            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

I realize we kept most of you up late last night and maybe the erudite wit and wisdom 
of Keith Olbermann kept you up further but don't abandon us yet...Hardball and MSNBC 
bring you special coverage of President Bush's State of the Union speech (SOTU) 
tonight...We'll do a 7 to 8 pm et preview ("pre-func"), Keith takes over from 8-9 
et...Chris intros the SOTU at 9 pm et and then we slice and dice until midnight...Of 
course you'll chalk this up on your day planner and/or palm pilot as "must see TV"...

We've got Howard, Peggy, Buchanan and the usual crew in the House providing incisive 
and thoughtful analysis, yet jacked up with that special Hardball streetwise 
spunkiness...The kind you'd expect only from Chris and MSNBC...Oh yeah, and Caddell's 
back in action as well..

We'll also cycle through the top Dem candidates to get their SOTU reax as well as from 
top members of Congress...It's early and things are fluid so I don't want to tease you 
with too many names...Of course Luntz will do one of his famous focus groups for 
instant man on the street (MOS) reax..

After last night's shocker you know you gotta stay with MSNBC for all the unexpected 
twists and turns of campaign '04

But first some sad news to report from the MSNBC family and for the news 
business...Jerry Nachman, our editor-in-chief, frequent Hardball guest and a guy who's 
held basically every position you can hold in the news business from print, to radio, 
to TV, passed away last night at his home in Hoboken, NJ...He was 57 and battling 
cancer...Jerry was a true old school soldier in this business...He was no pretty boy 
reading a teleprompter...He relied on shoe leather and a dogged determination to get 
the story and "go where the stink is" as Drudge would say...He was also not shy about 
making fun of his looks...On his MSNBC show "Nachman" he had a promo which said "he's 
not just another pretty face."  Seen often with an unlit stogie in his hand, Jerry was 
a well traveled reporter who touched most of the major media figures out there and 
nurtured a lot of careers...When Jerry was last down here guest hosting Buchanan & 
Press we talked about Traverse City, MI and St. Louis, MO and Jerry's take on a good 
chinese restaurant: "A good chinese delivery restaurant is one that's knocking on the 
door by the time you've hung up the phone with your order."  He also stopped by my 
desk and famously asked: "Got any candy"? I'm sure Jerry's in Heaven already doing 
some investigative reporting...He's one of those types of guys you wanted to kick it 
with over a beer...We'll certainly miss him... 

Jerry Nachman dies at age 57...Vice-president and editor-in-chief of MSNBC 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

President Bush will tell Americans Tuesday that he's optimistic about the economy and 
the war on terrorism in a State of the Union speech that sets themes for his 
re-election campaign. (USA Today) 

President returning to a balky Congress...Bush seen reprising legislative goals in 
speech (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4002322/

With his stay-the-course State of the Union message, President Bush will try to grab 
the spotlight on Tuesday night from Democratic challengers caught up in a tight race 
to challenge him for the White House in November. (Reuters) 
WP: Domestic issues hurt Bush...President Bush delivers his State of the Union address 
tonight to an American public that has become broadly dissatisfied with his domestic 
agenda, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. 

Kerry takes Iowa win to New Hampshire...Edwards strong second, Dean a weak third; 
Gephardt to drop out (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4006605/

Curry: John Kerry's back-from-near-dead victory in the Iowa precinct caucuses has 
dramatically transformed the race for the Democratic presidential nomination and 
stripped much of the allure off the insurgent, Internet-powered candidacy of former 
Vermont governor Howard Dean, who finished third in the caucuses behind North Carolina 
Sen. John Edwards.  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4001863/

John Kerry's experience helped vault him to victory in Iowa's Democratic caucuses and 
John Edwards won high marks for empathy while the anti-war vote split instead of 
rallying around Howard Dean, according to a survey conducted for The Associated Press, 
NBC and other television networks (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4003236/

Democratic presidential candidates opened their sprint to the New Hampshire primary 
Tuesday with John Kerry pitching his experience and John Edwards laying claim to 
electricity in a contest thrown wide open by Kerry's victory in the leadoff Iowa 
caucuses. (AP) 

Fresh from an upset victory in the first test of the Democratic presidential campaign, 
John Kerry barreled into New Hampshire on Tuesday and promptly proclaimed himself the 
underdog in next week's first-in-the-nation primary. (AP) 

Lambro: Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's failure to capitalize on his front-runner 
status in last night's Iowa caucuses shows how divided and uncertain the Democrats are 
about who their candidate should be, setting the stage for a longer-than-expected 
nomination battle. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040120-123718-5771r.htm

Campaign 2004 officially under way, President Bush will use his State of the Union 
address Tuesday night to propose measures designed to bring millions of uninsured onto 
the health care rolls, while urging Americans to stand behind him in the war on 
terrorism. (AP) 

Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark is aiming to pull rank on Sen. John Kerry of 
Massachusetts, the winner of Monday's Iowa caucuses, as the Democratic presidential 
race moves to New Hampshire. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4003435/

Howard Dean's fiery demeanor, frequently targeted as a character flaw by his rivals in 
the Democratic presidential primary, surfaced in a screaming address to his supporters 
Monday following his third-place finish in the Iowa caucuses. (Des Moines Register) 

Howard Dean's spent part of the morning today explaining what one network television 
interviewer called his "explosive" speech Monday night telling supporters he would not 
give up, with NBC's Katie Couric telling him that "some people watching feared you 
might implode." (The Washington Post) 

York: Dean Loses It...Yes, the caucus - and his self-control, too. 

Ryan Lizza's Campaign Journal: http://www.tnr.com/blog/campaignjournal?pid=1223

Morano: Did 'Junk Science' Make John Edwards Rich? 


The Washington Post: After Iowa 

Novak: Damaged Dean limps into 3-way N.H. showdown 

Broder: Four-Star Staying Power? 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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