Personally, I have yet to find a useful way to graft activities into my workflows (which historically were always work-space based/categorised). The Plasma default setting is to switch between Activities with <Meta>+Tab, but this being KDE is of course configurable. Frustratingly, the good old <Alt>+Tab seems to trump anything and everything I try to achieve leaving me feeling that I have just taken a 25 year backwards-step. You should be able to have the same number of workspaces available to you within each activity.

On 20/12/2021 17:40, Peter Alefounder via Hampshire wrote:
Aidan said:
This isn't a Debian thing, it is a Plasma thing. KDE in their wisdom
seem to have decided that 'Activities' is where it's all at now. First
you need to define your desired 'Activity' and from there you can the
set about setting up your workspaces as desired, including custom or
different desktop backgrounds.
Thank you Aidan. I have set about re-creating the desktops I had,
but giving each one an Activity name. Where the associated icons
appear, I have yet to discover! Also, bit of a nusiance not to be
able to switch between them with the mouse wheel. I have not yet
investigated whether more than one desktop per Activity is allowed,
if it is, that could potentially be useful.

Meanwhile titles and so forth are defined in the system setting
appearance sections.
Only styles, not actual colours, as far as I can find.

 From memory I think you will probably now find with Debian 7.1 that
disks are mounted using the disk's UUID
I have found some things to try from a new search of the internet.

Peter Alefounder.

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