delay the meeting to 23:00-23:30. We can also settle a dedicated
> topic for this purpose in #w2l, so at worst, people will wait for us (Orna
> took the channel first, so she can change the topic so everybody will know).
> 3) To postpone it to some other time (and let's start discussing about the
> time once again...)
> Please choose your weapon. My favorite choice is 2.
> Don't forget: irc.inter.net.il, channel #w2l
> Regards,
>       Adir.

I suggest Tuesday, 22:00.
If we begin at 23:00 we will not finish before midnight.
And some people need to be up at 06:30.

Good Night,
Orna Agmon http://vipe.technion.ac.il/~ladypine/
ICQ: 348759096

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