On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 15:02 +0200, Willy Tarreau wrote:
> > Thanks for the trace, but could you please take the same one between the
> > browser and haproxy ? It's the most important one because it's the one
> > where we should see why nothing happens (maybe a "400 bad request" or
> > something like this).
> When I send your trace through haproxy, I see correct exchanges between
> the client and the server. The only thing that *might* be causing trouble
> is the "connection: close" header which is added. Could you please try to
> configure your instance with both following options set :
>         option http-server-close
>         option http-pretend-keepalive
> and without "option httpclose" ?

Here is new trace http://a47.org/ws_packets3 with

no option httpclose
option http-server-close
option http-pretend-keepalive

and otherwise the same config I pasted before.

I still can't get anything through.

> In my case, I get an *exact* copy of the client's request on the server,
> as well as an exact copy of the server's response on the client, and both
> can continue to talk uninterrupted, so I don't know why it does not work
> on your side. BTW I'm on haproxy 1.4.8 too.

I'm running Ubuntu's unstable binary
(https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/amd64/haproxy/1.4.8-1), perhaps
there's something wonky in it that's breaking it. I could try compiling
from source later on and test with that.

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