            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Don't leave the office yet folks...Lemme lock you on to the show lineup first...We'll 
lead with Senate GOP conference chairman and rising star on the Washington power 
broker circuit, Rick Santorum (PA)...That will segue into Democratic "fresh face" 
Senator and former Indiana Governor Evan Bayh....We'll get into the lead Washington 
Post editorial ("Bush the wedge driver"), the tax cut, and the Axis of evil "behaving 
badly" stuff...

The B/C blocks will be Clarence Page and Laura "It's not a radio talk show, its an 
addiction" Ingraham (Yes folks, that's really her show's motto)  Dig her site: 
http://www.lauraingraham.com/public/  We'll roll the Blix "no smoking gun in Iraq" sot 
and play off that for a bit, throw in a little North Korea and then get into Bush 
stumping for his new tax cut stimulus plan...

Mortman noted the similarities between Bush at an Alexandria, VA flag manufacturing 
plant and a similar photo op by Poppa Bush in '88...I guess it's a dog whistle ("he 
hears it, I don't")...

In the D block debate: Are limitless malpractice suits the only way to protect 
patients, or are trial lawyers out of control?  Impeachment era super law professor 
Jonathon Turley joins us for that little kerfuffle...

And now for something completely different...San Mateo, CA native (El Dorado st. to be 
exact) and television legend Merv Griffin joins us for the Buzz to discuss his new 
book, life in television and his thoughts on current affairs...I know that street 
because my pops grew up on the same block...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited the Briefing from Washington, DC

President Bush on Thursday defended his $670 billion tax-cutting plan against 
Democratic-led charges that he is favoring the rich, decrying "the class war of 
politics" even as a Republican senator voiced opposition. (AP) 

The Washington Post: Mr. Bush the Wedge Driver 

Dana: Bush Goes With Bold Stroke...Call it boldness, or even chutzpah, but it is no 
accident that President Bush twice this week stunned the capital with uncompromising 
proposals. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30413-2003Jan8.html

North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations wants to talk to New Mexico Gov. Bill 
Richardson, a former U.N. ambassador, and Secretary of State Colin Powell has approved 
the meeting, the White House spokesman said Thursday. (AP) 

Sen. Zell Miller, the colorful, cantankerous and conservative Georgia Democrat, 
announced yesterday that he will not seek reelection in 2004 and won't campaign to 
help his party hold the seat. (The Washington Post) 

PS The Briefing spoke with some top Hill insiders yesterday outside of the MSNBC 
makeup room and heard the name Ralph Reed floated to replace Zell Miller....You heard 
it hear first folks...

Ed Henry: Mister Sterling. A fictional Roll Call reporter and MSNBC's Chris Matthews 
take turns starring in "Mister Sterling," NBC's new show about the Senate that debuts 
Friday night. http://www.rollcall.com/issues/48_46/hoh/124-1.html

Mortman media swooning over Hillary...Breakout time for Senator Clinton...At opening 
of 108th Congress, Hillary Clinton emerges as a party leader 

Film director Martin Scorsese took time out from promoting his latest movie "Gangs of 
New York" on Thursday to add his name to a growing list of celebrities opposing a 
possible U.S.-led war on Iraq. (Reuters) 

Blix says 'no smoking guns' found in Iraq...Top inspectors brief Security Council

WashPost: U.S. shares data on Iraq...After weeks of delay, the United States has begun 
providing United Nations inspectors with "significant" intelligence on Iraqi weapons 
programs, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said.

Heavy equipment moved to gulf...U.S. preparations for a possible war with Iraq took a 
new turn on Thursday, as Europe-based U.S. troops joined the deployment by moving 
heavy equipment to the Persian Gulf region.

Britain is pressing for war against Iraq to be delayed for several months, possibly 
until the autumn, to give weapons inspectors more time to provide clear evidence of 
new violations by Saddam Hussein. (London Telegraph) 

Judges Uphold U.S. Detention of Hamdi...Courts Must Yield to Military on 'Enemy 
Combatants,' 4th Circuit Rules (The Washington Post) 

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) sketched out his vision of how to overcome 
racial divides Wednesday, pointing to his support for funding of historically black 
colleges, programs to treat AIDS in Africa and health-care reforms to overcome racial 
disparities in medical treatment. (LA Times) 

President Bush on Thursday named controversial Latin American diplomat Otto Reich to a 
top White House position, avoiding a Senate confirmation battle. (Reuters) 

Tom Brokaw, anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News, talked to MSNBC's Phil 
Donahue on his recent visit to Iraq. He talks about his experiences in Iraq, the 
climate of the country, and being an American journalist in Baghdad. 

Clarence Thomas Sells Memoirs...HarperCollins Agrees to Pay Justice Seven-Figure 
Advance (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/857032.asp?0cv=CB20

Kurtz: The Art of Withdrawal...Why has the art of extrication become so popular? On 
one level, it removes you from the arena so you can avoid the slings and arrows of 
political and media opponents. But shouldn't the real applause be reserved for those 
who take the risks and tough it out? 

Invoking the spirit of President Woodrow Wilson, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) has opened 
a Capitol Hill headquarters for his presidential campaign. (Roll Call) 

Sen. Thomas Daschle's (S.D.) decision not to run for president has set off a scramble 
among other Democratic contenders for the allegiance of a talented corps of political 
operatives who were planning to work on the Senate leader's campaign. (Roll Call) 

HBO is developing a documentary based on a controversial book that claims Adolf Hitler 
was gay. (The Hollywood Reporter) 

Page Six: "Soprano's" tough guy Joe Pantoliano blames his disastrous family reunion at 
an Italian restaurant in Hoboken on party crashers. 


Fund: Rebel Zell...Dems may think Zell Miller's the pits, but his retirement is peachy 
news for the GOP. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110002878

Ilana: Income tax: How government turns human vice into votes 

The Wall Street Journal: Another Ashcroft Victory...Yaser, that's my enemy. 

Stimulus plan is boost for wealthy...It is rich folks who own the most stocks and who 
would benefit the most from the President's economic stimulus plan, writes BET.com 
political columnist Joe Davidson.

Coulter: When President Bush included North Korea in the axis of evil last year, 
foreign policy experts concluded that he was a moron. On the basis of years of 
scholarship and close study, the experts pointed out that Iran, Iraq and North Korea 
were - I quote - "different countries." 

Steyn: America's fake identity crisis

Barr: Crimes before the fact http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/20030109-78847680.htm

Doonesbury http://msnbc.com/comics/daily.asp?sFile=db030109

Mallard http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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