** BRAZIL. 5990, June 29 at 0603, RNA extra frequency is back on
tonight // much stronger 6180 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6165 // 6100, 6060, 6000, UT Sunday June 29 at 0601, RHC is
in weekly Esperanto show instead of English! Espo is supposed to be at
0700 Sundays on only one frequency, but I don`t stay up to check on
that. 0615 still Espo music and announcement on all four. Presumably
the studio jumped the gun by an hour on sending the Esperanto
half-hour via the same program feed circuit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** MEXICO. Not much Es to be seen lately as I let the analog TV set
snow away on channel A2, until, UT June 28:

2217 on 2, video from the west fades in, to go with indications on the
6m ham map; soon gone again

UT June 29:

0025 on 3, Spanish from the WSW; square bug in UR with italic bold 3
in white/light; at a fade-up I can see it`s XHBC Mexicali with call
letters on the left side, running upward on their sides. Also smaller
lettering in a rectangular block on the bottom side of the square;
during a ghosty movie; 0028 ads, including mention of ``en ambas
Californias`` which is a dead giveaway for XHBC, and Notivisa promo,
which also is.

0025 on 2, also something on this channel; 0035 Spanish, Televisa-2
star bug in LR with game(?) show, and nothing on 3 at this time. No
more monitoring this evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1727 monitoring: another no-show at 2330
Saturday June 28 on 9930 WTWW.

0030 UT Sunday on 9495 WRMI: confirmed with last week`s #1726

0400 UT Sunday on 5830 WTWW: carrier cuts off the air just as I tune
in at 0400 sharp; back on *0401 but no modulation until 0405*, back on
with dead air at *0406-0407*; finally *0414:35 cuts back on air with
WOR 1727 in progress. Mid-break comes at 0421, so must have
started/restarted playback about 5 minutes late, perhaps to
compensate, unusual. But cut off incomplete at 0430 and back to
regular SFAW programming. Next:

0300v UT Monday on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
1100 UT Tuesday on WRMI 9955
0630 UT Wednesday on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
1315 UT Wednesday on WRMI 9955
1430 UT Wednesday on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
2100 UT Wednesday on WBCQ 7490v

For those struggling to hear a complete WOR in the face of SW
transmission problems, a reminder that current and hundreds of
previous WOR audio files are at:

And also podcasts via:

** U S A. 9930, June 28 from 2313, here`s what I heard on WTWW-2, when
checking for WORLD OF RADIO, which normally airs at 2330 Saturdays,
but did not appear last week:

2315, usual gospel music filler after a preacher
2330, gospel music keeps going until:
2334, two canned IDs, and 2335 QSY announcement to 5085
2336, another replay of QSO show from Dayton, still on 9930
2342, QSO is cut off and I thought transmitter went off, but
2352, 9930 is still on but with dead air
2356, QSO show heard again
2359* 9930 cuts off the air abruptly with no QSY announcement now
UT June 29:
0000, 5085 is already on by the time I retune, QSO continues, also at
further chex thru 0045 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

NOTE: since approximately 0030 UT June 29, a huge continuous noise
level has appeared here, apparently coming from a nearby house. Covers
entire SW spectrum, from S9+10 to S9+25 on the FRG-7, allowing thru
only the very strongest signals; also audible on MW. For the duration,
this will seriously curtail my own DXing and monitoring (Glenn Hauser,

Note 2: three attempts to send from my yahoo account to my usual
mailing list appear to have been unsuccessful despite ``successfully
sent``. Apologies if this result in duplication. This remailing cannot
go to groups where I am subscribed only by my yahoo address.
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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