Le 11/28/22 à 08:44, Cedric Paillet a écrit :
As described in github issue #1312, the first intention of patch 42d7c402d
was to aggregate haproxy_server_check_status. But we aggregated
haproxy_server_status instead.
To fix that, rename haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status to
haproxy_backend_agg_server_status and use right data source for

Cedric Paillet (2):
   BUG/MINOR: promex: rename haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status
   MINOR: promex: reintroduce haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status

  addons/promex/service-prometheus.c | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
  include/haproxy/stats-t.h          |  1 +
  src/stats.c                        |  4 ++++
  3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Hi Cedric,

Sorry for the delay. We were busy because of the 2.7.0 and then I forgot your patches :) And it was a bit late to add it into the 2.7.0.

So, I'm a bit bother. Because the metric name is indeed badly chosen but we can't break the compatibility, especially in a LTS version. The prometheus exporter is an addon. Thus the backward compatibility is less strict than for core code of HAProxy. However, it is probably the most used addon.

IMHO, we should keep the current metric and its description should be updated to mention it is deprecated. This way, we will be able to remove it in the 2.9 or 3.0. This means we should find new names for the aggregated servers status and the aggregated check status. "ST_F_AGG_SRV_STATUS" is pretty good for the first one. I may propose "ST_F_AGG_CHECK_STATUS" for the second one.

I guess the two new metrics may be backported. They are not used by the stats applet.

What do you think about it?

Christopher Faulet

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