            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We're coming out of the box tonight with the bombshell from The Old Grey Lady. 
Executive Editor Howell Raines and Managing Editor Gerald M. Boyd have 
resigned...Nachman's gonna be in the House of course as will Chicago Tribune guy Jim 
Warren...He used to do the old Sunday Capitol Report on CNN back in the day with 
Howard...The Media Research Center's Brent Bozell will join us as well...He put out a 
fiery statement on the matter this morning...


NY Times Statement http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/030605/55352_1.html

MSNBC story http://www.msnbc.com/news/922499.asp?0sl=-31

Btw, the reason why Caddell had to cancel at the last minute yesterday was because his 
dog Nosey was getting her stitches out and there wasn't any appointments available 
until next week...We were trying to get a studio near the vet but we couldn't make it 
work..."Nosey's fine and she's doing a little bit of running" Caddell informs 
us...He'll probably do the back half panel tomorrow... 

In the B/C blocks we'll do more on Martha with her biographer Christopher Byron and 

Byron on Martha http://nypost.com/commentary/514.htm

And in the D block, should your tax dollars be funding anti-American art? 

In the Buzz we got Dee Dee on Hillary and that big "Campaign for America's Future" 
confab which is the Liberal answer to the centrist Democratic Leadership Council 
gang...A number of presidential candidates are speaking today...Shuster's at the event 
and getting the hot sound...We'll roll it in the Buzz today...I'm working on getting 
Terry from Modesto...

Last night was quite the wing-ding at the Washington "Hinkley" Hilton where media, 
political and other hangers on gathered for the 59th Annual Television and Radio 
Correspondents Dinner...You may have seen some of the clips from the event this 
morning...It was official Washington on display...Cheney was quite a stitch with his 
one liners...He was the guest of honor and who knew he had a sense of humor?...My 
favorite line was something to the effect of "I love being in charge of the 
government.....when Karl Rove is out of the country"...The headliner act, comedian 
Henry Cho, had some good lines as well...If the audience had any doubts about Mr. 
Cho's credibility they were quickly put to rest with this line from his intro ("He 
starred in 'Revenge of the Nerds III'")....There were too many names to mention but I 
gotta give a special Briefing shout out to Sam and his three lovely angels at 
Crossfire...Apparently they're big fans of this sheet...Very flattered to meet 
them...You wouldn't know it from their programming but those guys at CNN sure know how 
to party...Their post dinner suite, Club 24, was rockin' to the old school jams of 
Rick James and the Heatwave classic "Boogie Nights"...FNC had a commendable imitation 
of Club 24 and NBC's post-dinner party bespoke of an operation more concerned with 
newsgathering and being the best in the business than being the best in frivolous 
partying...Wolfowitz was kickin' it at the NBC suite though...Fund was making the 
rounds as well...Roger Ailes had a red carpeted pre-dinner reception and entered the 
dining room with his golden boy Bill O'Reilly...NBC's own Lisa Meyers won an award for 
investigative journalism with her series on Enron and Russert announced the formation 
of the David Bloom award for excellence in enterprise field reporting... 

The meal was nothing to write home about...Some kind of New Orleans salad with corn 
fritters (which I enjoyed)...Had to substitute the salmon for another filet mignon 
(The Briefing is allergic to fish)...Standard veggie side and and sweet potato 
dichynoise (which had a hint of cinnamon)...Dessert was a chocolate cream creation, 
decent presentation...We sat at table 5 with Shuster, Jamison, Mortman, Bill Press and 
his producer Ann Klenk, Kerri Forrest, Rani Kahle and Tina Urbanski, Hardball 
producers all...

Mortman's take: They couldn't get George Bush, so they went with Dick Cheney. The 
couldn't get Margaret Cho, so they went with Henry Cho.  What, Kucinich was 

Washington Post account: Media Rare...Broadcasters Dish With the Newsmakers 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

U.S. soldier killed, 5 hurt in Iraq...Grenade attack at a checkpoint in troubled 
Fallujah (AP) http://msnbc.com/news/870749.asp?0cv=CB10

The pre-publication reports of some emotional details from the memoir of Sen. Hillary 
Rodham Clinton sent her publisher, Simon & Schuster, scrambling Wednesday to protect 
its carefully calibrated marketing plans, including threatening to sue Associated 
Press for quoting from a leaked copy of the book. (The New York Times) 

Former first lady Hillary Clinton confesses that, during her sex-scandal-sullied 
summer vacation on Martha's Vineyard in 1998, she and the Philanderer-in-Chief slept 
in separate quarters. (Boston Herald) 

Joe's Real Deal: 'The Real Deal' on Hillary's book deal...A few years ago, Newt 
Gingrich signed a deal for less - and was blasted by Democrats 

Hillary stayed sane by keeping herself busy (Chicago Sun Times) 

Grove: What Did She Know, And When Did She Know It? 

In her bombshell memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton says she didn't know if her marriage 
would survive the "stinging betrayal" of her husband's tryst with Monica Lewinsky and 
she reveals stunning new details of her feelings about life inside the White House. 
(NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/510.htm

Hillary Clinton Memoir Jumps The Starting Gun...When the Associated Press somehow got 
hold of "Living History" and began writing about it six days before the book's 
official publication date, there was a burst of buzz. (The Washington Post) 

Martha's ad: 'I am innocent'...Stewart takes her defense to the public 

An Open Letter From Martha Stewart http://www.marthatalks.com/letter/index.html

New art center opens to wows 

Iraq Analysts Cite Pressure...Cheney, senior aide made multiple trips to the CIA over 
the past year. http://msnbc.com/news/922284.asp?0cv=CA01

Liberal activists kicked off a campaign offensive yesterday in Washington with an 
attack on President Bush and his policies, and criticized Democratic leaders for not 
being tough enough. (The Washington Times) 

Bush thanks U.S. troops in Qatar...Speaking in Qatar Thursday, President Bush argued 
that the invasion of Iraq was justified and pledged to "reveal the truth" about Saddam 
Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.

Arafat criticizes Mideast summit...Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Thursday that 
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon offered nothing "tangible" during the landmark 
summit with President Bush and Palestinan PM Abbas.

Lofty words, lofty goals, tough odds...The lofty visions put forth by the Israeli and 
Palestinian leaders on Wednesday will be welcomed by most of the world. But putting 
those words into action may prove difficult. Analysis. By Michael Moran.

House Votes to Restrict Abortions...The House voted Wednesday night to ban a series of 
procedures that critics call "partial birth" abortion, handing abortion opponents 
their biggest legislative vctory in more than a decade (The Washington Post) 

Chefs Bite Back...Chef Gillian Clark has had it up to here with customers who order 
her lovingly prepared food at Colorado Kitchen and then demand hot sauce or ketchup to 
dump all over it before they've taken a single bite. (The Washington Post) 


History's paperless trail...The advent of e-mail is wrecking our national archive. 
Many of the kinds of government documents that historians of prior decades have taken 
for granted -- typed memos, minutes, etc. -- simply no longer exist.

Novak: Police Corps is one program that shouldn't be cut 

Fund's Diary: Jeers for Jazeera...The Qatar-based network is independent, but its 
journalism is wanting. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110003583

LA Times: Bad Spying or Political Heat? 

Pruden: You want the news? Write it yourself 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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