
Why not posting the next lecture, say on Tuesday... Like a week in
advance.... Not all of us check the Haifux site regulary and thogh I get a
notice a day before - too late to change existing plans...

Just a thought.


On 12/31/06, Orr Dunkelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomorrow, Monday, 1/1/07, at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear Ami Chayun
talking about

               The fascinating world of Regular Expressions in Perl

The lecture will cover:

Short regular expression intro (POSIX, extended, etc.)
Review of regular expression libraries in C/C++/Java
PCRE intro (the need, who develops it, availability, projects that uses
Basic PCRE C API (howto, limitaions)
PCRE C++ API (Curtsy of Google)
Extending PCRE to your needs.
Performance etc.
Prior knowledge: Basic understanding of regular expression will do.

We meet in Taub building, room 3. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!


Future Lectures

156-sil Command and Script Scheduling in Linux
               Shai Shkolnitsky        4/1/2007 (note weird day - Thu.)
157     FPC - Beyond the myths, when clearing the fog
               Ido Kanner 15/1/2007

We are always looking for interesting lectures. If you wish to contribute
a lecture to the 2007 lecture season - please contact

Orr Dunkelman,

"If it wasn't for C, we'd be writing programs in BASI, PASAL, and OBOL",

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Amichai Rotman

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