            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT

So we got really backed up last night and all hot and bothered over Bin Laden's number 
2 being cornered and such that I sent out the Briefing late to the server and forget 
to send the confirmation e-mail...It's the security trigger thingy the hot shots in 
Seattle devised to make sure we don't send multiple copies of the newsletters or 
something like that...Didn't realize it until I was already on my way home...Sorry 
folks...I'm sure you were tuned in any way...Helluva lineup wouldn't you say?

Speaking of the hullabaloo over the "we've got him surrounded" news...I told Chris 
yesterday "It's like taking your car to the garage...All you want to know is how much 
is it going to cost and when will the work be done? I don't need all the 
details...Tell Musharaff to call me when they capture or kill him."

Be that as it may, we bring you another stellar line up to kick off your 
weekend...Tonight being the one year anniversary we kicked off hostilities in Iraq we 
go heavy on the diplomatic, military and intelligence angles from Madeleine Albright, 
Barry McCaffrey and James Woolsey respectively...

We then wrap up the show with a special appearance by Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Iraq 
and the 10 year anniversary of the end of apartheid in South Africa and the country's 
first democratic election...Chris covered it way back when for ABC News and we'll roll 
the tape...Chris watches as Tutu dances a little jig voting for the first 
time...Desmond will bring some of that smooth voodoo only Tutu do (sic) so well...

And our own David Shuster checks in with CPA head L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer from Baghdad 
on the state of Iraq's security and Democracy one year later...

We've been the only cable news show "down from day one" as they say on Iraq...We were 
covering the buildup even before the "Axis of Evil" speech...Long time fans know and 
respect that about us...It's only fitting then you tune to us tonight for your one 
year update...

On another not so related note, check out our Tech Summit 2004 with Lester and Lisa 
Ling this Sunday night http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4432962/

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Bush urges 'bolder action' on Iraq anniversary...Envoys of nations supporting U.S. on 
hand (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4561492/

"No concession will appease their hatred," Bush said of al Qaeda and its supporters. 
"No accommodation will satisfy their endless demands. Their ultimate ambitions are to 
control the peoples of the Middle East and to blackmail the rest of the world with 
weapons of mass terror." (Reuters) 

Powell defends war during visit to Baghdad...Top U.S. official makes surprise visit to 
mark anniversary http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4551230/

Milbank's devastating analysis: Off the Mark on Cost of War, Reception by Iraqis 

President Bush's prized "coalition of the willing" - the three dozen countries that 
are contributing military forces in Iraq - appears suddenly to be losing some of its 
will. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4563295/

Amid a spree of attacks on hotels, the U.S. Army commander of Baghdad on Thursday said 
while the coalition is winning the war, there's no end in sight to Iraq's reign of 
terror and that "there's not enough concrete in the hemisphere" to defend every hotel 
in the capital. (Knight Ridder Papers) 

"The mission was to liberate the Iraqi people from one of the world's most brutal and 
dangerous dictators and to begin laying the foundation for a free and prosperous Iraq. 
We have done that," Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of 
Staff, told reporters on Wednesday. (Gertz) 

Al-Qaida suspects put up 'ferocious resistance'...U.S. says none of its troops are 
taking part in Pakistan battle (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4539021/

"They are surrounded and they are trying to break the cordon and get away," military 
spokesman Major-General Shaukat Sultan told a news briefing in the capital, Islamabad. 
Referring to the figure he gave of 300 to 400 fighters he said: "This is an assessment 
from the fire we are receiving." (Reuters) 

Iraqi journalists walked out of a Baghdad news conference given by Secretary of State 
Colin Powell on Friday in protest at lack of security and the killing of two Iraqi 
journalists by U.S. troops. (Reuters) 

Iraqis now want to be given a chance...Buzz in the air even as Baghdad residents fret 
over security (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4399324/

Some question timing of Kerry's vacation...Hiatus allows Republicans to define 
Democratic candidate (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4562607/

After an admonition from Father David O'Connell to "fight nice," two of Catholic 
University's best-known graduates proceeded to tear into each other over which 
political party was more responsible for the nasty tone of the presidential campaign. 
(AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4562615/

Kerry now rejects foreign endorsements...Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John 
Kerry yesterday renounced all endorsements of foreign leaders, after his campaign 
faced questions this week over his claim that world leaders told him face to face they 
want him to defeat President Bush. (The Washington Times) 

Bush campaign gear made in Burma...His campaign store sells a pullover from nation 
whose products he has banned from being sold in the U.S. (Newsday) 

Plan to nab bin Laden stymied....A Pentagon planner drafted a top secret battle plan 
for pre-emptively attacking Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, but his recommendations 
never reached then-Defense Secretary William S. Cohen, say defense and former Clinton 
administration officials. (The Washington Times) 

Coming soon to a computer near you: John Kerry as ... Austin Powers? A new GOP Web 
video pokes fun at the Democratic presidential nominee-to-be, dubbing him "the 
international man of mystery" for declining to identify foreign leaders he has claimed 
support him over President Bush. (AP) 

Legendary reporter Carl Bernstein riffed Thursday night about President Bush, the 
Martha Stewart trial, the war in Iraq and his affection for Florida. (St. Petersburg 
Times) http://www.sptimes.com/2004/03/19/Tampabay/Ex_Watergate_writer_l.shtml

Taiwan's president shot while campaigning...VP also injured; both leave hospital 
(Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4559337/


Bowyer: Remember the Misery Index? Here's why the press doesn't play this oldie 
anymore. http://www.nationalreview.com/nrof_buzzcharts/bowyer200403180956.asp

Pete Bellone: Advice to the DNC on how to handle Bush: 

Attn Jersey Bear Hunters!  Landfield: Second Hunt Hardly a Bear Necessity...Bears and 
politicians are mixing it up again in New Jersey. Although New Jersey recently 
concluded its first black bear hunt in 33 years, the hunter-happy state Fish and Game 
Council wants to schedule a second round for this fall. 

The Wall Street Journal: Optimists in Iraq...The natives must not be reading Reuters. 

Kaplan: Bush Insults Kerry's Intelligence...The president's latest attack is even more 
dishonest than the last. http://slate.msn.com/id/2096874/

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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