CHINA   China National Radio-17 reactivate it's a long time inactive
QRG 11630 kHz:
2355-1805 on 11630 LIN 100 kW / 286 deg to EaAs Kazakh, plus summer
A17 co-channels
1015-1600 on 11630 KBD 250 kW / 230 deg to CeAf Ar/HQ R.Kuwait,
inactive at present
1427-1457 on 11630 SMG 250 kW / 089 deg to SoAs Urdu Radio Veritas
Asia very strong
1600-1700 on 11630 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Tibetan Voice of
America and 

GERMANY   Test broadcasts of New European Shortwave Radio Sce on August 4:
1000-1200 on  6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, no signal
1200-1400 on  3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, no signal
1400-1600 on  6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat on the air
1600-1800 on  3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, no signal
1800-2000 on  6160 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat on the air
2000-2200 on  3975 WIS 001 kW / non-dir to NWEu English Mon-Sat, no signal
Same on August 3: 1400-1600 & 1800-2000 on 6160 and no signal on all

NUMBERS STATION   Very weak signal of Cuban Spy HM01 in 10MHz, August 4
0455-0550 on 10860 secret tx probably BEJ 50 kW Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri
0555-0650 on 10345 secret tx probably BEJ 50 kW Spanish

NUMBERS STATION   S06s Russian Lady in the heart of 31mb, August 4
0940-0946 on  9655 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB,

PALAU(non)   Reception of Radio Que Me via WHRI T8WH Angel 3 on August 4:
1200-1230 on  9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg to EaAs Vietnamese Fri,

SECRETLAND(non)   Dimtse Radio Erena via BaBcoCk SPL Secterbrod, August 4
1700-1730 on 11965 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Mon-Fri
1730-1800 on 11965 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Arabic Mon-Fri
1700-1800 on 11965 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Tigrinya Sat
1700-1800 on 11965 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Arabic

U.K.(non)   Reception of FEBA Radio via BaBcoCk Al-Dhabayya on August 4
1200-1230 on 15215.1 DHA 250 kW / 085 deg to CeAs Tibetan, fair

U.K.(non)   Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow via BaBcoCk Grigoriopol, August 4
1600-1630 on  7575 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Persian Mon/Fri, good

USA   Reception of weekly French program of WHRI Angel 2, August 4:
0500-0515 on  9825 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu French  Fri, strong
0515-0600 on  9825 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English Fri,

USA   Reception of Brother HySTAIRical via WHRI Angel 2, August 4
0600-0800 on  7355 HRI 250 kW / 047 deg to WeEu English

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *

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