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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Shortwave Radio Logs of Aug 19 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   3. Bangladesh Betar 15105 kHz (Arthur Delibert)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs August 18-19, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. LOGS IN FOURKA  CHALKIDIKI 1-7/8 (Zacharias Liangas )
   6. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   7. Grayland Beach State Park WA DXpedition - August 13-15, 2012
      (Guy Atkins)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 13:50:41 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXplorer" <>, "DXLD"
        <>, "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs of Aug 19
Message-ID: <FFA1221E76BF4DB29F9BA7E351D36E60@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

BRAZIL   Unid Brazilian ? stn - 4865.025  around 1100 UT Aug 19.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

FSM   4755.4  Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) country code +691. PMA -
Cross Radio, Pacific Missionary Aviation, Pohnp?. S=8 signal strength noted
on Queensland remote unit. Heard from 10.45 til close-down sign-off at
10.52 UT Aug 19.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

MYANMAR   5985.809  Myanmar Radio Yangon pop music concert, at 11.20 UT
Aug 19, noted on remote Queensland radio, S=8 at -78dBm.

But nothing noted so far on 5915 kHz channel tonight.

7109.993  Much stronger at S=9+20dB -56dBm. Myanmar R Naypyidaw,
international pop music.

7345  Myanmar Rakhine Broadc. Stn. Myanmar R Naypyidaw, too heard underneath
CNR1 Beijing #572 site, co-channel between 1100 and 1200 UT. Aoki list show
1030 Kayah, 1130 Gekho, 1230-1330 Mon languages.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

SOLOMON ISL   5019.878  Extended English newscast heard from Solomon Islands
BC Broadcaster ID, from Honiara, at 1100-1111 UT Aug 19. Station ID heard at
11.06:30 UT. Headlines repeat to 11.10:52 UT. S=9+20dB signal heard on
remote unit in Queensland Australia. Religious program followed from
11.11 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

UKRAINE   11980  "Dnieper wave" in the Ukrainian language at a frequency of
11980 kHz. Broadcast transmission of Ukrainian radio. Aug 12 with 0625 to
0715 UT took reception - 45444. The signal is very good, I wonder what the
power of the transmitter now?
(Dmitry Kutuzov-RUS, deneb-radio-dx, RUSdx Aug 19)
As far as I remember, they called 250 watts SSB.
(Alexander Egorov-UKR, deneb-radio-dx, RUSdx Aug 19)

"The last hour transmitter of Ukraine on medium waves - 2nd channel of
Donetsk regional radio (1359 kHz, Dokuchaevsk) was transferred to schedule
0600-0000 on the Kiev" (0300-2100 UT).
(Alexander Dyadishchev-UKR, deneb-radio-dx, RUSdx Aug 19)

ITU Geneve MW list instead:
UKR  972 kHz Dokuchaievsk day50 night10 kW, 195m mast
47 45 00.00 N  37 42 00.00 E  -  but location not traced never yet.

I guess 1359 kHz is still on Donetsk 150m mast installation, close to
ulica Petrovskowo Petrovs'ky at  47 56 43.48 N  37 38 36.98 E

vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 15:18:50 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: DX Listenig Digest <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Friol and Lugo
Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 10 meters

9820, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0602-0610, 19-08, Portuguese, 
religious, "Santuario Nacional", "Com a Mae Aparecida na Rede Aparecida 
de Radio". 24322. (M?ndez)

10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 
0857-0920, 19-08, time signals, female announcing the time in 
Portuguese: "Observatorio Nacional, 5 horas, 57 minutos, 00 segundos". 
12321- (M?ndez)

7265, Hamburger Lokal Radio, *0500-0537, 18-08, program in Spanish 
"Radio Tropicana", songs in Spanish and Portuguese, at 0530 program in 
Portuguese, comments. 34433. (M?ndez)

7265, European Music Radio, *0600-0615, 19-08, English, identification: 
"EMR, European Music Radio via MV Baltic Radio", English pop music. 
34433. (M?ndez)

9480, European Music Radio, 0822-0835, 19-08, English, pop music. 45444. 

ITALY, 10000, Time Signal Station Italcable, 10000, 0857-0930, 19-08, 
time signal announcements each minute by male in Italian, at 0600, 
identification by female: "Italcable, stazione radio Italcable, 
trasmissione sperimentale del segnale orario...". Slight interference 
from Time Signal Station Observatory Nacional, Brazil. 23422. (M?ndez)


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 12:00:39 -0400
From: Arthur Delibert <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Bangladesh Betar 15105 kHz
Message-ID: <snt124-w248aca73b1258fa9993738e4...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Bangladesh, 15105.0, Bangladesh Betar English service here with a very weak 
signal, 12:35 - 13:00*.  Was able to ID them only by going to the webSDR at 
University of Twente in the Netherlands (see recent HCDX post from Horatio 
Nigro), which had a very good signal; during musical selection, it was very 
clearly the same station I was hearing.  Program consisted of male anncr with 
listing of places where Islamic services will be held today for Eid al-Fitr; 
commentary (one on World Humanitarian Day (which is also today), one on 
cockfighting in Bangladesh); occasional music.  At 12:58, anncr promised music, 
but we got 2 minutes of loud hum instead.  At s/off, M anncr with postal and 
web addresses for Bangladesh Betar. (Delibert, Maryland, 8/19/12) --    Art 
Delibert, N. Bethesda, MD --    Excalibur Pro, Collins 51j-4 with Sherwood SE-3 
--    Pennant antenna with DX Engineering amp     



Message: 4
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 09:37:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: NASWA <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 18-19, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BRAZIL. 6180, Aug 19 at 0513, RNA with somewhat distorted music, also on 
11780, and rather like Sackville is doing to Vietnam on 9555. These stations 
need to pay more attention to their modulation, adjust their Optimods or 
whatever (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Propagation very disturbed morning of August 19, weak and fluttery 
signals on all bands except for nearby N American stations. Firedrake before 
1300, all with flutter:
13920, poor at 1242
12320, poor at 1244
12670, good at 1244 with flutter

After 1300:
15560, very poor at 1309
15485, JBA at 1309

At 1200 WWV Reported:
``Solar-terrestrial indices for 18 August follow.
Solar flux 97 and estimated planetary A-index 11.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1200 UTC on 19 August was 3.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be minor.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level are likely.``

At 1500 WWV report modified part of it:
``The estimated planetary K-index at 1500 UTC on 19 August was 3.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.``  

** COLOMBIA. 14950.7, Aug 19 at 1242 very poor signal with music, no flutter, 
from Salem Stereo; could not hear it previous evening chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** COSTA RICA. 11880, Sunday Aug 19 at 1307 I start to listen to world-music 
show from REE, `Mundofon?as`, when transmitter cuts off and on the air twice, 
then stays on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6125, Aug 19 at 0514, RHC carrier on but no modulation for English 
which is supposed to start at 0500; recheck 0524, now it`s modulating music; 
typical (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 13820, Sat Aug 18 at 1737, R. Mart? is well atop jamming, 
inviting listeners to vote for their canci?n favorita, to the program, Clearly a dig at the commie dictatorship where voting 
is not an option. Then the jamming gains (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Aug 19 at 0512, IGIM in Arabish, poor signal and 
undermodulated. Ramadan is now over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1560, Aug 19 at 0530 UT, ID ``en Radio Viva``, timecheck for 11:30, 
into a song about salvaci?n. barely atop the pileup of signals here, loops 
rather E/W and wonder if a US station? No, Googling leads right to XEJPV in 
Ciudad Ju?rez --- which Cant? lists as a 1 kW daytimer, but it`s almost 
1560 XEJPV Radio Viva Cd. Ju?rez, Chih. 1,000 D
IRCA Mexican Log of 2011 however has it as 10 kW day, maybe 1 kW nite;
WRTH 2012 shows it as 1 kW fulltime 

** OKLAHOMA. Still no luck decoding low power KOHC-LD 45 OKC which allegedly 
starting broadcasting the new MundoFox network Aug 13; a `bad` signal on 45 
aimed at OKC could just as easily be KSNW full power Wichita off the back.

But UT Aug 19 around 0430, I notice that Kansas tropo is up with KHCC 90.1 R. 
Kansas `Nightcrossings`, their very nice music show along the lines of `Hearts 
of Space` with e.g. Vangelis, overriding KCSC in OK. So I turn the DTV antenna 
toward the north to check what else may be in; instead as I tune thru the 
channels I notice that MundoFox is now showing up on my local Enid KXOK-LD RF 
32 as 31-2! 

Until now this station has never had a subchannel. May explain the downtime 
last week, to get this installed. It`s during a film drama of some sort, with 
plenty of network promos and ads. Continuous OMUNDOFOX logo bug in lower left 
corner. Now I will have to find a Mundo Fox schedule to see if there is 
anything worth watching on another Murdoch product.

Here are how the PSIP IDs go:
RF 31 has 31-1 TV OK, 31-2 M - FOX including the spaces.

KXOK also has a duplicate on RF32 intercity relay as I have previously 
explained. Is it also split now? Its weaker signal barely decodes, but I can`t 
get anything but KXOK. When directly tuned to RF32, it remaps to 31-1 TV OK 
(rather than the legal ID KXOK as on RF31!) So that`s one way to tell them 
apart (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1630 monitoring: tuned in 5755 around 0353 UT Sunday 
Aug 19 and there was WTWW, but by 0400 it was off the air. Checked webcast and 
WOR was running as scheduled, flash player via 5755 was also off 
a few weeks ago during WOR. 0427 recheck, 5755 is back on; don`t know how much 
was missed.

There has been one problem or another this week with 3 of our 4 best airings of 
WOR on US stations. Since we are all about shortwave, broadcasts on shortwave 
of World of Radio are primary and necessary!

But a reminder that besides live webcasts from all stations, you can listen any 
time on demand to latest or hundreds of previous WORs from our archive:

Remaining WRMI 9955 airings, subject to jamming: Sun 1730, Mon 0500, 1130 

** U S A. 15615, Aug 19 at 1309, dead air from WEWN English, as often happens 
at the beginning of the 1300 transmission; by 1313 organ music is heard during 
presumed mass. The dead air was really silent, not a long pause with occasional 
dings and rustles as often heard during masses (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A [non]. 15600, Aug 18 at 1755, African language would be fair if not 
for WEWN squishy spur from 15610 on 15601; 1757 YFR theme. HFCC shows Somali 
via Woofferton UK at 17-18; Protestants vs Catholix! 

17690, Aug 18 at 1855, after Turkish talk, neat piano version of ``Walls of 
Jericho``. Good signal but now fading out, also YFR via Woofferton at 18-19 

** VIETNAM [non]. 9555, Aug 19 at 0511, VOV via CANADA, nice Viet music usually 
heard around this time is overmodulated/distorted again. Wonder if VOV will 
stay with Sackville till end of A-12? 

VOV plans to replace 9555 and 6175 Sackville in B-12 as follows, but could 
happen earlier?

0100-0130 English    Woofferton 9470 300 kW 282 degrees to ENAm only
0130-0230 Vietnamese Woofferton 9470 300 kW 282 degrees to ENAm only
0230-0300 English    Woofferton 9470 300 kW 282 degrees to ENAm only
0300-0330 Spanish    WHRI       6175 250 kW 173 degrees to Cuba only
0330-0400 English    Woofferton 9470 300 kW 282 degrees to ENAm only
0400-0430 Spanish    WHRI       6175 250 kW 173 degrees to Cuba only
0430-0530 Vietnamese Montsin?ry 6175 500 kW 310 degrees to WNAm only

UNIDENTIFIED. 9675, Aug 19 at 0510, the het between Brasil and Per? (?) is now 
circa 220 Hz, A3 below middle C (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 23:36:50 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Just returned from  vacations alone back due to work tomorrow.  The logs are 
made without 
any printed material  help  as it has been forgotten in the house 
This report is made in Fourka  for the first 5-6 days  using a  5 m true 
horizontal  wire , PL 
600/ De1103 refurbished/ DE1126  for  minor SW DXing , some FM dXing and 
Creative Zen 
as recorder and AN200 as tuneable MW  antenna 

More reports  to follow the next days  with Fm listings in Fourka and  
LItohoron (14-19/8)

And a notice :I am very sad  to advise  that is  to be suspended 
from Dec 1 as 
its CEO   is changing business . My blogs will be transferred  to  
but not for this 


4835  RA  1941 some OM with talks poor 
4765  Tajik R 1949 music sonmg At 2255 OM with talks in TJ and background music 
Suddens/off 200
9835 RTM Sarawak with islamic program ,adverts, songs etc 35333 Also 2042!! 
5870 Siokaze?2028 YL talks in KR , ON 2029  talk s from many children 2030 
reports passes  
2030 with wexternal reports 24443
6080 ??  2037  with hilife songs , discussions with many mentions of Africa a 
song phone in 
6110 Fana 2042 OM with ID Fana over talks , mantio0ns of Sudan and R]wanda  
2045  HoA 
song 35523 
6125 CNR 2048 poor and alone in the freq.  25343
6160 unIDed (but  fond nothing appropriate in the Eibi listing  unless is Rio 
Mar ) 20523 with 
pp music , talks by om in unided lang due to the poor signal ,but heard 
seemingly religious 
7295 Traxx 2113 pop songs ,adverts 12xx2
9500 RA?? 2121 reports 34xz33
9505 CVC?? 2126 discussions 34323
9565 Tupi 2127  talk in PP and ID 242x3
9745  Bahrain 2138 with Arabic songs . clean freq , 34x34
11760 RD Amor 2150 QRM with Japan? 
 11780 RN Amazonas 2151 news , mention Amazon , Manaus 'Journal de amazonas' 
11840 RHC?? 2154 news in SP , 'revolution americana' poor 
6290 Spaceman ??2006  song 'jump' ,marginal 

7200 Omdiruman HOA song 1955 OM talks fundukuyl zarib Addis Abeba  , YL in 
way  music , Fari with poor audio 
6160 once again  with recording 

6165 ?? 2105 with talks in Eng and song
4885  Ck de Para 2124  just marginal OM 
3978  harmonic from Greek pirate with greek 60's 
3915 BBC 2113 with lengthy  IS clip 
4950  RN Angola 2134 with hilife song mixed with carrier 22252  Recording here

9745  V o Han 2145 goes stronger today covering Bahrain 43533

3/8 with Some MW Xing using An 200 as tune antenna 
918  Slovenia 2030  with news in Engkish and german . 'Local' signal  
1537 Eth ???2120 with HoA song using  AN200 Antena stil poor (DX)
1486  SER 2030 mentioning catalunya with many IDs Eveyan el punto  ,fair 
1440 CRI prg in Eng , interview  on 2132 poor on AN200 
1098 Bayrak 2152  with turk rock song  ID  R Bayrak Poor 
1035  poss Greek pirate with sogn Sunny 44533
4845  ONdas Tropicais 2219 talk s 2432 

9330 WBCQ Planet 0647 pacific .. mission , address , teas  Chicago IL  25232 
15240 RA still on the freq? 0745 with nes 25232 QRN local TV
12140 Tamil tigers (after reading  older DXLD ) 1533 with short music clips . 
talk by OM and 
YL with many mentions of Tamil .Seems mixed with HoA  music 35434
6015  Xinjiang 1618 instrumental play of Kazakh or Uighur type . Player with 
some talks then 
resuming the play  245x3
4880 SWR Africa 1658  with IS fro R Africa poor
6250 Pyongyang Pangsong 2059 with national anthem 2005  OM and YL with intense 
wording followed by a lengthy hymn 33243 //644
1538  RNE 2151 with sports prg & AN 200 
1260 RNE 2155 talk sin SS poor & AN 200 
603 ?? 2208 a station with high overloading  near to FMish , in French and not 
easily copy-
able  Strong 
11665 ?? 2230 with dangdut po song 'dunia baru'   . File here :
9490 VoA 1640+ abt Uganda situation and talks byWHO batakar etc local 
15825 WWCR 2019 with OM in relig talks  45333 
11723 best QSN  RNZI with ID on 2027 22432
9818.9  'Radio 9/7'  2046  OM with talks mentioning Jesus a song with children 
and piano 
11735  Tanzania 2053 tribal songs with short talks inVN in between S off 2100  
QRM Belarus 

Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,1126
Tecsun PL200/550/600/360, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 21:28:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stewart MacKenzie <>
To: Adrian Peterson <>, Gerry Dexter <>,
        Anker Peterson <>,        BCL NEWS
        <>, Duane Fischer <>,   Hard
        Core DX <>,        Prime Time Shortwave
        <>,   SWL QTH <>
Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

ARGENTINA?? Radio Nacional? RAE?? 15345? 2306 GMT? Spanish? 333? Aug 19? YL and 
OM with comments.??? Noiy Freq.????? Mackenzie CA..

AUSTRALIA?? Radio Australia, Shepparton??? 21740?? 2226 GMT? English? 444? Aug 
19?? Grammy Awards History from an OM?? Also an OM singing 2238 GMT.????? 

AUSTRALIA??? HCJB Australia?? 15525? 2256 GMT? English? 333? Aug 19? Choir 
singing, OM with comments 2228 GMT.????? Mackenzie-CA..

BONAIRE?? Radio Japan Relay? NHK?? 15265? 2308 GMT? Japanese? 444? Aug 19? 
Girls Choir Singing 2309 GMT.????? MacKenzie-CA..

COSTA RICA?? Radio Exterior Espana Relay?? REE?? 17850? 2235 GMT? Spanish? 444? 
Aug 19? A YK ancr at a sports event.? Also an OM at times? also the Audience 
yelling often.??? MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA?? Radio Havana Cuba? RHC? 17750? 2239 GMT? Spanish? 444? Aug 19?? YL with 
RHC ID. Then an OM with comments followed by a YL with CUBA ID 2240 GMT.? 
//17705[444], 15370[444].????? Mackenzie-CA..

NEW ZEALAND?? RNZI?? 15720? 2250 GMT? English? 333? Aug 19?? OM with comments 
on Hospital New Zealand...????? Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Florida?? Family Radio?? 15440? 2300 GMT? Spanish? 444? Aug 19? 
Choir Singing.? OM with comments 2302 GMT.????? Mackenzie-CA..

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"




Message: 7
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 23:38:08 -0700
From: Guy Atkins <>
Subject: [HCDX] Grayland Beach State Park WA DXpedition - August
        13-15, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Another Grayland DXpedition is in the history books. The August weather
there was sunny and warm but unfortunately the DX haul was a bit gloomy. As
always I hoped for at least average conditions but it was if a big, muffled
blanket was thrown over the band! Still, there were some interesting
catches. Logging eleven Hawaiians (with IDs) was the most fun. Surprisingly
I heard stations in Ketchikan and Nome, too, with a SW Beverage antenna at
230-235 degrees! That beverage must have had a big side lobe to the
northwest. Nome KICY was particular strong and surprising.

The underbrush has grown too much at the south field of Grayland--and I'm
less motivated to crash through the obstacles and crawl beneath the dense
growth as I get older--so the Extended DKAZ
had planned was a non-starter. That was disappointing, as I really
to try a DKAZ for the first time. There's a couple of sites at the north
end of the park that should work for TPs with the DKAZ in the fall or
winter though. The first night I settled for a 35 X 16 ft. terminated loop,
suspended about 7 feet above the camp site. Even after maximizing the
termination there was lots of domestic splatter. That fact coupled with the
mediocre reception netted me only a few catches the first evening.

The second day I decided to run out an unterminated "Beverage onna bush" to
the southwest. I ended up with 850 feet oriented as best I could from
230-235 degrees. This Beverage resulted in a HUGE reduction of domestic
splatter during daytime tests. I'll have to show you fellas a couple of
Perseus screen shots that are on my other laptop right now. Many signals
were 40-50db down, and I measured one at 57db reduction from the terminated
loop! At night of course the domestic signals really picked up on the
Beverage, but it was far better than the loop (oriented on the same
bearing). The big difference was doubly surprising, given that it was an
unterminated Beverage.

This was the first DXpedition for me that RFO Tahiti on 738 didn't make an
appearance at all. Very strange. I also didn't note any of the other South
Pacific islands like Solomons, Kiribati, Tonga, or Vanuatu. I had quite a
few New Zealand stations (mainly RNZ national), but most of them weak and a
struggle to hear above the noise floor. It was the same thing with the few
Aussies I heard...if I wasn't for the distinctive ABC network trumpet
fanfare I wouldn't even be certain I was hearing an Australian outlet in
the muck. In most cases I really had to work hard at pulling the DX out of
the noise.

You can check out 30 audio clips of the DX at this page:


Guy Atkins
DXing at Grayland Beach State Park, WA
Puyallup, WA USA

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 116, Issue 20

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