On 03/09/2022 16:18, Bruce Hepburn via Hampshire wrote:
Hello Adam,

Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately it is some time since I last used Ubuntu, but my memory is not so 
good these days.
For what I used it for I found Ubuntu easy to use.
However, with Manjaro I struggle to fine the equivalent to Windows 
'user/App-Data/roaming etc in Manjaro.
I have a printed book on Ubuntu so will give that a try instead.
Thank you for your kind help.

Hi Bruce,

Apologies for using too much jargon. The tilde character ~ is used to refer to one's home folder on Linux. 
You should be able to navigate straight to your home folder via the "Home" icon on your desktop. 
It's often under "/home/your-username", so in my case would be "/home/adam".

Files and folders that start with a dot . are hidden by default, e.g. ".thunderbird". 
With the File Manager open, you can use the keyboard combination "Ctrl H" to show/hide 
hidden items.
Adam Piggott, Proprietor, Proactive Services (Computing)
"If you outlaw encryption only outlaws will have encryption".
Secure communication preferred: Matrix @adam-p:matrix.org, Signal Messenger, 

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