Aidan said:
> This isn't a Debian thing, it is a Plasma thing. KDE in their wisdom 
> seem to have decided that 'Activities' is where it's all at now. First 
> you need to define your desired 'Activity' and from there you can the 
> set about setting up your workspaces as desired, including custom or 
> different desktop backgrounds.

Thank you Aidan. I have set about re-creating the desktops I had,
but giving each one an Activity name. Where the associated icons
appear, I have yet to discover! Also, bit of a nusiance not to be
able to switch between them with the mouse wheel. I have not yet
investigated whether more than one desktop per Activity is allowed,
if it is, that could potentially be useful.

> Meanwhile titles and so forth are defined in the system setting 
> appearance sections.

Only styles, not actual colours, as far as I can find.

> From memory I think you will probably now find with Debian 7.1 that 
> disks are mounted using the disk's UUID

I have found some things to try from a new search of the internet.

Peter Alefounder.

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