            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Do you lead with Hillary or the Middle East today?  Big question for a number of 
producers scouring the newspapers this morning...Juicy details leaked all over town on 
Hillary's new book have the media/political circles buzzing...We'll hit both 
tonight...We'll do Hillary with her former press secretary Lisa Caputo, NY Post Albany 
guy/Hillary watcher Fred Dicker...And of course Patrick Caddell...

For the Bush/Middle East story, we got Senator Lott who'll sound off on the big 
tripartite meeting (Bush, Abbas & Sharon)...Are the prospects for peace real or is 
this the same old photo-op song and dance?

On the Martha Stewart story, we'll talk to CNBC's Jim Cramer...

Dershowitz has a new book out and will debate Jerry Falwell on the notion of our 
country's Christian roots...Dershowitz argues that the Founding Fathers never intended 
our country or laws to be based on Biblical principles and that the religious right 
has "hijacked" our founding documents to push a religious agenda...He even claims that 
Jefferson didn't believe in the Bible....This'll be a hot one for sure...

In the Buzz, we've got Katrina on set...We'll lead with Hillary and see where that 
takes us...I got a call out to Terry but he's out in Standford doing a speech at 
Hoover...If you're reading this Terry, call me...

Here's Katrina "editors cut" blog http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing

Now back to Hillary...

"The most difficult decisions I have made in my life were to stay married to Bill and 
to run for the Senate from New York" 

Hillary Clinton describes betrayal...Hillary Rodham Clinton, admitting anger and tears 
over her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky, says President Clinton lied to her 
about the relationship until the weekend before he admitted as much to a grand jury.

"I could hardly breathe.  Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, 'What 
do you mean? What are you saying? Why did you lie to me?' I was furious and getting 
more so by the second...As a wife, I wanted to wring Bill's neck" 

"Whitewater never seemed real because it wasn't," 


Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/89421p-81345c.html

A stunningly candid Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals in her explosive new book that 
cheating hubby Bill repeatedly lied to her about his affair with Monica Lewinsky until 
two days before he was forced to 'fess up to a grand jury - and admits she didn't take 
it well. (NY Post) http://nypost.com/news/nationalnews/408.htm

Clinton Memoir Leaked...Hillary Clinton says in her upcoming memoir that her husband 
did not tell her the truth about the Lewinsky affair for eight months, until the eve 
of his testimony before a grand jury. (The Washington Post) 

Bush convenes key Mideast summit...President Bush was meeting with the Israeli and 
Palestinian prime ministers at a summit in Jordan on Wednesday, hopeful that a 
commitment from Arab leaders will lend new impetus for his Middle East "road map" for 
peace in the region. 

Text of Statements by Mideast Leaders and President Bush (AP) 

President Bush ordered his two top foreign policy advisers on Wednesday to vigorously 
push his Middle East peace plan and tapped a veteran U.S. diplomat to monitor its 
day-to-day implementation. (Reuters) 

Martha Stewart indicted...Media maven indicted on nine counts stemming from insider 
trading scandal (AP) http://msnbc.com/news/922014.asp?0cv=CA01

Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil (London Guardian) 

The C.I.A. review will determine whether American intelligence miscalculated the 
extent of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's weapons programs. (The New York Times) 

The Pentagon launched a campaign on Wednesday to rebut allegations it sought to mold 
U.S. intelligence findings to support the view that Iraq's alleged weapons of mass 
destruction posed an imminent threat to American interests. (Reuters) 

Key vote on 'partial-birth' abortions...Following an eight-year battle, the House on 
Wednesday is expected to approve a ban on a procedure opponents call partial birth 
abortion. http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/921961.asp

Iraqis Say They Will Defy U.S. On Council Plan...Groups Vow to Select Interim Rulers 
(The Washington Post) 

U.S. Army engineers used bulldozers, backhoes and other equipment to dig through a 
rubble-filled crater Wednesday, trying to determine if Saddam Hussein died in an April 
7 airstrike on a house where he was believed to be hiding. (AP) 

Pentagon officials meet with regime foe...Administration officials have been meeting 
quietly with an Iranian opposition figure who is trying to unify internal resistance 
to Iran's ruling clerics and spur a regime change in his country. (The Washington 
Times) http://washingtontimes.com/world/20030603-103140-3533r.htm

Sneed: State fare? 


Pat's Must Read: An unnecessary war http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=32894

Rate of diminishing returns...President Bush's proposed marginal-tax-rate reductions 
will do little to stimulate the economy, writes Daniel Gross in Slate. 

Joe: 'The Real Deal' on the Martha Stewart witch hunt http://msnbc.com/news/921885.asp

Krugman: Standard Operating Procedure

Press: Go, Hillary, go! Don't underestimate Clinton http://msnbc.com/news/921885.asp

Shafer: Dead Man Editing...Sooner or later, the beleaguered Howell Raines will take a 
bullet for his paper. http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2083931

Curry: Appointing a nominee to the Supreme Court is one of a president's chances to 
make history. He can put his stamp on the law for decades to come. But if the 
president and his search team botch the selection, the stage is set for defeat even 
before the nominee's name goes to the Senate. http://www.msnbc.com/news/916677.asp

Meyerson: Real Live Democrats 

Ilana: Downsizing jobs, outsourcing lives: Part 2 

Dowd: Bomb and Switch 

Mallard http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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