
vy73 de  wb df5sx

BC-DX 1537                                                 31 March 2023

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AFGHANISTAN   Vatikan News: - Mitten in Afghanistan - ein Frauenradio.

Ein Radio von Frauen fuer Frauen: Das ist eine Herausforderung. Erst recht
in einem Land wie Afghanistan.

Trotzdem halten die Unternehmerin Hamida Aman und ihr rein weibliches Team
"Radio Begum" auch in einem von den Taliban beherrschten Land tagtaeglich
am Laufen.

"Radio Begum" bedeutet "Radio Koenigin".

"Wir haben ein Team von 15 jungen Frauen, das die Radio-Beitraege und Pro-
gramme erstellt", erklaert uns Aman. "Wir produzieren in Kabul und sind in
10 von 34 Provinzen in Afghanistan zu hoeren." Allerdings sollte man sich
unter "Radio Begum" keinen Nachrichtensender vorstellen. Interviews mit
Taliban-Pressesprechern gibt es hier nicht.


Sechs Stunden Programm am Tag dienen der Bildung:
Das heisst, wir nehmen taegliche Unterrichtsstunden auf, mit Schuelerinnen
in Praesenz - damit wirklich beim Hoeren der Eindruck entsteht, mit in
einem Klassenzimmer zu sitzen."

Auf der website sind 3-4 schoene Fotos aus dem Studio. 90.1 MHz


Schule zum Hoeren.

Jede Schulstunde hat in dieser Audio-Ausgabe dreissig Minuten. Es gibt
unterschiedliche Niveaus, und fast alle Schulfaecher werden abgedeckt:

Sprachen, Geschichte, Geografie von der fuenften bis zur zwoelften Klasse.
Nur Mathe, Bio, Physik oder Chemie fehlen; die seien ueber das Radio zu
schwer zu vermitteln, sagt Hamida Aman, die aus Afghanistan stammt und im
Alter von acht Jahren nach der sowjetischen Invasion in die Schweiz ge-
flohen ist.

"Es schuetzt uns, dass wir nur Frauen sind".

"Es sind ausschliesslich Frauen, die am Radio arbeiten und das Programm
erstellen. Mittlerweile sitzen auch in der Technik nur Frauen; das haben
frueher zwei Maenner gemacht, die haben wir mittlerweile durch Frauen er-


Das Programm mit Gesundheitstipps wird von einer Gynaekologin erstellt; es
werde im Land viel gehoert, sagt Hamida Aman. [...]

Radio Begum begann im Maerz 2021 zu senden - das war nur wenige Monate,
bevor die Taliban an die Macht kamen. Die Islamisten schlossen den Sender
nicht, doch wurde die Luft fuer Frauen im Land durch eine Reihe von Ver-
boten immer duenner. Seit September 2021 gibt es keinen Schulunterricht
mehr fuer Maedchen ueber 12 Jahren; seit Dezember 2022 ist Frauen auch der
Zugang zu Universitaeten verboten. Im Jahr 2023 darf keine Frau in
Afghanistan eine Schule besuchen.

[...] Jeden Tag werden wir zurechtgewiesen; wir lernen jeden Tag, mit
einem autoritaeren Regime umzugehen, das uns ueberwacht und uns viele
Dinge verbietet."

Doch schon die Tatsache, dass es ein eigenes Radio fuer Frauen gebe, sei
ein Lichtblick, sei Grund zur Hoffnung fuer die Frauen in Afghanistan.
Aman spricht von einer Art "Leuchtturm in einem Meer von Elend".
(Vatikan News via Paul Gager-AUT, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 23)

"Schweizer Kreuz"Flagge vor Aus?

Vielleicht wird auch bald das "Schweizer Kreuz" verboten?


( - mg)
(Vatikan News via Paul Gager-AUT, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 23)

ALGERIA   RTA Bechar site - spurious emissions.
March 23 and 24, I noticed spurious signals either side of 17600 kHz,

17480, 17520, 17560 (weak)
17640 (strongest)
17680 (weak)

Scratchy audio on the spurious signals which I traced to the 17600 kHz
fundamental (good modulation as usual). Obviously a transmitter fault.

Alan Holder, G4ZBH
Isle of Wight, U.K. (via wor March 24)

re: - Scratchy audio on the spurious signals ...

At 00.24 and 01.10 UT on Sat March 25 both RTA outlets on very  c l e a n
excellent audio signals, nothing faulty observed so far - no spurs either
band at
9500even from Bechar site requested,
7440even from Ourgla site registered.

Both site fqs S=9 signals in Germany and at NY-US state and at Alberta
Canada SDR units remotedly.

73 wolfie df5sx wwdxc, March 25.

ALGERIA   21550 kHz. March 26 at 1507 UT, no signal from TDA, but algo on
17605 kHz. That would be Vatican site, while HFCC A23 now shows TDA Bechar
17600 kHz only at 09-11 & 18-21 UT: 21550 kHz, March 26 at 1509 UT, Qur'an
and Arabic talk, as TDA Bechar is now here at 1100-1800 UT, 300 kW at
131 degrees. It's the OSOB except for algo on 21690 kHz, surely France TDF
Issoudun in Swahili.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

ANTARCTICA   15476 kHz  LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base
Esperanza, *2055-2135 UT on March 25, open with songs in Spanish, at 2104
UT Morse code, ID. "A partir de este momento transmite LRA 36, Radio
Arcangel San Gabriel en onda corta, 15476 kHz, desde Base Esperanza,
Antartida Argentina", ID. in various languages, comments in Spanish,
"Uniendo Voces, un programa de LRA 36 ...", "Les habla Juan Benavente",
"Ecos de la Antartida sera el programa del ciclo 2023". "Desde la Base
Esperanza, Antartida Argentina transmite LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel
San Gabriel para todo el mundo", at 2129 UT "Los datos del tiempo,
sensacion termina -1 grado". 35443 to 45444.

As announced during the transmission, the 2023 season program, which
I imagine will start in April, will be called "Ecos de la Antartida",
being the current summer program, "Uniendo Voces", a transition to the
new program "Ecos de la Antartida".
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26)

ANTARCTICA   15476 USB, Sat March 25 at 2102 UT, LRA36 is on with music,
S4/S5 into Argentine SDR, tnx to tip from Manuel Mendez, Spain who had it
direct from *2055 UT. I may not have time to monitor much further detail,
but supposed to last six hours.

15475.98 RC USB, March 25 checking for LRA36 already confirmed on air this
Sat from 2055 UT: Not audible at 2226 UT direct, but a trace S1/S2 noise
level at 2310 UT on my N/S antenna. 2312 UT music; 2327 UT JBA, but no
signal into Argentine remote by 2333 UT. 2336 UT, o there it is JBA even
there, maybe the remote acting up. Others reporting it past 0230 UT on
March 26.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

ARMENIA  TWR Gavar Yerevan, 864 kHz, v/s Kalman Dobos, e-QSL in five weeks
for e-report to  <kdobos -at->
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

AUSTRALIA   HCJB Japan, 11905 kHz, via Reach Beyond Australia, QSL in four
weeks for e-report to  < -at->

JSWC, 15420 kHz, via Reach Beyond Australia, v/s Kazuhiko Iwasa.  e-QSL in
seven weeks for e-report to
<jswc70qsl -at->
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

AUSTRIA/GERMANY   SM Radio Dessau sendet ab 1. April jeden Samstag Wieder-
holungen frueherer Programme von 15-16 UT auf 6070 kHz. Am 09. April die
Aprilsendung von 11-12 UTC 6070 kHz aus ORS Moosbrunn mit 100 kW Thema
Radiowerbung und Ernst Thaelmann in Dessau, wdh am 16. April 10-11 UTC on
6095 kHz mit 100 kW aus MBR Nauen.

Die Sendung Zeitreise ist am 1. May um 11 UTC 6095 kHz und um 14 UTC auf
6070 kHz, jeweils mit 100 kW vorgesehen.
(Bernd Seiser-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 26)

AUSTRIA   SM Radio Dessau, 6070 kHz via ORS Moosbrunn, E-QSL in two days
for e-report to <maxberger -at->

Welle 370, 6030 kHz, via ORS Moosbrunn sw center, QSL in four weeks for
e-report to  <welle370 -at->
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

BRAZIL   5940 kHz  Radio Voz Missionaria - Camboriu, SC, 0238-0305 UT on
March 19, tuned in to a long religious talk in the Portuguese language by
a man announcer. Fair signal but \\ 9665 kHz was poor to fair.
(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1092 March 19)

On Fri March 24 at 10.15 UT very bad propagation condition today; remoted-
ly heard at Edmonton-Alb-CAN Perseus SDR unit Voz Missionaria noted on

5940.019 kHz on upper flank, TX in 50mb aligned in past week.
Radio Voz Missionaria - Camboriu, SC. Poor weak tiny S=2 JBA signal \\
also same program on

9664.922 kHz at -97 dBm poor level, not fq stable,up and down 5 - 10 Hertz
moving around at 10.09 UT; also on 25 mb on air and confirmed at Pardinho
cross/check nearly exact on
11750.0 fq acc monitoring on worldwide KIWI_net at TWR Bonaire SDR and at
Pardinho-BRA unit. Channel in 25mb covered by China mainland Nanning

9819.092 kHz very weak and tiny -109.6 dBm signal, '9 de Julho' Sao Paulo
in BrasPort at 10.03 UT noted in SDR at Edmonton-Alb-CAN Perseus net.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 24)

BRAZIL   15190 kHz  Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1943-2006 UT,
March 25, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, ID. "Rede Inconfidencia
de Radio", "". 25432.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26)  15190.072 on March 30.

BRAZIL   noted also
5940.019 kHz Voz Missionario, BrasPort, and
9664.936 kHz on lower fq flank again - variable hopping fq outlet -
         not stable, and
11749.988 kHz at 0018, 00.33, and 00.35 UT.

11815.013 kHz Radio Brasil Central at 00.15 UT,
11780.010 kHz the 250 kW beast from Brasilia S=9+25dB, 00.16 UT March 25,
nice Latin AM music program, enjoy

9819.081 kHz '9 de Julho' again back on air, S=6 poor signal at 00.38 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 25)

BRAZIL   History of Radio Nacional de Brasilia, founded in the capital in
1958 year, from EBC Radios


("Communication" #581 monthly magazine of BrDXC-UK, page #13 on March 31)

BULGARIA   [ITALY non]  7295.002 kHz, Fri March 24 at *1758 UT, carrier on
with tone less than 1 kHz, presumably BULGARIA of SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostin-
brod Bulgaria relay site, via ? Spaceline Ltd., S=9+20dB into University
Enschede Twente, 1800 UT IRRS s/on as 7295 & 1323 kHz, Feature Story News
& Spotlite, 1804 UT into another newscast not IDing until later as VOA.

14590 kHz harmonic inaudible today in depressed conditions. Later in hour
some rock music show where WOR used to be, not specified, only generic
schedule entry. Before 1800 UT there is ACI from China 7300 kHz, after
1800 UT 2ACI from China 7285 kHz. In A23, IRRS plans to go back to 7290
kHz, but not make a time shift, staying at 18-19 UT.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA. wor March 24)

CANADA   6030 kHz  CFVP - Calgary, Funny in English, March 16, at 2343-
2350 UT. SIO 444. Comedy routines on stage. Humor. Target WNA. Laugh a
minute. Advertisements and MX clips. Talk. Mixed OM / YL comedy.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1092 March 19)

CANADA   [non]   Bible Voice Broadcasting A-23 Summer Frequency Schedule

(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor March 30)  see also under GERMANY  MBR Nauen

CUBA   6060  UT Monday March 13 at 0644 UT, RHC DX program 'En Contacto'
underway with Morse / musical theme, S=9+10/20dB, only 49m frequency on,
and \\ 11670 kHz, S=9+10dB undermodulated. Website Programacion page dis-
plays outdated transmission sked !  NO details of individual programs.

Maybe repeat of 0140 UT ? Something's always wrong at RHC - 6060 kHz,
March 17 at 0637 UT, RHC Spanish not English, S=9+10 undermodulated, only
channel still on. Something's always wrong at RHC.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

CUBA   11760 kHz  March 19 at 1520 UT, Sunday-only Esperanto from RHC
Bauta is S=9+10dB but just barely modulated; while \\ 15140 kHz is S8/9+10
but merely undermodulated. Something's always wrong at RHC 11760 kHz,
March 20 at 0240 UT, S9+18 of dead air from RHC where something's always
wrong. Also DA of S=9+20dB at 0606 UT, thus for 3+ hours?
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

CZECH REPUBLIC   1071 kHz Czech Radio Plus, QSL in four weeks for e-report
to  <cr -at->
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

CZECH REPUBLIC    Liblice MW masts to stay Jakub Fabo reports that Ceske
Radiokomunikace no longer plans to take down the iconic [medium wave]
transmitter Liblice B, near Cesky Brod. Instead, there are active plans
to return it to its original function - radio transmission.

However, they are currently unable to provide any closer details.
Transmitter Liblice B, the tallest structure in the Czech republic (355m)
tall was used to broadcast Cesky Rozhlas 2 until 31 December 2021 year,
using 2 x 750 kW Tesla transmitters (last few years only one of them was
used at a time) on mediumwave 639 kHz. The Tesla transmitters were
allegedly scrapped almost immediately after the shutdown, so they will
have to use something else.
(Ydun MW list 3 March; via Dave Kenny-UK, "Communication"  #581 monthly
magazine of BrDXC-UK, page #30 on March 31)

DENMARK   5930  World Music Radio, Bramming, 1845-1904 UT on March 25,
songs in English, other songs, song "Rivers of Babylon", ID. "World
Music Radio". 34433.  5929.985 kHz March 30, 16.10 UT WestAF mx. wb.

5970 kHz  Radio 208, Hvidovre, 1935-2003 UT on March 25, songs in English,
rock and pop songs. id. "Radio 208", some comments in Danish. 25432.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26) 5970.006 on March 30, 16 UT

ECUADOR   6050 kHz  HCJB, Pichincha-Quito, 0422-0500* UT on March 26,
Spanish, comments, ID. "HCJB", Ecuadorian songs and music, program "Ritmos
y Canciones de Nuestra Tierra, un programa de HCJB", at 0457 UT
"Regresamos manana con la programacion en idioma Quechua", anthem and
closed at 0500 UT. 25432.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26)

EGYPT   9439.994 kHz on March 24 at 2121 UT, R. Cairo at S=9+35dB into
University Enschede Twente Netherlands, but suptorted in English, almost
understandable beneath big humbuzz, 2123 UT presents something else. This
time I go looking for a live webcast. WOR hitlist leads only to general
homepage, and can't get anything audible. leads to ERTU English via


but again can't get anything to play. At least it's a neat multilingual
player design. A pop-up for Qur'an certainly does play - until it stalls.

9884.958 kHz  on March 27 at 0027 UT, dead air of S=9/+15dB direct, some-
thing new about to sign on? No, still dead past 0100 UT. Suspect it's
Radio Cairo since also -42v Hz off frequency; and indeed ERTU is in
HFCC A23 season on 9885 kHz as 2330-0045 UT to CIRAFs 13 & 15 from Abis,
125 kW, 252 degrees in Arabic. At 0059 UT I try Maryland SDR, where it's
S=9+10/20dB and -45 Hz offset. Still going at 0115 UT, but cuts off at
0116* UT.

I suspect it has finally switched to 9860 kHz, which was supposed to start
at 0045 UT in Spanish until 0200 UT. I retune immediately at 0116 UT to
9860 kHz and there it is, same signal level, same dead air, same offset
until cuts off at 0207* UT.

For further checking, also A23 sked:
2115-2245 UT still 9440 kHz English, 2215-2330 UT 9900 kHz Portuguese.
Obviously two transmitters would have to be working at 2215-2245 UT if
both were to be simulheard, unlikely. One of them used to be about
+2.5 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor March 29)

EGYPT   R Cairo on Wednesday March 29 at 23.49 UT

9884.955 kHz much strong empty carrier from Abis SW bcast center site,
S=9+35dB powerful signal into western Europe,
requested 23.30 - 00.45 UT.

73 wb df5sx
wwdxc germany March 29

FRANCE   11800.085V  March 21 at 0650 UT, weak S6/S9 signal way off-fre-
quency, i.e. DW in Hausa, at 0630-0700UT via TDF Issoudun: a site emitting
many imprecise frequencies, and this one is also varying slightly as I try
to measure it. These stick out in my bandscans at 1-kHz intervals in USB,
producing a rumble or some pitch other than 1000 Hz when tuned 1 kHz below
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

Hier die Sendezeiten des HCJB-DX-Programms

<https:\\>  im Sommer:

04.30 Uhr UTC - Weenermoor 3995 kHz (1,5 kW)
09.30 Uhr UTC - Weenermoor 3995 kHz (1,5 kW), 5920 kHz (1,5 kW)
14.05 Uhr UTC - Weenermoor 3995 kHz (1,5 kW), 5920 kHz (1,5 kW)
17.00 Uhr UTC - Weenermoor 3995 kHz (1,5 kW)
21.05 Uhr UTC - Weenermoor 3995 kHz (1,5 kW)
(Mike Bethge-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 30)

GERMANY   RADIO ANDORRA recording broadcast via Kall Eifel Germany.

Again Radio Andorra
Sunday April 2 at 1600 to 1900 UTC on 6005 kHz,
then repeat from  1900 to 2200 UTC on 3985 kHz.

Broadcasting of a 1979 archive from Radio-Andorre:
Enjoy listening,
(Christian Ghibaudo-Nice-F, BrDXC-UK iogroups March 29)

GERMANY   [CANADA-non]  Re: Bible Voice A23 season;
With new (?) language - Spanish - Sundays only at 1830-1900 UT
on 9720 kHz to Spain via MBR Nauen Germany site.

Le mer. 29 mars 2023 a 21:34,  via

(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wor March 29)

GERMANY   Re: SE-TA 2 broadcasts in 2023.
Wenn die SE-TA 2 Angaben fuer die TopNews oder WWDXC magazine interessant
sind, bitte bekanntgeben.

SE-TA2 Informiert: Die regulaere vierteljaehrliche Sendung ueber MBR Nauen
laeuft ganz planmaessig am 01. April 2023 ab 10:00 hr UTC fuer eine Stunde
auf 6095 kHz. Diese liegt auch schon in Nauen im Sendesystem vor.
Am 04 May (Donnerstag/Thursday) gibt es eine weitere Sendung die Kurzwelle
6115 kHz. Die Sendezeit ist von 08:00 - 10:00 Uhr UTC geplant.

Fest geplante Sendungen 2023 laufen am 01. April / 01. July / 07. Oct 2023
("Let's Go Rock'n Roll"). Diese Sendungen werden immer alle am darauf fol-
genden Sonntag zur gleichen Zeit auf 6115 kHz wiederholt.

Am 25. Dec 2023 laeuft dann die jaehrliche Sendung "Musikalischer Frueh-
schoppen" von 09:00 - 11:00 hr UTC ueber MBR Nauen 6095 kHz.

Von dieser Sendung gibt es am 31. Dec 2023 eine Wiederholung von 09:00 -
11:00 hr UTC ueber die Frequenz 6115 kHz. Kurzfristig geplante Sendungen
werden mit zeitnaher Ankuendigung auf 6115 kHz ausgestrahlt.
(via Bernd Seiser-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 28)

GERMANY/USA   Radio Carpathia has an interesting mix of Eastern European
oldies as well as modern pop and rock. It makes a change to hear these
tunes that are not generally played in most of the pop/oldies music sta-
tions around at the moment.

I listened to the programme on 19 March via Channel 292 [Waal Rohrbach
Ingolstadt Bavaria], and whilst I'm not especially a fan of the harsher
sounds of East European rock/pop, or indeed modern pop, there was much
still to appreciate with tracks from Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine,
amongst others.

Radio Carpathia is broadcast on the 3rd Sunday of the month via Channel292
at 1200 UT on 9670 kHz. From 20 March, Radio Carpathia is also new to WRMI
at 0200 UT on 5850 kHz for North American listeners on Mondays with
a monthly 30-minute cut-down version of the main programme. An archive of
past (one-hour) shows can be found at their website at
(via Alan Roe-UK, "Communication" #581 monthly magazine of BrDXC-UK,
page #8 on March 31)

HUNGARY   Kossuth Radio, 540 kHz, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to
<info -at->   v/s Ivan Kovacs.

Nemzetisegi Radio, 1188 kHz, E-QSL in 18 days for e-report to
<info -at->   v/s Ivan Kovacs
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

INDONESIA   Voice of Indonesia in English. It has been off due to heavy
raining, but now back.

Sometimes I can get a carrier on 3325 kHz direct here in BC but the noise
is very high on that band. I can also hear a carrier on 4750 kHz but it's
hard to say if it is CNR, RRI, or Bangladesh Betar.
(Lucas Bandura via Mauno Ritola-FIN, wor March 29)

? Voice of Indonesia's English hour at 2100-2200 UT was well-heard via a
KiwiSDR in Pandung today on both 3325 and 4750 kHz. I enjoyed hearing news
from Indonesia and well as cultural items and music.
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, ODXA / wor March 28)

IRAN   IRIB Sirjan site, 9855 kHz, E-QSL in 2'5 years! for e-report to
<englishradio -at->
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

IRELAND   RTE Radio 1 will cease broadcasting on Long Wave 252 (LW 252)
from Friday 14th April 2023. Announced today on their website

(Mike Terry-UK, MWC and wor March 31)

There was an extended item about the closure (with intervews) on the RTE
Radio 1 "News at One" program today (31 March). Not sure when the item
started as I tuned in (via the University Enschede Twente SDR receiver)
around 12:30 UTC and it went for a few minutes more. But the whole program
will be available later to listen again on the RTE Radio 1 website.
(Richard Langley-BC-CAN, wor March 31)

There's also a report on this on the RTE website with details of the
cost, alternative options to listen to RTE, the poster and contact
details for the RTE information office to answer any questions regarding the

(Mike Barraclough-UK, BrDXC-UK ng March 31)

Re:  RTE Radio 1 will cease broadcasting on Long Wave 252 (LW 252)
from Friday 14th April 2023

Not a surprise, but I had thought RTE might wait on pulling the plug on
252 kHz until the BBC shut down 198 kHz. Still no definite date on the
Radio 4 longwave closure, though it will eventually happen.

Guess we will now have clear reception of co-channel Algeria into
European based online SDRs.
(Stephen Luce, Houston-TX-USA, wor March 31)

Re:  RTE Radio 1 will cease broadcasting on Long Wave 252 (LW 252)
from Friday 14th April 2023.

There was an extended item about the closure (with intervews) on
the RTE Radio 1 "News at One" program today (31 March). Not sure when
the item started as I tuned in (via the U. Twente SDR receiver) around
12:30 UTC and it went for a few minutes more. But the whole program
will be available later to listen again on the RTE Radio 1 website.
(Richard Langley-NB-CA; March 31)

Re:  RTE Radio 1 will cease broadcasting on Long Wave 252 (LW 252)
from Friday 14th April 2023.

I think this has something to do with the uk forthcoming broadcasting
bill which will let overseas radio stations to be relayed by uk radio
stations, rte 1 could broadcast by small scale dab.

I think this has something to do with the uk forthcoming broadcasting
bill which will let overseas radio stations to be relayed by uk radio
stations ,rte 1 could broadcast by small scale dab


[1] <https:\\>
[2] <https:\\>
[3] <https:\\>
[4] <https:\\>
[5] <https:\\>
(David James, BRDXC-UK iogr March 31)

Re:  RTE Radio 1 will cease broadcasting on Long Wave 252 (LW 252)
from Friday 14th April 2023.

I wondered about that too, because I really enjoy listening to RTE in the
car and it's a shame that it's going. On the one hand I understand that a
lot of Irish ex-pats in the UK rely on the longwave transmission and would
presumably welcome a DABservice. On the other hand, it's the public broad-
caster for another country, albeit a friendly neighbour, and I wonder if
the new rules will go that far.

Also, I wouldn't have thought the kind advertisers you hear on RTE R1
would benefit enough from UK exposure to persuade them to pay more (and
therefore justify the transmission costs).

But if non-UK national broadcasters are permitted then it would be great
to get France FIP on DAB too. I recall there was an 'unofficial' FIP relay
in Brighton some years ago.
(Kevin Danks-UK, BRDXC-UK iogr March 31)




(demuxed aac stream copy cut)  6min 36s / 3,1 MB

with "RadioSure" ok:

(Roger Thauer-D, wor March 31)

ITALY   Media Veneta Radio has switched from 1278 kHz to 1071 kHz.
The station is located in Piove di Sacco, Padua province, region Veneto
(No.Ea.Italy). The former frequency of 1278 kHz will be later reactivated
from another location.
(Fabrizio Magrone-ITA, 5 March, MWC - mw circle iog; via Dave Kenny-UK,
"Communication" #581 monthly magazine of BrDXC-UK, page #30 on March 31)

JAPAN   Frequency change of Shiokaze Sea Breeze via Yamata site.
The 1600-1700 UT transmission from Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) noted today
March 29 on a new frequency of 5920 kHz. Wednesday in English.
Heard via Asian KiwiSDR remotedly.
(Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, hcdx March 29)

JAPAN   Shiokaze frequency changes. For anyone who follows the broadcasts
from Shiokaze, Hiroshi's blog at


mentions a new schedule effective 1 March:
1300-1400 on 5930 and 7280 kHz 1405-1435 on 6070 and 7310 kHz
1600-1700 on 5955 and 6135 kHz 1705-1805 on 7340 and 7435 kHz

Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) broadcasts to North Korea and is operated by the
independent investigating organisation "Investigation Commission on
Missing Japanese Probably Related to North Korea", regarding persons be-
lieved to have been abducted by North Korea prior to 1983.

All broadcasts are from Yamata in Japan (300 kW). As mentioned in
"Broadcasts in English" they usually have an English programme at 1300-
1400 UT and 1600-1700 UT on Wednesdays (otherwise in Korean and Japanese)
(Tony Rogers 3 March) Frequencies usually change monthly.
(via Dave Kenny-UK, "Communication" #581 monthly magazine of BrDXC-UK,
page #32 on March 31)

KOREA's   LOG at 18 UTC, Sunday March 27th

VoP  all S=9+35dB in Hiroshima Akitakata Japan remotedly,
mostly bubble jammed by communist KRE  P5_land
- rice food suffering country.

3480.007 18.18 UT  KRE bubble jammed.
3910.006 18.20 UT
3930.010 18.22 UT
3985.013 18.26 UT BUZZ tone jammed broadband jamming block
        scratch mix 3977 and 3993 kHz.
4450even VoP S=9+35dB powerhouse, 18.28 UTC, and 4449.969 kHz
        jammed by KRE. Heavy howling sirene tone.
4560.013 S=9+35dB signal at 18.29 UT.
4885.004 EoH noise jammed by KRE at 18.31 UT S=9+30dB powerhouse.
5995.031 EoH S=9+25dB at 18.35 UT. Heavy KRE noise jamming
6249.997 EoH S=9+30dB at 18.37 UT. Heavy KRE tone noise jamming.
        6239 to 6261 kHz broadband jamming.
6350.033 EoH heavy at S=9+10dB level at 18.41 UT.
6520.008 VoP - but KRE also jamming heavily S=9+25dB
        on this channel, at 18.45 UT.
6600even VoP S=9+15dB at 18.47 UT, also KRE noise jamming.

9099.995 formerly, now on new
7719.996 EoH from KOR, S=8 signal noted in Akitakata Hiroshima
        JPN, not jammed at 18.10 UT on March 27.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 27)

KOREA  D.P.R.   KCBS Voice of Korea 9445 kHz Korean at 23.20 UT on
March 29, S=9+35dB signal.
20 kHz wide OVERMODULATED signal from Kujang site. 9435 to 9455 kHz wide,
noted in Akitakata-shi Hiroshima Japan SDR remotedly.
(wb  df5sx, wor March 30)

KOREA REP OF  [SOUTH] Echo of Hope - VOH. Thanks to the timely alert from
Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan), I was able to hear the new VOH frequency of
7720 kHz. (ex 9100 kHz), on both March 23 & 24.


contains my recording made March 24, at 1150 UT; the closing segment of
the "Wang cho bo yeong-eo" (translated into English - Beginner's English)
TV program; the show started at 1124 UT (and closes) with their theme song
- "Party Will Come Alive" by Wizardz Of Oz (with Ruben Martinez); same
program broadcast both days; also \\ to the usual 3985 \\ 4885 \\ 5995 \\
6250 \\ 6350 kHz.

Are they back to six frequencies now or is there a seventh frequency some-
place? Also heard this same program on March 23, at 1524 UT till 1553 UT;
confirming their four hour program loop.

Voice of the People, 3910 kHz, start of a program at 1417 UT, March 23;
heard after the news ("bodo"); also \\ 3480 \\ 3930 \\ 4450 \\ 4560 \\
6520 \\ 6600 kHz. My audio -

Voice of Freedom, 5920 kHz. March 23 recordings:
1430 UT - "Aneun geos-i him-ida" (Knowing is power) -
1500 - ID & "Bodo gwangjang" (News plaza) -
VOF March 24 recording:
1115 UT - "Ingwon baloalgi" (Getting to know human rights) -

BTW - North Korea D.P.R. : KCBS Pyongyang on 3220 kHz, has been absent for
a while now !
3220.0  1800-1950  KRE PBS Pyongyang Pansong .E Kor Hamhung site.
3220.0  1950-1800  KRE KCBS Hamhung...........E Kor Hamhung site.
3219.860 KRE  KCBS Pyongyang S=9+10dB at 13.48 UT Hamnung, November 2021.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor March 24)

KURDISTAN  [non]  17460 kHz OPPOSITION. Denge Welat - (!) Uncertain site
(P) ! , 0158 UT, March 20 in Kurdish. End of Kurdish style song, OM, YL,
sung march, 1529 UT brief ute blast, OM, sound bite of YL with passionate
talk, Faded down to JBA by 1550 UT. Started fair and faded.

[...] 17460  OPPOSITION. March 21 at 1537 UT, two signals beating, S8/S9.
Seems the Recep Turkish jammer and Denge Welat are sticking here rather
than 17470 or 17480 kHz. Site for Denge Welat unclear; latest EiBi data-
base shows UZBEKISTAN for all three, which makes sense propagationally,
but not frequencially since it's no longer minus ~250 Hz or so; Aoki list
misses them completely. Besides too-close Armenia, also possible per
wolfie: Bulgaria, Tajikistan.

17460 kHz, March 26 at 1508 UT, two weak signals colliding as the radio
war between Denge Welat and Recep's jammer, which could also jump else-
where below 17500 kHz.

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

Denge Welat
heard it in parallel with the web stream at
(via Dave Kenny-UK, "Communication" #581 monthly magazine of BrDXC-UK,
page #32 on March 31)

17460 kHz  on March 29 at 1514 UT, S=9+10dB two signals clashing making
fast SAH, at the moment Turkish jammer and Denge Welat; one or both could
jump anywhere else up to 17480 kHz at least. Site for Denge Welat still
not certain.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor March 30)

Re:  Welat wandering Erdogan shadowing.

Denge Welat could try 21760 kHz +/- and see if the Erdogan jammer follows.
Transmission path between Tashkent and Kurdish Middle East target should
be open on 21 MHz 06:00-16:00 UT during the next few months.

I believe the Turkish Emirler station has 21 MHz capability - but they
certainly have not been transmitting on this band for as long as I can
remember. I am not sure if Tashkent can use 21 MHz.

Another option might be to hire air time on 4810 kHz from Yerevan Armenia
during early mornings / late evenings. Armenian radio discontinued this
frequency for their foreign services beamed to Middle East some years ago.
The antenna might still be available. Turkey has no antenna for the 4 MHz
band so could not jam DW.

I understand Ludo Maes of "Broadcast Belgium" is the 'broker' for Denge
Welat. Perhaps I should forward these suggestions to him.

Alan Holder, G4ZBH
Isle of Wight, U.K. (wor March 26)

MADAGASCAR  World Christian Broadcasting introduces Korean language broad-
casts starting A23 season. Korean Programming to Begin January 2023.

The uniqueness of World Christian Broadcasting is focused on places where
our missionaries cannot go or where we do not have enough workers.
In 2006, we began building the radio station in Madagascar to reach the
Middle East with the gospel. That antenna blankets Africa, South America,
the Middle East, the western part of Russia and China, India, Cuba, and
every corner of the world. Those 3 antennas have introduced Jesus to
millions of people.

So, what is next? North Korea !
Sang Yang, who lives in South Korea, and his team have joined World
Christian Broadcasting and will be sending out Korean broadcasts into
North and South Korea. He has preached and been involved in radio work for
many years. He and his team are getting programs ready now to send out to
the world.

In North Korea, we will use the "invisible tool" of shortwave radio that
cannot be traced. It may be one of the safest ways to teach people about
Jesus. We can drop a strong signal on top of North Korea from KNLS in
Anchor Point, AK. Websites and Bible Correspondence Courses are available.
Please be prayerful about this opportunity.
(Andy Baker, World Christian Broadcasting Winter 2022 Newsletter)

KNLS TX 1 - 1100-1200 UTC on 9730 kHz 300 deg KOREAN To Korea
KNLS TX 2 - 1300-1400 UTC on 7395 kHz 315 deg KOREAN To Korea

UTC   Freq Azm Lang Target
0200  6180 265 SPN  So.America North
0300 13760  40 ENG  India
0400 17530  55 CHN  So.China
1800  9885 355 RUS  Euro Rus
1900 13670 340 ARA  Central Mid East.
2000 11965 295 A.ENG Central Africa
2100  9765 265 PORT Brazil
2200  9765 265 PORT Brazil

MWV TX2 is down
UTC   Freq Azm Lang Target
0200  6180 265 SPN  So.America North
0300  6180 250 SPN  So.America South
0400 11825 295 A.ENG Central Africa
1800  9885 355 RUS  Euro Rus
1900  9845 355 RUS  Euro Rus
2000 13710 355 ARA  Central Mid East.
2100 11610 325 CHN  Europe
2200 11610 325 ARA  Central Mid East

Following programs of MWV TX2 moved to TX3 as TX2 is down.
0200  6180 265 SPN S.America North
1800  9885 355 RUS Euro Rus

Updated : February 21, 2023
(Alokesh Gupta-IND, wor March 24)

MALAYSIA   11665 kHz  RTM Wai FM via Kajang, fair-good signal at 1205 UT
with YL and OM in Malay. Am liking this new version of their xmtr/
antenna setup. Whatever they've done, it's been a vast improvement !
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

I confess that for my use the RTM K-L Kajang transmitter on 11665 kHz will
be the standard frequency installation midst on 25 meterband - for two
decades now, - like CHU 7850 or WWH 10/15 MHz. wb.

MEXICO   v6185 kHz  Radio Educacion, Ciudad de Mexico, 0435-0720 UT on
March 26, Spanish, program "Datos y Hechos, informacion y analisis con-
fiable", comments about "Las Fuerzas Armadas", "Las relaciones entre
Estados Unidos y Mexico", Mexican songs, "La reforma de las pensiones en
Francia, el pueblo frances se rebela contra Macron y las pensiones", "Esto
fue Datos y Hechos, una produccion de Radio Educacion", "Esto es Cultura
Mexico, Senal Internacional, la onda corta de Radio Educacion", more
Mexican and other Latin American songs, id. "Cultura Mexico, Senal Inter-
nacional saluda a los DX-istas de todo el mundo, muchas gracias por per-
tenecer a la familia de la onda corta de Radio Educacion", music. 25432.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26)

NETHERLANDS   5955 kHz Sunlite Radio, Westdorpe, 0535-0650 UT on March 26,
pop songs in English, oldies. 35433.

6020 kHz  Radio Delta International, Elburg, 0556-0640 UT on March 26,
songs, ID. at 0658 UT "Good morning, Radio Delta International, one
thousand watts ...", songs in English, oldies. 35433.

11730 kHz  Radio Delta International, Elburg, 0650-0715 UT on March 26,
songs in English, ID. \\ 6020 kHz.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26)

NEW ZEALAND   RNZ Pacific A23 schedule.
Reading this logically, would be totally off the air Sat & Sun 0859-1258UT
no frequency. I pointed this out to Adrian and it's now corrected with an
additional 11725 kHz entry. Glenn Hauser-ok-usa

00.00-05.58  15720, Pacific, Sun-Fri
05.59-08.58  13840, Pacific, Mon-Sun
08.59-12.58  11725, NW Pacific Vanuatu Solomon Isl PNG, Mon-Fri
12.59-16.50   7440, Pacific, Sun-Fri
12.59-17.55   7440, Pacific, Sat
16.51-17.55   9700 AM & 7425, DRM, Tonga Niue Samoa Cook Islands, Sun-Fri
17.36-19.58  11725, Pacific, Sat
17.56-18.58  11725 AM & 11690 DRM, Tonga Niue Samoa Cook Islands, Sun-Fri
18.59-20.58  11725 AM & 13840 DRM, Tonga Niue Samoa Cook Islands, Sun-Fri
19.59-00.00  15720, Pacific, Sat
20.59-00.00  15720, Pacific, Sun - Fri

RNZ Pacific A23 season sked information just posted to
(Ricky Leong-Calgary-Alb-CAN, wor March 19)

NORWAY   5895  Radio Northern Star, Bergen, at 1808-1817 UT on March 25,
songs in English.
(Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, BrDXC-UK ng March 26)

OMAN/UAE   BBC London Farsi service still on ShortWave in A-23 season.
According to the latest data of the HFCC, BBC Farsi will be on the air
SUNDAYS  ONLY as follows

0330-0430  12015 (UAE)
0430-0530  15225 (UAE)
1600-1700   6195 (Oman)
1830-1930   6100 (UAE)
(Jean-Michel Aubier-F, wor March 24)

Re:  BBC Farsi still on SW in A23 [NOT]

Cute: They updated the whole data set for just one final broadcast.


And what goes out on Oman 1413 kHz instead of Farsi now: Nothing, the
transmitter just carried English as scheduled and cut off immediately
before 1600 UT. (Which also answers a possible question if perhaps this
final high power mediumwave transmitter of BBC World Service has been
decommissioned as well: Not yet.)
(Kai Ludwig-D, wor March 27)

PERU  re: Possible Identity of new 4820 kHz from Peru.

Here in the north of New Zealand, I've been hearing a weak signal on 4820
kHz since 0450 UT today. Now, at 0515 UT I am hearing it quite well on my
WinRadio SDR.

Checking KiwiSDRs in South America before 0500 UT I heard an identifi-
cation for Radio Integridad and the Peruvian anthem just before the hour.
After the hour it appears to be carrying a syndicated Christian news pro-
gramme. I found a matching webstream for Radio Integridad Trujillo as well

The SDR Alpha Corral LU1HCW is providing a good clean signal.
If the station runs overnight it will be a reasonably easy catch for DXers
in the South Pacific.
(Bryan Clark-Mangawhai-NZ, wor March 27)

Radio Integridad, 4820, heard via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Mendoza
and Cordoba, Argentina. Only carrier detected here in Lugo, NW of Spain.

PERU   4820 kHz  Radio Integridad, Moquegua, 0635-0720 UT, March 31, heard
via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in Mendoza and Cordoba, Argentina with clear
signal, religious songs and comments in Spanish, ID. at 0645 UT:
"Escucha Radio Integridad, 105.7 FM, la voz que glorifica a Dios", "Presen
tamos la nueva semilla, la reflexion para cada dia del ano", program
"En Contacto".
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, wor March 31)

Still no mention of 4820 kHz on their website. Has anyone tried emailing
them to ask about the new frequency ?
(Lucas Bandura <r_integridad -at->  wor March 28)

UNID  Peruvian hrd quite well on 28 March on 4820kHz from SDR in WeIceland
from 0633 to 0703 UT with relay of Radio Integridad in Trujillo (as indi-
cated by Bryan this program was \\ to web stream for Radio Integridad
105.7 FM). S3 to S4 on SINPO scale. Missionary stations in LA typically
use their own transmitters such as R Chaski and R Logos - so the real
question is, is this station departing from the pattern and leasing (or
using) someone else's transmitter? The In any case well heard both in
Iceland and NZ so likely not a low-power operation. I did e-mail the
station per Lucas's suggestion. We'll see.
(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, hcdx & wor March 28)

UNID (Peru - Radio Integridad ? ), 4820 kHz from 0911 to 0942 UT on March
29. Very poor reception; barely making it through the QRN; definitely re-
ligious programs; could tell when playing hymns and slow tempo religious
sounding music, and when with announcers and segment that sounded like
preaching. Too weak to confirm Spanish language. Too early for me to worry
about Tibet QRM.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor March 29)

PERU   Radio Senda Cristiana (The Christian Way Radio) via Cotahuasi, on
4820 kHz. Thank you Ron for the website!

that basically confirmed that this new Peruvian on 4820 kHz is indeed
Radio Senda Cristiana from Cotahuasi, Arequipa.

In the website that you provided, it's included as part of the Quechua
team, a man called "Freddy Hancco Hancco" that is (most probably) the
person that registered the shortwave frequency in the ministry of tele-
communications, last time i heard the station they were still relaying
Radio Integridad from Trujillo
(Marcos C_2007, wor March 31)

Radio Senda Cristiana (The Christian Way Radio) via Cotahuasi on 4820 kHz

4820, "Radio Senda Cristiana" (The Christian Way Radio) (assumed SW name!)
via Cotahuasi, Arequipa, 0645-0735 UT, March 30; segments of preaching and
of religious songs. Better reception than yesterday !  My audio at 0720 UT
of a music segment -

Thanks to the very kind assistance of Bruce Churchill and also to MarcosC.
(Chile), who provided info here on WORiog, I have located a good reference
for this SW station. The station is operated by the Cotahuasi Ministry
Center Project -
which page also contains some nice pictures:

"The Cotahuasi Canyon has some of the most rugged country on earth. There
are over 40 villages scattered through the canyon and shepherds huts dot
the high altitude meadows, some accessible only by hiking or horseback.
How are we to share the Gospel with them? How are we to encourage those
who are responding?

One way to reach them is through daily radio broadcasts and the prepara-
tion of digital recordings of the scriptures in their local dialects. The
Cotahuasi Ministry Center Project now includes the Christian radio station
and distribution of digital media players and radios. Supporting this Pro-
ject supports the Radio Station and other important ministries.

Since May of 2008, Bible teaching via FM radio reaches into many of these
communities, proclaiming God's truth and "feeding His sheep" with the Word
of God. The Quechua church planters that cannot visit all of the new
village churches are now using "Radio Senda Cristiana" (The Christian Way
Radio) to supplement church planting and discipleship ministry. We would
like to expand our transmitter range using Short Wave, and when complete
we expect to reach most of southern Peru with the Gospel in the Quechua
and Spanish languages.

Through efforts of the ministry of SonSet Solutions
we receive technical help, resources, and training to enable us to develop
and continue on the air.

The prospect of expanding our listening area with the installation of
Short Wave Radio is an exciting and important development with the help
of SonSet solutions' expertise and resources.  Their portable, solar-
powered, fixed-frequency radios have been donated and these are a great
blessing to enable people to listen to Radio Senda Cristiana.

Being faithful to God's word is essential in the work of radio programm-
ing. As we strive to learn more and honor the Lord, please pray that He
would guide us in all wisdom and knowledge so that we will be faithful in
broadcasting God's word. Also, please pray for wisdom in maintaining the
radios and equipment, generators and antennas, and the development of
electrical power options for our remote transmitter site."

Please also read the following page -
(Ron Howard-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 31)

ROMANIA   A-23 DX PX list of wwdxc Version-#1 of March 26.

Many thanks for your updated DX PX list. Much appreciated. Over the last
few weeks I have been monitoring the R Romania International DX Mailbag
and Listener's Letterbox programmes. It appears now that each programme
alternates weekly (I still have to definitively confirm that, but I'm
fairly sure that's right) and is now aired Saturday 1142 UT thru Sunday
0342 UT and again Monday 1142 UT thru Tuesday 0342 UT.

All programmes are 10 minutes long ending at xx52 (rather than xx55 as
before). Airings on other days have been discontinued. So schedule now
is "DX Mailbag/Listener's Letterbox"  (alternating) :

1142  RRI  Bucharest, E,  15130 15320 17630 17670
1742  RRI  Bucharest, E,  13750(drm) 15180
2242  RRI  Bucharest, E,   9740 9790 11650 11800

0042  RRI  Bucharest, E,  9550 11620
0342  RRI  Bucharest, E,  9850 11620 15330(drm) 17790

1142  RRI  Bucharest, E, 15130 15320 17630 17670
1742  RRI  Bucharest, E, 13750(drm)  15180
2242  RRI  Bucharest, E,  9740  9790 11650 11800

0042  RRI  Bucharest, E,  9550 11620
0342  RRI  Bucharest, E,  9850 11620 15330(drm) 17790
(Alan Roe, Teddington-UK, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 29)

ROMANIA  {tentatively}   The A23 Schedule of IRRS (Nexus) is in

(Jose Jacob-IND, VU2JOS, wor March 16)
Re:  A23 schedule of IRRS (Nexus). It does for me, no problem. Glenn

IRRS / Nexus Milano, likely via Galbeni site, see WRTH 2023 p.669.

The usual obfuscation tactics and perception of cheap deals from rent-in
times, for 30 years since early 90ties.  wb.

IRRS   A23 Summer 2023 shortwave schedule for IRRS-Shortwave effective
26 March 2023 until 29 October 2023. Last updated on 10 March 2023.

Most programs are also in \\ with Internet Radio NEXUS (IRN) (24h/7d).
see also: European Gospel Radio.

kHz     UTC    Days       ITU Zones        Pwr Mod    Beam    Language
7290 1800-1900 Daily     18-20,27-30,37-39 150 A3 EUR ME NoAF En (1)(2)
9510 0800-0900 Sat       18-20,27-30,37-40 150 A3 EUR ME NoAF En (1)(2)
9510 0930-1200 Sun       18-20,27-30,37-40 150 A3 EUR ME NoAF En (1)(2)
15385 1500-1530 MoTuWeFrSa38-41,47,48       300 A3 EaAfrica    Oromo (2)
15375 1500-1530 Sun       39-45,49-51,54    300 A3 Asia/Pac    En (1)

(1) Includes programs from European Gospel Radio.
(2) Includes program from IPAR.

See our program schedule for language and program details.
A3 AM Double Side Band (DSB), high power DCC (Dynamic Carrier
Controlled) modulation.
UTC: Universal Time Coordinated, equivalent to GMT.

For more information, contact: IRRS-Shortwave,
e-mail:               <info -at->
Reception reports to: <reports -at->



IRRS: current program schedules on Shortwave, AM / Medium Wave and
via Internet streaming.

These schedules are updated regularly, please check the links below for
updates on our program schedules:

* Sunday program schedule

* Monday    program schedule ...
* Tuesday   program schedule ...
* Wednesday program schedule ...
* Thursday  program schedule ...
* Friday    program schedule ...
* Saturday  program schedule ...


RUSSIA/MOLDOVA   1089 kHz  Radio Sputnik, via Kuban Radiocenter Armavir
Krasnodar, v/s Andrey Molokov.  E-QSL in four weeks for e-report to
<andrey_hamradio -at->

MOLDOVA  Radio Rossii, 990 kHz via Grigoriopol Maiac sw and mw center,
E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to  <prtc -at->
(Artur Fernandez Llorella-ESP, hcdx March 30)

RUSSIA   Russland erweitert eigenes Rufzeichensystem.

Russland hat sein eigenes Rufzeichensystem fuer Amateurfunkstellen
um die annektierten Gebiete in der Ukraine erweitert. Ab sofort
werden die folgenden Praefixe verwendet:

R1H, R1V Gebiet Kherson (HE)
R6K, R7K Republik Krim (RK), bereits seit 21. Maerz 2014 verwendet
R6O, R7O Volksrepublik Donetsk (DO)
R6R, R7R Stadt Sevastopol (SE), bereits seit 21. Maerz 2014 verwendet
R6S, R7S Gebiet Zaporizhia (ZP)
R6Z, R7Z Volksrepublik Luhansk (LU)

Ueber diese Sachinformation berichtet das DARC-Auslandsreferat,
ungeachtet der politischen Tragweite.
(Auslandsreferat, DARC Deutschland-Rundspruch 11/2023, March 16)

This unilateral Russian administrative act is not agreed with the
ITU/IARU or other international organisations, wb.

SAUDI ARABIA    A new Saudi network on Shortwave.  Hello ,
A new Saudi network called "Alarabiya FM" was observed last week trans-
mitting in Arabic on 21475 kHz from 11:00 UT and for one hour only.

AlArabiya "The Arabic language in English" is a well know Saudi funded
network started with a 2 TV networks AlArabiya and Alhadath mainly as
a news network to be the Saudi voice against the Qatari funded Network

Adding an FM station that started transmitting in Jeddah on 106.6 MHz
and in Riyadh on 103.5 MHz. Using the same slogan as the TV network ...
AlArabiya FM ... to know more.

Here's a recording of the reception in Cairo, Egypt.

AlArabiya FM 21745 KHz 2023-03-24 11-52-46UTC.mp3

A live stream of the network can be heard here

Best 73
Tarek Zeidan, Cairo-EGY (via wor March 24)

Re:  A new Saudi network on Shortwave.


On 30 August 2021, Al Arabiya Network began plans to shift operations out
of Dubai and to Riyadh, with the stated goal being to "produce 12 hours of
news programming from the Saudi capital by early January". The move came
amid orders by the Saudi government to multinational companies to move
their regional hubs to the kingdom by 2024.
(Mauno Ritola-FIN, wor March 25)

Here is a short audio snippet from the stream (aac) from noon today, when
the broadcast also came via SW.
Right at the beginning the mention of 103.5 and 106.6 MHz.

(Roger Thauer-D, wor March 25)

Is this connected to the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya radio?
(David Kernick, Interval Signals Online; wor March 24)

Re:  A new Saudi network on Shortwave.

What is actually the current use of the shortwave transmitters in Saudi
Arabia ?  Are the Riyadh facilities, meanwhile encircled by construction
sites, still in operation at all ?  Tonight nothing can be confirmed on
9555, 9650, 7425, 11820, 11915 kHz. Probably active are 9675 and 11930 kHz
and pretty likely the two specials on 11745 and 11860 kHz.
Definitely Riyadh Radio on 1521 kHz.

pretty much looks as if the new radio program has been set up at Dubai as
well. Just the Al Arabiya boss appears to be in Riyadh or to move back and
forth between both locations ...


Jamie is of course not an Arabic name.


And he has an opinion about current affairs at his former 200,000 pound
per year gig.


Sorry for two Daily Fail links at once, but other articles on these
matters are paywalled.
(Kai Ludwig-D, wor / hcdx / BrDXC ng, March 26)


ps. probably refurbishing work at Riyadh broadcast center at present,
though their 9 x highpower transmitter are mostly not elder than
a decade...

Re:  Kai's monitoring:

Log today Monday March 27 around 20.00 - 20.55 UT

11745.009 kHz  Al Azm army radio Jeddah at 20.20 UT on air.

9650.037 non-directional steep angle antenna at Jeddah site,
low ( 10 % ) modulated Arabic NE / ME service as usual.

9674.988 kHz 18.00 - 20.55 UT  ARS Indonesian/Malay language sce,
excellent signal noted in Athens and Doha Qatar Perseus SDR remotedly.

11930even kHz nothing, despite likely NoAM(?) tiny GB? signal.

11859.960 kHz Yemen excile radio - likely also from Jeddah site - around
20.40 UT.
ps. probably refurbishing work at Riyadh broadcast center at present,
though their 9 x highpower transmitter are mostly not elder than a decade

These UAE Oman and Saudi Arabia states are also developing architecturally
rapidly and with enormous amounts of money, see Qatar Football World Cup
grandiose urban development - - so - - do the Saudi's perhaps need the
Riyadh TX site soil for other government or urban building development
soon ?

today Tuesday March 28 around 07.30 - 08.30 UT

11745.009 kHz Al Azm army radio Jeddah NOT ON AIR 07 - 08.55 UT, maybe
appear later the day; yes, heard after 09.00 UT on air again in Doha Qatar
11745.013 kHz at S=9+30dB signal level.

9650.037 non-directional steep angle antenna at Jeddah site,
NOT ON AIR 07.00 - 08.55 UT, maybe appear later the day. TRT Emirler on
9655.003 kHz next door.

13720.057 kHz 07.00 - 08.55 UT  ARS Indonesian/Malay language sce ON AIR,
but schedule request is Somali language towards Horn of Africa instead,
excellent signal noted in Athens and Doha Qatar Perseus SDR remotedly.

11859.960 kHz  Yemen excile radio - likely also from Jeddah site (?) -
around 07.55 UT, S=9+35dB signal strong at Doha Qatar.
But instead observed via another different TX unit much stronger level
at 08.57 UT on
11860.044 kHz probably from Riyadh bcast center instead, on upper flank
the channel unit.

13780 kHz at Doha Qatar SDR Perseus unit:
BAD  MIXTURE as much often monitored in past decade:
seemingly an IRAN  Sirjan 500 kW unit on 13779.960 kHz covers
13780.045 kHz ARS SBA  Radio Riyadh Arabic sce outlet,
accompanied by 2 x 120 / 240 Hertz main power strings visible
of the Continental tx.

15380.057 kHz ARS  Riyadh Holy Quran px noted as usual at 07.32 UT.

17730even ARS  HQ prayer at 05.55-08.57 UT, powerful signal in Athens and
Doha Qatar.

21470even UNID Arabic singer around 08-10 UT S=9, could be the new ARS
radio program, which told Tarek:
new Saudi network called "Alarabiya FM".
But somewhat sound like Kurdish/Persian Denge Welat ? at 09.40 UT. HELP.

15120even ARS  R Saudi Internat in Bangla to South Asia, 09.00-11.57 UT,
S=9+25dB in Doha Qatar started at 09.00 UT today March 28.

21670.023 ARS  R Saudi Internat in Indonesian, requested 09.00-11.57 UT
since decades ... S=9 in Doha Qatar and Delhi India Perseus SDR.

17570 kHz requested by Saudis, is totally covered by CRI English sce via
Urumqi 500 kW beast outlet at 09-10 UT.

17460 UNID  ME / IRN / AFG  08-10 UT, Emirler TUR ?  HELP.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 27)

[...] and more on Tuesday March 28 too
around 13.30 - 16.10 UT traced Saudi various radios on shortwave via Doha
Qatar, Delhi, Akatikata Hiroshima Japan, Athens Greece, Hungary and Poland
Perseus units.

Some of the Saudi radio international language sce are off at present,
also HQ/Arabic sces to western world at EUR and AF in 15 and 17 MHz channel
bands are out of service.

9650.039 ... x.040 kHz  Non-directional NE/ME Saudi Arabic sce, 09 - 21 UTC,
S=9+15dB noted at 13.40 UT.

9695even  R Saudi in Pashto AFG 14-16 UT, at 13.56 UT carrier on air,
but empty no px modulation, around 14.15 UT TX switched OFF by the

13775.014  R Saudi in Urdu to PAK, 12-15 UT, powerhouse S=9+40dB at 13.51.

11745.013  ARS  Al Azm army radio via Djeddah site ? at 14.34 UT back at
S=9+30dB signal level.

surprise, surprise - 11860 kHz Yemen excile radio co-channel bad mixture of
11859.965 kHz bad odd mix with IRIB Sirjan in Hindi to SoAsian subcontinent,
requested 14.20-15.20 UT.

13710.050  ARS HQ Arabic prayer to NoAF/Sahel zone, at 15.12 UT, 14.57-17.57
UT  and bad audio signal mixture of co-channel
13709.991 kHz CHN  CRI Kunming relay in Turkish, 15-17 UT, 14.40 UT.

7240 kHz Saudi Radio in Persian service, requested at 15-18 UT NOT ON AIR.

9790.033 ARS  EMPTY CARRIER S=9+15dB signal in Qatar, Saudi request in
Persian at 15 - 17 UT. Switch-off after a quarter hour by the technician.

9650.040 ARS  requested Arabic peninsula program 09-21 UT towards
Yemen target, S=9+20dB strength, but low modulation though.

9885even ARS  Saudi R International in Urdu lang {likely acc WRTH2023
schedule on page #648, * thanks to Ivan Zelenyi in hcdx } , much low modu-
lation level, 16-18 UT S=9+15dB.

13709.994 CHN  CRI  Beijing in Turkish
much BAD audio channel MIXTURE  at S=9+30dB signal
13710.054 ARS  Holy Quran in Arabic prayer, 16-18 UT to NoAf/Sahel zone,
S=9+30dB. 16.10 UT on March Tuesday 28.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 27 - 28)

* Re:  9885 kHz Urdu sce;  Saudi A-23 schedule network on Shortwave.
in 2020 year, I monitored the 9885 kHz frequency to hear Saudi radio pro-
grams in Uzbek, Tajik and Turkmen. And when I didn't hear the Tajik-
language program, I found a Saudi radio broadcasting service for East
Turkestan {Chinese Xinjiang} on Twitter. All the news in that account was
written only in Uyghur. There was no mention of broadcasting in Turkmen
and Uzbek.

Also in past years, popular frequency databases indicated that the 9885kHz
frequency was broadcasting in Tajik, but I never heard this program be-
cause Tajik is similar to Farsi, and the program was in one of the Turkic
(Ivan Zelenyi, hcdx March 28)

Yes, once I heard a broadcast in Urdu on the frequency of 9885 kHz, also
once for several months there was a program in Urdu at a frequency of
15120 kHz, instead of broadcasting in Bengali. Low modulation was also
often at 9695 kHz during broadcasts to Pashto audience, with bad sound
quality also in broadcasting over the Internet.
(Ivan Zelenyi, hcdx March 29)

SAUDI ARABIA  [and others]
today Wednesday March 29 around 04.00 - 06.15 UT traced Saudi various
radios on shortwave via Doha Qatar, Delhi India,
Akitakata-shi Hiroshima Japan, Athens Greece, Hungary and Poland Perseus
units remotedly.

11745.011 ARS  Al Azm army radio program towards Yemen battelfield, via
Jeddah (supp.) site. S=9 at 04.02 UT.
Sudden sideband QRM at 05.00-05.29 UT of DRM digital mode sce on lower
11740 DRM kHz channel of ROU / RRI Galbeni in French language.

11859.861 kHz ARS  Yemen excile radio program from Riyadh (likely).
S=9 at 04.05 UT, S=9+35dB at 05.13 UT.

15170.057 kHz ARS  Holy Quran Arabic morning prayer px at 04.08 UT,
S=9+25dB excellent audio transmission.

15285.017 ARS  R Saudi International Ramadan prayer in Indonesian(!)
language, interspersed with typical Saudi classical music. S=8-9 at
04.11 UT.

17830  DRM mode  CHN  CNR1 Urumqi 01-08 UT, S=9 at 04.18 UT.

17720.013 TUR  TRT Emirler with regular Malay(!) language sce at 04-05 UT
S=9+35dB signal in Doha Qatar, Turkish flute folk mx at 04.21 UT March 29

17470even kHz S=9+20dB signal of most probably Kurdish national radio
program Denge Welat at 04.24 UT. 16 kHz wideband audio block,
BUT when checked at 04.32 UT was moved upwards to 17480 kHz instead.

17460.010 TUR  TRT Emirler parked here their Erdogan Turkish
music jammer of MIT security network, at 04.26 UT.

17530even MDG  WCB  MWV Chinese noon network to Beijing at 04-05 UT
S=9+20dB signal in Qatar at 04.30 UT.

15030.004 IND  AIR on the 4th - faulty performanced - 500 kW beast, with
whistle tone 'heterodyning audio up and down' tone. 04.33 UT March 29.
Persian language sce 04.00-05.30 UT, AIR various contact addresses given
at 04.39 - 04.40 UT. S=9+40dB powerful reception at Doha Qatar SDR.

15185.007 IND  AIR Bangalore in Pashto to AFG, 04.30-06.00 UT at 04.43UT
S=9+20dB in Qatar.

15470 kHz  OTHR  NE/ME S=9 at 04.45 UT.

15629.836 kHz UZB  Persian TV  'Iran International' via Tashkent bcast
relay center at 04.47 UT, proper signal.

15720.013 NZL  R NZ Pacific from Rangitaiki site, only S=6 signal at 04.49

15770even  USA  Radio Liberty Russian morning sce at 04-05 UT, via WRMI
Okeechobee-FL state. S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar Middle East at 04.50 UT.

15814 kHz  STANAG  digital block, at 04.51 UT.

15870 kHz OTHR  NE/ME S=9 at 04.52 UT on March 29.

13650.003 KRE  D.P.R.   Voice of Korea, via Kujang center, Fr/En 04-06 UT,
S=9+10dB in NE/ME SDR unit.

11559.775 kHz IND  AIR Pashto language MUCH ODD outlet likely from
Delhi Kingsway center, 04.30-06.00 UT, backlobe S=7 at 04.56 UT.

11600even BUL  two minutes to the hour, test tone procedure at
Spaceline bcast center Sofia Kostinbrod, some 220 Hertz buzz tones
heard at S=9 level around 04.59 - 05.00 UT, when / then
TOM Brother Stair religious sermon started

11759.967 IRN
11760 kHz 0130 0600 UT to zone 39  SIR 500 198  146 Ara IRN ARBIC-S

morning Ramadan Holy Quran prayer of Shiaism world towards
Sunni Islam world southwards to Saudi Arabia, Near East, NE Africa.
S=9+40dB powerhouse signal at 05.10 UT. Iran ID mentioned often
around 05.15:09 UTC.

11620.004  IND  AIR Bangalore, Dari sce to AFG / IRN, S=9 at 05.16 UT.
04.30-06.00 UT.

9770.006 TUR  TRT Ankara via Emirler, Turkish morning sce at 04-06UT
At 05.18 UT Ramadan morning song program.

9725.007 IRN  IRIB Sirjan in Arabic, 03.30-06.00 UT, S=8 in Doha Qatar
at 05.20 UT.

6040even probably  ALG  RTA  Ourgla, to WeAF, western Sahel,
Arabic at 05.24 UT, scheduled 00 - 07 UT probably.

21 MHz band
21560 kHz BBC London via Al Seela OMA, NOTED at 05.27 UT.

CNR1  jamming against TWN SOH on 21490, 21530, 21640, 21800 kHz

21690 kHz CNR1 too, and USAGM Tinian Island co-channel too.

17460.011 TUR  TRT Emirler - likely - S=9+20dB at 05.31 UT.

program Denge Welat at 05.32 UT. 16 kHz wideband audio block,
much QRM of
17485 kHz CHN  CRI Arabic via Kashi - Kashgar Xinjiang western Tibet,
scheduled 05-07 UT.

17790even  MDG  AWR  Arabic via Talata Volonondry, 05-06 UT Arabic,
S=9+10dB in Doha Qatar at 05.36 UT.

17800 DRM digital mode bcast, CHN  CNR1 Mandarin via Kunming at
southern China requested 04-08 UT, S=9+5dB at 05.37 UT.

15030.005  IND  AIR  Bangalore in Arabic, 05.30-06.30 UT S=9+10dB
at 05.59 UT on March 29.

15050 kHz  OTHR  S=9+20dB strength at 06.00 UT in Doha Qatar.

15285.016  ARS  SBA International in Swahili, nx at 06.03 UT, S=9+10dB

15320.013  TUR  TRT Emirler, Hausa WeAF sce, S=9, string instrument
and female Turkish Ramadan singer program. 06.05 UT.

15380.058 kHz ARS   Saudi HQ px Riyadh, Arabic sermon female(!) voice
in Ramadan, S=9+10dB at 06.11 UT.

17480even  likely Denge Welat Kurdish radio much stronger at 06.13 UT
17460.011 kHz TUR  TRT Emirler MIT jammer Turkish mx at 06.15 UT.
Tentativelly SBA radio in A-23 season

11745  2300-0700  SBA Al-Azm Radio        A    YEM
11745  0900-2200  SBA Al-Azm Radio        A    YEM
11860  0000-2200  ARS Rep of Yemen Radio  A    YEM  excile
15170  0300-0600  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    CAs
7410  0300-0600  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    ME   irr.
15285  0400-0655  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    Swah EAf
sometimes Indonesian/Malay sce heard instead faulty til 06 UT.

13780  0600-0900  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    ME
15380  0600-0900  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    ME
17730  0600-0900  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    NAf
13720  0700-0855  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    SO   EAf
sometimes Indonesian/Malay sce heard instead faulty.

13780  0900-1200  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    ME
15120  0900-1200  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    BE   SAs
17570* 0900-1200  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    SAs
21670  0900-1200  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    IN   INS
9650  0900-2100  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    YEM
17625* 1200-1400  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    SAs
17895  1200-1500  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    NAf
13785  1200-1400  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    ME
13775  1200-1500  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    UR   SAs
17615  1300-1600  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    SAf
13785  1400-1500  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    ME
17570  1400-1500  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    NAf
17660* 1400-1600  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    Fr   WAf
9695  1400-1600  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    PS   AFG
13710  1500-1800  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    NAf
15225  1500-1700  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    NAf
9790  1500-1800  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    ME
Only empty carrier, switch-off after 15 mins ..

7240  1500-1800  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    FS   IRN
Persian sce, not on air.

9885  1600-1700  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    UZ   CAs
likely Urdu.

15205  1600-1800  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    Eu
17560  1600-1800  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    WAf
15225  1700-1800  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    NAf
9885  1700-1800  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    TK   CAs
likely Urdu.

9555* 1800-2300  SBA Radio Riyadh        A    NAf
9675  1800-2100  SBA Saudi Radio Int.    TU   ME
11820  1800-2300  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    Eu
11915* 1800-2300  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    NAf
11930* 1800-2300  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    WAf
7425* 1800-2300  SBA Holy Quran Radio    A    ME

*  not heard lately.
Likely 9 x txs at Riyadh, 4 x txs in Jeddah bcast center in use, wb.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 29 - 30)

SAUDI ARABIA   Re:  A new Saudi network on Shortwave.

24. March 2023  Tarek Zeidan-EGY wrote via
A live stream of the network can be heard here


128 kbps aac HLS






Follow Al Arabiya FM.
Riyadh 103.5 MHZ
Jeddah 106.6 MHZ  With this voice you get the news and more


88.9 FM Al Dammam
103.5 FM Al Riyadh
106.6 FM Jeddah

(Roger Thauer-D, wor March 24)

SLOVAK REPUBLIC   RSI - Terminreservierung - Feier zum 30. Jahr Jubilaeum

Der Slowakische Rundfunk feiert sein 30. Jahr Jubilum mit einem Konzert
in der Pyramide in Bratislava. Es findet am Freitag, den 28. April 2023

Das Konzert des Symphonieorchesters des Slowakischen Rundfunks wird zu-
sammen mit dem slowakischen Pianisten Ryan Martin Bradshaw begangen.

Es wird auch einen besonderen Empfang und entsprechende Rede von der
Intendantin von Radio Slowakei International Frau Jozefina Mikleova vor
dem Konzert dazu geben.

Bei Interesse an einer Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung bis 30. Maerz not-
R.S.V.P. bis zum 30. Maerz 2023
<dana.rybarova -at->
(RSI via Harald Suess-AUT, March 25)

SPAIN   Seldom odd fq of REE Noblejas Spain noted tonight:
11940.011 kHz REE Portuguese, at 00.00-00.30 UT, S=9+5dB in NY-state
remotedly 00.12 UT. Other 9690 kHz on even fq, though REE in Spanish
sce, S=9+20dB at 00.35 UT in NY state SDR remotedly.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 25)

SPAIN   15520 kHz  A-23 changes now in effect from SNR, March 26: at 1503
UT, 15520 kHz is S8/S9 off the back to ME. Cuba also registered 15520 kHz
at 19-21 with ITU, really to collide?  By 1950 UT March 26, only Spain on
15520 kHz.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

SPAIN   Oddity: REE Noblejas in A23 season on 17715 kHz at 0115 UT Mar 30

REE in Spanish not heard on 17855 kHz, but coming in decently on 17715 kHz
instead with fair signal, no interference, tolerable noise and mild fading
— extra RF noise from my a nearby washing machine notwithstanding.
(Ricky Leong, Calgary-Alb-CAN, wor March 30)

SPAIN   17855 kHz  March 29 at 2107 UT, dead air from SNR's NAm frequency
hey, that's a step up from no signal at all yesterday! Still thus at 2200
UT for token Wednesday English, but 15520 kHz is sufficient altho aimed
exactly away from us toward ME !

I'm listening direct on the DX-398 portable with reelout. 17715 kHz for
SoAM also audible with modulation. 2207 UT feature is all about Shosta-
kovich's satirical opera "The Nose", after short story by Gogol, now being
performed in Madrid. Interviews one tenor who sings seven different roles.
Outro by YL presenter with an uncopied name neither Amy Egan nor Helena
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor March 30)

TURKEY   11785 kHz, March 30 at 2227 UT, VOT English is not absent today,
S=9+40dB into University Enschede Twente, concluding 'The Captain's Log'
about travel, seldom heard feature maybe mainly Thursdays when I'm usually
busy producing WOR but finished a bit earlier today; yet I'm primarily
attentive to BBC and NBC news on TV. 2235 UT salute to S&Rs from abroad;
2237 UT 'Did You Know That' about some city on a riverbank;

2241 UTTurkey's Geomarked(?) Products; music; 2253 UT s/off. 2255* UT cut
off after first note of IS: no finesse. Something's always erroneous at
Emirler site.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx March 31)


BBC London A23 season, effective 26th March to 29th Oct 2023
                                      kW deg
9540 17.30 17.50 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 240 Amharic 48
11965 17.30 17.50 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 230 Amharic 48
15685 17.30 17.50 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 130 Amharic 48
9685 18.30 18.50 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 240 Amharic 48
11965 18.30 18.50 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 130 Amharic 48

7465 13.30 14.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 340 Burmese 49NW
9585 13.30 14.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 340 Burmese 49NW
15325 13.30 14.00 smtwtfs TINANG      250 283 Burmese 49NW

6195 00.30 01.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
1413 00.30 01.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 35  Dari 40E,41NW
7295 00.30 01.00 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 84  Dari 40E,41NW
6195 01.30 02.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
7445 01.30 02.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
7295 01.30 02.00 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 84  Dari 40E,41NW
9410 02.30 03.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
12095 02.30 03.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
13850 02.30 03.00 smtwtfs EREVAN      300 100 Dari 40E,41NW
17810 08.30 09.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
21470 08.30 09.00 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Dari 40E,41NW
17810 09.30 10.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
21470 09.30 10.00 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Dari 40E,41NW
17810 10.30 11.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
21470 10.30 11.00 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Dari 40E,41NW
5970 14.00 15.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
11995 14.00 15.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 Dari 40E,41NW
5970 16.00 16.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
11995 16.00 16.30 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 Dari 40E,41NW
5970 16.30 17.00 s.....s A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
11995 16.30 17.00 s.....s KRANJI      250 315 Dari 40E,41NW
5970 17.00 18.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Dari 40E,41NW
5875 17.00 18.00 smtwtfs EREVAN      300 100 Dari 40E,41NW
11735 17.00 18.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 Dari 40E,41NW

5945 00.00 01.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 63  English 41,42SW
7325 00.00 01.00 smtwtfs EREVAN      300 100 English 41,42SW
7325 01.00 02.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 63  English 41,42SW
17790 01.00 02.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 English 41,42SW
1413 01.00 02.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 80  English 41NW
1413 02.30 04.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 350 English 39NE,40
12095 03.00 04.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 320 English 30S,39NE,40
13580 03.00 04.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 10  English 30S,39NE,40
12095 04.00 05.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 315 English 48SW,53NW
1413 04.00 05.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 350 English 39NE,40
13580 04.00 05.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 335 English 30S,39NE,40
15310 04.00 05.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 10  English 30S,39NE,40
5875 04.59 06.00 smtwtfs WOOFFERTON  250 78  English 27SE,28NW
21560 05.00 06.00 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 225 English 48SW,53NW
11810 05.00 06.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 265 English 52SE,53SW,57N
9410 05.00 06.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125  27 English 46
12095 05.00 06.00 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 199 English 46
15490 05.00 06.00 smtwtfs WOOFFERTON  250 158 English 47SW,52

21560 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 310 English 48SW,53NW
17640 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 265 English 52SE,53SW,57N
15420 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 138 English 52SE,53SW,57N
9915 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 85  English 47SW,52
9410 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
17830 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 170 English 47SW,52
12095 06.00 07.00 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 335 English 46
21560 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 310 English 48SW,53NW
21630 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 260 English 52SE,53SW,57N
17640 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 138 English 52SE,53SW,57N
15490 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 85  English 47SW,52
15400 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
21470 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 170 English 47SW,52
13580 07.00 08.00 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 335 English 46
17720 07.59 09.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      100 315 English 41
11945 10.00 12.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 340 English 49W
9410 10.00 12.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      125 135 English 51W,54
6195 10.00 12.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      125 90  English 51W,54
9410 10.00 12.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      125 13  English 43SE,44SW,49E
6195 10.00 12.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      125 0   English 49W
11855 10.00 11.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 90  English 51W,54
15640 10.00 11.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 13  English 43SE,44SW,49E

11695 12.00 13.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 13  English 43E,44
17790 12.00 13.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 80  English 41,42SW
15310 12.00 13.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 63  English 41,42SW
1413 13.00 16.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 80  English 41NW
15310 13.00 14.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 63  English 41,42SW
11685 13.00 14.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 English 41,42SW
11800 15.00 16.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 225 English 48SW,53NW
12025 15.00 17.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 English 30S,39NE,40
11700 16.00 17.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 225 English 52SE,53SW,57N
21630 16.00 17.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 114 English 52SE,53SW,57N
7445 16.00 20.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 320 English 48SW,53NW
17830 16.00 17.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 85  English 47SW,52
1413 16.00 17.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 350 English 39NE,40
7265 17.00 20.00 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 265 English 52SE,53SW,57N
17830 17.00 19.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 65  English 47SW,52
21470 17.00 18.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 65  English 46
17780 17.00 18.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
1413 17.00 18.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 80  English 41NW
6195 17.00 19.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 320 English 30S,39NE,40
12025 17.00 19.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 English 30S,39NE,40

9410 18.00 20.00 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 225 English 48SW,53NW
15400 18.00 19.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
17640 18.00 19.00 smtwtfs WOOFFERTON  250 165 English 46
9890 19.00 20.00 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 138 English 52SE,53SW,57N
11810 19.00 21.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 65  English 47SW,52
15400 19.00 20.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
1413 19.00 21.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 350 English 39NE,40
12095 20.00 21.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
11810 21.00 22.00 .mtwtf. ASCENSION R 125 65  English 47SW,52
12095 21.00 22.00 .mtwtf. ASCENSION R 125 27  English 46
5955 22.00 23.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 85  English 49W
11695 22.00 23.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 60  English 43E,44
6195 22.00 00.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      125 90  English 51W,54
7465 22.00 00.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 13  English 43SE,44SW,49E
6195 22.00 00.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      125 0   English 49W
9440 22.00 23.00 smtwtfs TINANG      250 200 English 51W,54
9690 23.00 00.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 85  English 49W
11825 23.00 00.00 smtwtfs TINANG      250 200 English 51W,54

12065 06.00 06.29 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 70  French 47S,52N,52SE
7410 06.00 06.29 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 27  French 46
9440 06.00 06.29 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 230 French 37
13810 06.00 06.29 smtwtfs WOOFFERTON  250 180 French 37
15260 07.00 07.29 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 27  French 46
17830 07.00 07.29 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 88  French 47S,52N,52SE
17640 12.00 12.30 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 27  French 46
25900 12.00 12.30 smtwtfs MADAGASCAR  250 310 French 47S,52N,52SE
17535 12.00 12.30 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 238 French 37
15490 18.00 18.30 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 27  French 46
11875 18.00 18.30 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  100 230 French 37
13790 18.00 18.30 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 210 French 46
9750 18.00 18.30 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 146 French 53S
13720 18.00 18.30 smtwtfs SOFIA       250 180 French 47S,52N,52SE

9440 05.29 06.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
7410 05.29 06.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
12065 05.29 06.00 smtwtfs WOOFFERTON  250 160 Hausa 46SE
12065 06.29 07.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
9440 06.29 07.00 smtwtfs ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
13810 06.29 07.00 smtwtfs SAO TOME    100 20  Hausa 46SE
21630 11.00 14.00 ......s ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
21630 14.00 14.30 .mtwtf. ASCENSION R 250 55  Hausa 46SE
25800 14.00 14.30 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 185 Hausa 46SE
13810 14.00 14.30 .mtwtf. SAO TOME    100 0   Hausa 46SE
11660 19.30 20.30 .....f. ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
9685 19.30 20.30 .....f. ASCENSION R 250 55  Hausa 46SE
11660 19.30 20.00 smtwt.s ASCENSION R 250 65  Hausa 46SE
9685 19.30 20.00 smtwt.s ASCENSION R 250 55  Hausa 46SE
15490 19.30 20.30 .....f. WOOFFERTON  250 158 Hausa 46SE
15490 19.30 20.00 smtwt.s WOOFFERTON  250 158 Hausa 46SE

12095 15.30 18.30 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 25  Korean 44NE
9390 15.30 18.30 smtwtfs ORZU        250 72  Korean 44NE
7355 15.30 18.30 smtwtfs TINANG      250 21  Korean 44NE

21660 05.00 06.00 ......s DHABAYYA    250 220 Krwanda/Krundi 48SW,53NW
17815 05.00 06.00 ......s S.MARIA DG  250 153 Krwanda/Krundi 48SW,53NW
21660 05.29 06.00 s...... DHABAYYA    250 220 Krwanda/Krundi 48SW,53NW
17815 05.29 06.00 s...... S.MARIA DG  250 153 Krwanda/Krundi 48SW,53NW
13860 16.30 17.00 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 225 Krwanda/Krundi 48SW,53NW
17745 16.30 17.00 .mtwtf. MADAGASCAR  250 315 Krwanda/Krundi 48SW,53NW

9540 17.50 18.10 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 240 Oromo 48
11965 17.50 18.10 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 230 Oromo 48
15685 17.50 18.10 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 130 Oromo 48
9685 18.50 19.10 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 240 Oromo 48
11965 18.50 19.10 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 130 Oromo 48

7445 01.00 01.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
6195 01.00 01.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
7295 01.00 01.30 smtwtfs S.MARIA DG  250 84  Pashto 40E,41NW
9410 02.00 02.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
12095 02.00 02.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
13850 02.00 02.30 smtwtfs EREVAN      300 100 Pashto 40E,41NW
11870 03.00 03.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
13850 03.00 03.30 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Pashto 40E,41NW
15310 03.00 03.30 smtwtfs EREVAN      300 100 Pashto 40E,41NW
17810 09.00 09.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
21470 09.00 09.30 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Pashto 40E,41NW
17810 10.00 10.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
21470 10.00 10.30 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Pashto 40E,41NW
17810 11.00 11.30 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
21470 11.00 11.30 smtwtfs DHABAYYA    250 45  Pashto 40E,41NW
5970 15.00 16.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
11995 15.00 16.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 Pashto 40E,41NW
5970 16.30 17.00 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
11995 16.30 17.00 .mtwtf. KRANJI      250 315 Pashto 40E,41NW
5970 18.00 19.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     250 35  Pashto 40E,41NW
1413 18.00 19.00 smtwtfs A SEELA     800 35  Pashto 41NW
5875 18.00 19.00 smtwtfs EREVAN      300 100 Pashto 40E,41NW
11735 18.00 19.00 smtwtfs KRANJI      250 315 Pashto 40E,41NW

17745 04.00 04.30 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 225 Somali 48
13790 04.00 04.30 .mtwtf. MADAGASCAR  250 0   Somali 48
17745 11.00 14.00 ......s DHABAYYA    250 220 Somali 48
21660 11.00 14.00 ......s MADAGASCAR  250 350 Somali 48
17745 14.00 15.00 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 225 Somali 48
15420 14.00 15.00 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 225 Somali 48
21660 14.00 15.00 .mtwtf. MADAGASCAR  250 350 Somali 48

9540 18.10 18.30 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 240 Tigrinya 48
11965 18.10 18.30 .mtwtf. DHABAYYA    250 230 Tigrinya 48
15685 18.10 18.30 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 130 Tigrinya 48
9685 19.10 19.30 .mtwtf. A SEELA     250 240 Tigrinya 48
11965 19.10 19.30 .mtwtf. S.MARIA DG  250 130 Tigrinya 48

Last Updated : 10th March 2023
(BBC London via Alokesh Gupta-IND website, March 23)

USA   7489.925 kHz likely US WBCQ ? Monticello, S=6 poor 00.48 UT.
9974.998 kHz  KVOH Bible discussion, Rancho Simi S=9 at 00.42 UT.
9264.985 kHz  WINB Red Lion PA, talk, poor S=5 at 00.22 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 25)

USA   WBCQ  9330 kHz, March 25. Was NOT on air at 01.00 UT tonight.
Here at WBCQ they are in desperate need of a very competent shortwave
transmitter technician !!!

to handle the ?Continental tx and the Ampegon-Thales- Switzerland revol-
ving antenna.

9329.999 kHz measured against CHU, WRMI 9395 / 9455 kHz, and WWH in 31 mb,

also transmission breaks, breaks, - 08.00 - 08.10 UT - many, many main
power breaks, the Sunspot figurs are on disturbtion at present this night
/ morning. Only S=8-9 signal in Germany at Hans' DL4YBP location and at
Don's Edmonton Alberta installations, at 08.07 UT religious talk in German
language, on Bible reading Johannes, of Hebrew scripts on old testament.
vy73 de wolfie df5sx
wwdxc germany hcdx March 25.

Re:  WBCQ 9330 kHz. Breaks in transmission around 0535*-*0536 UT, less
than a minute at 0540 UT.
(Glenn Hauser-Ok-USA, hcdx March 25)

The superstation seems to be back, likely using the main transmitter.
Running about 1 Hz low only with English programming at 04:13 UT tune-
in tonight. Good reception into Masset ...
(Walt Salmaniw-BC-CAN, hcdx March 25)

Re:  WBCQ 9330 kHz. They have just changed to their summer sked.

The block for Europe is now 07:00-11:00 UT on 57 degrees, with English
10:00-11:00 UT, still on 9330 kHz. I thought they might have registered
some higher frequencies for A23 season - but no - still on 9330 kHz
channel throughout.
(Alan Holder, G4ZBH, Isle of Wight, U.K., hcdx March 25)

USA   9330.000  exact even - on March 25 at 0534 UT, WBCQ-6 SuperStition
is finally back on air with World's Last Chance Radio in English, as first
reported by Walt Salmaniw at 0413 UT. But as soon as I tune in, it dumps
off air at 0535*-*0536UT, and again for less than a minute during 0540 UT.

Still going next check 1518 UT when it matches WWV 10000.000 exactly di-
rectly. So the Continentals not only got it working again, but exactified
the frequency, at least for now - but seems still stuck on 9330 kHz, no
matter when or whereto. But UTwente is not even getting enough signal to
lock onto. By 1907 UT it's sporadically locking onto 9329.996+ kHz but
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1093 March 26)

USA   WORLD OF RADIO #2183 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday March 28 at 2330
UT on WRMI 9395 kHz, S=9+10/25dB into Missouri SDR.

Also confirmed Wednesday March 29 at 2117 UT check the 2100 UT on
WBCQ 7490 kHz minus 74 Hz 7489.926 kHz, S=9+5dB into Maryland SDR, in-
audible direct. Needs to be on a higher band for daytime. Next:

0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 kHz to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 kHz to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Has now been updated for European, DST changes, not yet NZ
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor March 30)

USA    9265 WINB Red Lion PA; 1958-2000+UT on March 10; Alex Scourby Bible
reading to full ID at1959:19 UT into En religihuxter from the Dallas
Church of Christ. S9+ peaks w/hum QRM +++ 2122 UT on March 14; Buried Bro.
Staor on the Seven Thunders of Revelation & ragging on Pope visitors.

S9 w/hum-buzz +++ 1854-1901+ UT, March 16; Buried Bro. Stair running less-
than-complimentary calls; Caller said Gene Scott was a Marxist B.S. wasn't
sympathetic; Caller from Detroit said he listens on WCAR & challenged
B.S.'s prophet- hoodity & said that he's only looking for more nuts for
the farm. B.S. called him a fool & said he should repent. (Dr. Gene would
have thrown an asshole snit!) 1859 UT music interrupted B.S.; 1859:44 UT
WINB ID into chorale past ToH. S8+ w/rumble QRM. Top notch entertainment!
(Harold Frodge, Midland-MI-USA; wor March 16)

9275  WMLK Bethel PA (pres); 2000 UT on March 10; Uh, uh Jacob O. Meyer.
S9 w/very muted audio. Jake would never make it at Toastmasters.

1713 UT on March 16; Elder Jake singing on a 2009 UT b'cast; Jake said,
"There are approximately 30,000 mistakes in the Bible." (How does he
know?) So, he published his own version. (The Gospel according to Jake)
S10, audio a tad muddy (I still want to know where the people of Nod came
from.) +++ 1849-1854 UT on March 16; I turned on the Jake Uh-meter;
15 uh's in 5 min.
(Harold Frodge, Midland-MI-USA; wor March 16)

USA   [ARGENTINA non]  5850 kHz Argentina change via WRMI.
(Richard Cuff-Allentown-PA-USA, wor March 29)

Radio Carpathia has bumped RAE's English program via WRMI Okeechobee-FL
state from 0200-0230 UT Mondays on 5850 kHz. Carpathia has that slot on
Mondays and RAE relay transmission is now 0230-0300 UT Mondays, on that

RAE's English program continues to be repeated for lengthy periods.
The one currently airing is from Tuesday, March 14th.
(Harold Sellers, Vernon-BC-CAN, ODXA / wor March 29)

USA   RAE Buenos Aires English at new time on Fridays UTC. Found the
English program of RAE, via WRMI Okeechobee-FL state, at 0100-0130 UTC
on 9395 this Friday. Ex-0200-0230 UT.
(Harold Sellers-BC-CAN, wor March 31)

VATICAN STATE   BBC London in Hausa to WeAF via Vatican Radio at Santa
Maria di Galeria bcast center on  25800 kHz.

Hi, Noticed this tx 1400-1430 UT March 28-29 yesterday and now today.
In the latest NASWA combined its listed as BBC via Vatican 250 kW.
(Mike Dawson, wor March 30)

25800 kHz 1400 1430 UT, zones 46SE,SMG  250kW 185deg, slew +15deg ant#218
Mon-Fri Hausa CVA BBC ENC

VATICAN STATE   Hello, The celebration of Palm Sunday followed by the
Angelus prayer will be broadcast on shortwave from 0750 to 1020 UTC Live
from the Piazza San Pietro, over Vatican Radio shortwave.

With comments in 4 languages. English on 17775 kHz, French on 17790 kHz,
Portuguese on 17760 & Arabic on 21600 kHz.
(Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-France, BrDXC-UK ng March 31)


some others on Tuesday March 28:
13630.003 kHz  IRAN  Persian/Dari sce to AFG from Sirjan, S=9+30dB 08.00UT
13635.008 kHz  TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish language at 08.10 UT.

17879.997 THA  USAGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung in Dari/Pashto R Mashaal 08.20UT

21800even Highest CNR1 National radio jammer against TWN SOH, S=9+10dB in
Doha Qatar at 08.43 UT. Also on 21490even and 21530even at 08.47 UT.
21580even F__  RFI TDF Issoudun at 08-09 UT, S=8 at 08.46 UT.

21489.895 kHz UNID program,
Tashkent bcast center like outlet at 14.20 UT, S=8-9 in Qatar and Japan

21550even ALG  RTA Bechar  11-18 UT requested, S=9 14.21 UT.

21630even UAE  BBC London Hausa sce to AF, via Al Dhabbaya, S=9+15dB 14.22

Bad mixture of Denge Welat (?)
17460even S=9+15dB at 14.28 UT on March 28, and
17460.011 TUR  TRT Erdoan MIT security network, 14.30 UT.

17630even MLI  CRI African sce in En via Bamako II relay site of RTC,
14.30-16.00 UT

17745even UAE  BBC London in Somali language 14-15 UT Mo-Fr only,
         via Al Dhabbaya, S=9

17770.013 TUR  TRT Emirler in Arabic, 14-14.57 UT, to NoAF / Sahel zone.
14.32 UT on March 28.

13690even ARM  TWR India via Gavar relay center, S=9+25dB 13.15-15.00 UT

13820even KWT  USAGM Pashto sce 13-17 UT S=9+20dB to AFG.

15375.009 TUR   TRT Emirler Turkish to EUR 13.00-15.57 UT, S=9+20dB
in Doha Qatar backlobe signal.

15390 DRM mode outlet of KTWR Guam 15.15-15.45, Tue-Fri only to SoAS,
S=9+20dB signal in Doha Qatar.

15520even surprise, surprise REE Noblejas in Spanish, much early on
Tuesday at 15.10 UT, S=9+25dB in Qatar ME.

15615.016 GUM  AWR KSDA Facpi Point island, Gujarati SoAS 15.30-16.00 UT,
S=9+15dB  signal in Doha ME. 15.30 UT.

15629.836 UZB  Persian opposite TV px Iran International bcast via
Tashkent bc relay center, 04.30-16.30 UT (seemingly, ?) S=9+20dB, 15.33 UT

15670.012 GUM  AWR KSDA Facpi Point island, English 15.30-16.00 exc. Th/Fr
in Tibetan instead, 15.40 UT.

15679.997 GUM  AWR KSDA Facpi Point island, Kannada to SoAS at 15.47 UT.
S=9+10dB signal strength in Doha Qatar.

17480even all probably Denge Welat Kurdish national radio program signal
underneath of much stronger
17480.012 kHz TUR  Erdogan middle-east music jamming via Emirler site,
proper strong Turkish S=9+35dB signal at 15.52 UT on Tuesday March 28.

17700even U.K.  BBC London Hausa language, Mon-Fri  15.30-16.00 UT via
ENC Woofferton relay in England, S=9+20dB at 15.57 UT.

17880even MLI  CRI African sce in Arabic to EAF/NE/ME target,
via Bamako II relay site of RTC, at 16.02 UT on March 28, S=9+5dB.

Others on Log 23.36 to 00.02 UT on Thursday March 30.

7489.935 USA  WBCQ in English, S=9 in Edmonton-Alberta-CAN.
9264.986 USA  WINB Red Lion PA, sermon, at 23.40 UT.
9535even CUB  Again 2 - 3 Hertz upwards aligned on even channel,
         RHC Bejucal 100 kW towards MEX - EQA, / central AM,
         S=8 at 23.44 UT.
9665.002 BRA  R Voz Missionaria, S=9+20dB at 23.46 UT.

11859.963 ARS  Yemen excile radio via Riyadh site(likely), Arabic to-
         wards Yemen southwards, S=9+10dB signal noted at 23.53 UT.
11850even CUB  RHC Spanish via 250 kW beast at Quivican San Felipe
         TITAN bcast center, southwards to BRA/ARG, LatinAM song -
         singer group culture  - S=9+10dB backlobe into Alberta-CAN,
         at 23.55 UT.
11815.012 BRA  R Brasil Central in BrasPort, S=9+5dB well propagated
         on Brazil - Caribbean - North AM path at 23.56 UT.
11780.009 BRA  R Nacional da Amazonia, from Brasilia capital SW
         center, S=9+35 proper signal at 23.57 UT.
11760even CUB  Non-direction RHC Bauta unit SIGNING-ON at 23.59 UT
         ID lengthy in Spanish language.
11749.984 BRA  R Voz Missionaria, S=9+10dB at 00.00 UT on Thursday
         March 30.
11745.013 ARS  even on path from Jeddah to Edmonton-CAN,
         Al Azm Radio of army towards Yemen battelfield area, S=9+10dB.
         signal strength at 00.02 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 28 - 30)

logs + March 31, 2023

TURKEY   TRT Ankara via Emirler on March 31 in 00.40 to 02.15 UT slot.
7360.003 TRT Turkish, S=9+40dBm powerhouse, Ramadan singer 00.47 UT.
7260.005 TRT Spanish, 00.50-01.58 S=9+40dB powerhouse.
9870.019 TRT Spanish, 01.00-01.58 UT, S=9+20dB, Turkish mx at 01.34 UT.
9465.002 TRT Uyghur sce, HW prayer at 02.02 UT, S=9+25dB.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 31)

Some strange happened on 7600 kHz:

7600even Radio AFG International TV, S=9+30dB at 00.40 UT.
Some low level BUBBLE  Ditter signal jammer underneath,
centered fq of 7599.500 kHz. 14.30-0130 UT on March 31.
But at 02.00 UT same program noted on different Tashkent UZB like
7599.895 kHz fq measured.

AUSTRIA   Much powerful excellent audio modulation like signals from
ORS Moosbrunn bcast center into NE / ME
7295even BBC London via ORS MOS S=9+40dB in Doha Qatar remotedly.
Dari sce at 01.30-02.00 UT on March 31.

9510even AUT  AWR Urdu via ORS MOS, S=9+30dB powerful, 02.05 UT,

IRAN  7205.003  IRIB Turkish sce in Ramadan, HQ prayer morning singer
performance, at 00.55 UT. Tremendous S=9+40dB signal strength.
Poor underneath CHN 7204.979 PBS Xinjiang Uyghur sce.

5999.983 IRN  IRIB Ramadan mx flute program, literature recitit., at
01.09 UT, Tajik program scheduled 00.50-02.20 UT on March 31, S=9+10dB,
nothing heard of co-channel RHC Quivican Cuba transmission here in EUR;
NE; nor ME.

6040.005 IRN  Vo IRIB Sirjan in Turkish, S=9+30dB powerful at 01.11 UT.
11760.009 IRN Voice IRIB via Sirjan Arabic at 02.17 UT. 01.30-06.00 UT

5929.985 DNK  WMR S=4 -110dBm poor signal at 01.03 UT on March 31.

7519.995 USA  WWCR  Nashville TN state, TOM BS singer at 00.47 UT.

5829.939 UZB  IRN International TV in Persian, S=9+15dB signal noted
via Tashkent UZB center at 01.05 UT on March 31.

5940.018 BRA  R Voz Missionaria, BrasPort, S=6-7 in Doha Qatar, 01.06 UT.

INDIA  7380.005  AIR Bangalore in Sindhi language, SoAsia mx, S=9+20dB
signal at 01.18 UT on March 31.

USA  9264.982  WINB Red Lion PA, S=4 at 01.22 UT in Athens Greece SDR.

FRANCE   9490.067 kHz Spanish program of opposite radio R Republica
Miami-FL, via TDF Issoudun back to Caribbean basin in Central AM,
S=9+10dB at 01.26 UT March 31, fluttery, unstable fq up and down.

CUBA  9580even CRI Beijing via RadioCuba relay at Quivican San Felipe
TITAN site heard in Doha Qatar SDR remotedly too, S=9+10dB at 01.30 UT
on March 31.

SAUDI ARABIA  11745.011 Army radio Al Azm from Jeddah bcast transmission
center, HQ prayer /singer S=9 at 01.38 UT on March 31.

11859.959  Sanaa excile radio sce via Riyadh, back towards Yemen home-
land, HQ Arabic prayer at 01.41 UT on March 31,
S=8 in Athens Greece remotedly.

11880even UNIDentified religious Spanish; likely backlobe signal of
KBS WS from Greenville NC state ? 01-02 UT. S=9+15dB in Greece at 01.44
UT on March 31.

4010.007 KGZ  Bishkek, likely Birinchi Radio at 01.49 UT, S=4-5 poor tiny.

9540.111  MUCH ODD FQ bcast, UNIDentified, likely UAE  Al Dhabbaya, bcast
FEC Urdu sce to Central Asia and mainly Pakistan. S=9+15dB at 02.09 UT.
Likely the 4th - frequency faulty - unit of ENC UAE ?


Wellbrook Communications is closing.

Wellbrook antennas, makers of great HF loop antennas is announcing the
are closing at the end of April.


These antennas are well built and highly regarded. Get yours while you can
(Andy Reid, wor March 24)

?  Reasons lie in BREXIT; - leaving the EU  ?  wb.


Another X-Class Solar Flare.

This is becoming routine. The sun just produced another X-class solar
flare, the 7th of 2023. The X1.2-category explosion came from sunspot
AR3256 near the sun's southwestern limb.

Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing
a strong shortwave radio blackout over southeast Asia, Australia and New
Zealand. Ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal and other
propagation effects below 30 MHz for as much as an hour after the peak of
the flare (March 29th -at- 0233 UT).

A faint CME left the sun after the explosion. NOAA analysts have deter-
mined that it will miss Earth-no impact.

The real significance of this flare may be the number "7." That's the
total number of X-flares in all of 2022. With today's flare, the sun has
already matched that total in 2023-and it's only March.

(via Ydun Ritz 2023-03-29; via Mike Terry-UK, wor March 30)


Domestic Broadcasting Survey DBS # 25 now available to download.

Thanks to BrDXC-UK member Anker Petersen-DEN for letting us know that the
25th edition of his Domestic Broadcasting Survey is now available to down-
load from the DSWCI website free-of-charge - see:


It includes the 51st annual edition of the Tropical Bands Survey !
DBS 25 lists all active domestic broadcasting station on shortwave, as
logged by DXers worldwide in the past year:

Part 1 The Tropical Bands Survey covering all ACTIVE broadcasting stations
      on 2300 - 5700 kHz, including clandestines.

Part 2 Domestic stations on international shortwave bands above 5700 kHz
      broadcasting to a domestic audience.

Part 3 Deleted frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz which have not been
      reported heard during the past five years, but may reappear.

The 14 page DBS is highly recommended for all active DXers!
(Anker Petersen-DEN, via Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK newsgroup March 30)


2023 Editions of ENDBH / GNDBH / NANDBH Handbooks and CDs.

Hi all,
The 2023 editions of my NDB handbooks and CDs are available now.

As always I've incorporated the latest changes and monitoring results.

The new GNDBH contains the details of more than 17300 NDBs worldwide.
It is the perfect listening companion for radio listeners who use the
extensive and ever-growing network of WebSDRs.

The updated ENDBH features the data of more than 8300 NDBs, and the new
NANDBH more than 5900 NDBs.

Please find all relevant details at the following URL:


Once again, I'd like to thank all fellow NDB DXers for your continued
support! Please keep up the good work, I do appreciate your direct
input to keep the handbooks up to date!

vy 73 + gd DX,
Michael Oexner, Germany
ENDBH, GNDBH & NANDBH editor (March 24)


Aenderungen Empfangsbeobachtungen bei den deutschsprachigen Programmen:

RSI HBF 12 UT 6005 kHz schon am So und Mi statt am Montag und Donnerstag.
Die RSI wdh um 10 UTC war seit der Sommerzeit nicht mehr zu hoeren
und ist auch nicht mehr im Programmplan von Kall-Krekel eingetragen,
obwohl RSI in der Sendung vom 26. Maerz 2023 gesagt hat, es wuerde im
Sommer keine Aenderung nach Lokalzeit bei den RSI Kurzwellensendungen

RSI HBF auch 1330-1400 UT So und Mi auf 6005 kHz, sowie So und Mi um
1700-1730 UTC 3985 kHz.

Bei HCJB Sa und So bin ich mir sicher, das DX Programm kommt schon
1405 UT statt 1505 UT, vielleicht hat Michael eine genaue Angabe vor-

Korches-Radio hat seine bisherige Sendung #2 + #3  So 12-13 UTC nun auf
2 + 3 So von 17-18 UTC 6070 kHz verlegt.

Bei RAE weiss Rayen selbst nicht, welche Programme wann und wo bei WRMI
uebertragen werden, ich hoffe nach Ostern eine Angabe zu erhalten, wenn
es wieder neue Sendungen von RAE gibt. Manchmal gab es bei WRMI eine
Wiederholung der RAE Deutschsendung  vom Vortag, aber es wurden auch
schon mehrere Tage immer die selbe aeltere Sendung uebertragen.
(Bernd Seiser-D, via Mike Bethge, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 30)

DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS - updated March 29 for A23 season
[includes RRI Romania updated since original March 29 version]


(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor March 30)


JAPAN   NDXC Nagoya DX Circle / AOKI database in A23 season.

Peter Hansen wor kirjoitti 29.3.2023 klo 23.09:
sorry does not work, if you go to <> and
click A23 link which does not work and replace the 'x' with 'z' it goes to
the A23 schedule. Sorry about that.


doesnt work with Opera or Google browser download display, but on I.E.
works well via URL
without htpps, like http instead only


and download userlist1 for Perseus data file like URL

(NDXC Nagoya DX Circle / AOKI database. wb  df5sx March 29)

Aoki - A23 Shortwave Frequency List March 30 2023, 0400 UTC. Updated:


The link to EIBI in A-23 season csv can also be confirmed.



However, the list shown in the screenshot is the FM tropo list sorted by
increasing distance:

(Roger Thauer-D, wor March 31)


vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX

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