Hi Simos Xenitellis.

Simos Xenitellis have written on Mon, 22 May 2017 11:28:41 +0300:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to automate some tasks with adding multiple https
> (LetsEncrypt) websites,
> and using HAProxy as a TLS Termination Proxy.
> The problem is that when you start off with an empty server, there are
> no certificates yet,
> and it is not possible to have "bind *:443 ssl crt
> /etc/haproxy/certs/..." in haproxy.cfg.
> LetsEncrypt can work with http, so it could easily use the "bind *:80"
> front-end in the beginning.
> Is there a way to express "If no certificates are found in
> /etc/haproxy/certs/, then do not bind *:443"?

I don't know such a 'lazy read' option in haproxy, but this
feature sounds interesting.
Do you have any patches available yet or are you willing to provide one?

> Simos


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